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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. I am in the process of doing that now! I have some still in the box. Perhaps I should do the same.
  2. I still found it flimsy.
  3. I got one of the old ones. I don't transform it much, but I've never had any problems. I always hated the vacuum form heatshield it came with though. Here are some pictures as reference if you need 'em: And Graham has plenty of stuff on the original here.
  4. I don't know that the exact scale for the Yammie VF-11 has ever been nailed down, but it's a little bit bigger than 1/72 scale.
  5. Draykov

    Naked yammie pics

    Happy to oblige.
  6. Graham and Shawn like to joke that MWorlders wouldn't notice if the whole site were to disappear save the forums. Maybe that wouldn't be the case if we got a few more updates. I don't mean to be critical. I love the site and am thankful for it. I realize how much time and effort the guys put into it without regard to their own free time and life in general. With that said, it would be nice to see some updates in the model and toy sections in particular (maybe I got spoiled with the great scans and pictures of the initial Hasegawa 1/72 Valks when they came out, but I haven't seen anything in there since, despite subsequent releases from Hasegawa). A 1/48 Yamato transformation guide video would be great if Graham has the time to dedicate to it. News updates have been sparse at best, though I realize "most news is now posted directly in the MW Forums." Collectibles could use a jolt, what with the release of those Macross pencil sharpeners and K & M figures... You guys do a great job with the site, and I would rather have you keep it around and get to it when you can fit it in rather than see the place disappear all together because it becomes to much of a burden on the lives of those that maintain it. I just thought I'd throw some of this out here as a fan of the site who feels it would benefit from a bit of TLC.
  7. Draykov

    Naked yammie pics

    Do you mean you're looking for ideas? Maybe an aggressor shceme: Splinter: Tiger-esque: Or maybe something with a cool flight demo team feel:
  8. Yeah, Singapore uses them too. This is one must've been photographed just prior to delivery (hence the USAF markings on the tail and the Singapore national insignia on the fuselage).
  9. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Thanks, as always, Graham. Looking forward to the pictures.
  10. I guess he'd be great for a Kakizaki custom.
  11. Thanks for the support, Dat, but I originally posted the huge ass pictures in the thread. I was having trouble saving them and resizing them, so I edited and just provided the links. All the same, thanks for stickin' up for me.
  12. But it's sooo hard! Anyone got a pic of one xacto knife? The buggers here don't know what I'm talking about when I ask for one. You can get one here among many other places. Here's an image of another hobby knife.
  13. Amen!
  14. Cool! You mean this stuff?
  15. Maybe you should be writing to Hasegawa for a 1/48 Super Ostrich. What's the point of making a high quality, big scale Valkyrie toy that doesn't transform? Because #1, I can't build models to save my life, and #2, the Super-O should have never been transformed in the first place. Disgusting.... Well, like Graham pointed out, there was line-art for a VT-1 battroid. Just because he has a button head doesn't mean you have to kick him while he's down.
  16. And shipping is, what: $30? Yup. Still seems like its the best deal around... I know I'm planning to jump on it... Too true.
  17. And shipping is, what: $30?
  18. Okay, I'll bite: what are we talking about? A "pencil sharpener pilot?" How hard is it to fly a pencil sharpener? Pretty hard, I imagine.
  19. You sound like my wife. Now that I've actually watched episodes 1 and 2, I'm jonesin' for a VF-0S toy.
  20. Maybe the 1/60 was to test the waters before embarking on something as ambitious as a 1/48 line? Maybe the orginal 1/48 Hikaru was truly going to be a one shot, and at the realization that there would be a market for it, Yamato went full steam ahead? Who knows. The announcement for the first 1/48 VF-1A was sort of bittersweet for me because I already had so much cash invested in the 1/60 line at that point. My initial line of thought was "Why didn't they do this in the first place? Why did I waste money on an inferior toy?" I got over it though. My 1/60 are still amusing ( ), but the 1/48 are too cool for me to pass up. If they released every single 1/60 Valk in 1/48, I'd still buy 'em. I'd be poor, and I might try to sell the 1/60 that I still have boxed up, but hey...
  21. Draykov

    MAXL girl

    "50 Watts per channel, baby cakes!"
  22. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Oh, me neither. I pre-ordered one with Tam as soon as I heard about it. I just want to see more...More! More! It's the anxious little kid in me. I just wanted to know what the resident Valkyrie guru thought of it.
  23. It's true: Latest 1/48 1/48 Line, What's next? Next...., Wondering whats coming Useless Fantasy Macross Poll, Your top pick of likely candidates.
  24. While I don't think I'll be able to construct a 1/48 SDF-1 in my back yard, I am crazy for the VF-1. As a kid who grew up on Robotech I know the meaning of true deprivation. I come home after school one day to watch my precious "Harmonized" Macross and I'm watching hover tanks? ...the hell? The only toy of a VF-1 I can find is a non-transforming blob of Matchbox crap? I never had the means to buy (let alone, be aware of) the Bandai/Takatoku stuff. In hindsight, I should've at least picked up a Jetfire, but by the time I realized that, he was long gone. Yamato can crank out as many VF-1s as they like and I'll more than likely be destitute because of it. I'm making up for what I couldn't have but longed for in my childhood.
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