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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. Are you suggesting a drone was carrying another drone, or did you get your designations mixed up?
  2. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

  3. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    What part are you talking about? The little rectangle-like area on the armor near the hands that is red in his pictures? If so, then I'm not sure if there is an "officially" correct color to start with, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. I think he's referring to the attachment mechanism on the FP for the pin on the Valk arm to snap into.
  4. Awesome link, Dave. I was under the impression that the 'SR' in the Blackbird's designation stood for Strategic Reconnaissance.
  5. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    It wasn't an issue on my initial release VF-1A Hikaru or Roy VF-1S. It wasn't exactly stiff and stable, but it didn't fall open in battroid mode either.
  6. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    He's busy hunting the green beaver.
  7. I think the short answer is that Shawn is busy and the Yamato Valks are garnering the most fan attention right now. Thanks again, Azrael, for the link: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=ST&f=28&t=2197
  8. already has been done. Not that you should need one..... I haven't seen it. Is it posted in the forums? To be honest, the 1/48 seems easier to transform than the 1/60, but I found Graham's guide to transforming the 1/60 very helpful (plus it gave me peace of mind when it came to those stubborn parts that I had to be a little more forceful with). Thanks for the link, Azrael. Shawn, no need to apologize, buddy. You guys do fans a great service with this site, I was only intending to point out that I'd like to see it grow as the world of Macross fandom/toys/collectibles grows. I know you've had other stuff to worry about. Thanks to you and all involved for the best Macross site in my language.
  9. Well, you may have had it a year, but it was probably produced more like 2 or 3 years ago. I was just kidding about the Marlboros. It may be a problem distinct to the 1/60 Hikaru VF-1A. It was molded with a lighter colored plastic than the 1S and 1A Max. Again, though, I don't particularly notice anything going on with mine. I don't think there is a lot you can do to reverse the effect short of repainting it yourself. Clear coating a yellow Valk certainly won't do anything (accept maybe slow down the process) and I don't know that that will be too effective.
  10. It's part of Yamato's evil plot to sell you another 1/60 VF-1A. The 1/48s are scheduled to disentigrate completely some time in 2008. Sorry dude. I'm not sure what to tell you, other than to smoke your Marlboro Reds outside. I noticed that one of the hands from my Hikaru 1A was lookin' a little yellow recently, but I didn't notice anything on the Valk itself. You might check out this thread: Plastic turning yellow, any way to stop it?
  11. Wait a tic...so when Hikaru comes back from being AWOL, does Max outrank him? We know Hikaru eventually gets his own VF-1S (after Max goes AWOL to see if the carpet matches the green curtains). Why would they put Hikaru back into his own squadron as a subordinate rather than give him his own or assign him to a new one? Ah, well... And just to clarify, is this how it worked out? Roy Focker is Skull 001 (yellow) until he gets squished Max Jenius is Skull 001 (blue) until he goes off for some close encounters only then does Hikaru become Skull 001 (red) to give Boldoza some love in the form of an RO-X2A high-powered double-action beam cannon.
  12. Someone needs to introduce the Japanese to the fine art of cracking your buddy over the head with a loaded rocket launcher (a la Halo).
  13. That's right, Hikaru was cruisin' around with Misa on Earth for a month or so, wasn't he. Cool.
  14. If you haven't seen these pics in the Naked Yammie thread yet, this should clear up the plastic/metal content issue a bit.
  15. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    I'd say that this is the most probable explanation.
  16. I just watched DYRL again recently, and I noticed that the scene where Kakizaki dies takes place just before the encounter between Milia's Q-Rau and Max's VF-1S. Were Kakizaki and Hikaru still flying A models at this point? The various pilots' upgrades seemed to go completely unmentioned. Apparently once Roy died, Max and Hikaru got promoted to squadron leaders. Does anyone have any insight, or was the transition really as vague as it seemed to me while watching the movie?
  17. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    To be clear, the picture you posted was the Hikaru VF-1A, but I think I see what you mean. However, I don't know if there is anything to it. I mean, they are supposed to be the same pilot so they are obviously going to resemble one another. But like I said in my edited post, I don't know why Yamato would make two different molds and then flip-flop. Maybe the use of different resin makes them look different and the prototype was rubbery...but I don't think it's really anything to speculate too long about...in the long run I don't think it means anything special. Although, this does mean that Yamato will either eventually have to release a new and improved 1/48 Max VF-1S or include a free rubbery resin Max DYRL pilot in some future release.
  18. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    I'm sorry, I don't understand the question. If you mean "Will the reissue Roy VF-1S/Hikaru VF-1A come with the rubbery pilots?" I think the answer is yes. If you're suggesting that the pilot in the prototype VF-1A Hikaru photos is the same as the new VF-1S Hikaru pilot...I have no idea. I'm not sure why Yamato would flip back and forth, so it may just be your eyes playing tricks on you.
  19. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Upon second glance at Tam's pics, it's clearly there. It's just in the up position.
  20. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    launch hook? or do you mean the arrestor hook? I think he's talking about the hook on the nose gear for catapult launch (I don't have mine yet, so I don't know the answer to the question).
  21. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Oh YEAH! ... But in the picture of the Hikaru and Max pilots, Hikaru's helmet visor looks dirty. Any comments? The black trim around the face plate of his helmet looks a little sloppy, but the face plate itself looks fine to me. As Tam pointed out, the wing of his (the black stripe) was pretty sloppy too, but it was just an individual Valk, not all of the S model Hikaru's. Maybe this is more of the same.
  22. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Hmmmm...on Roy's it is. Roy's 1S Head
  23. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Well, it looks like the face seam isn't quite as noticeable.
  24. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Pics courtesy of Tam of Twin Moons: Back of box: Pilot comparison: Starboard side: Head rest: Front angle:
  25. I was just playin' with mine (pre-FAST pack version) and I think I kinda hate it. It's a cool Valk, but the toy is a bit difficult...particulary in the fuselage area in fighter mode where the shield is supposed to attach. I probably just wasn't being patient enough with it, but it was being a pain in the ass, so I put it down in sort of a mangled state.
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