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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. Chill out guys! The VF-1 line is coming very close to an end. I guess probably 4-5 more to go. A couple of Js and maybe an A. Uh, if there are 4-5 to go, that means we're not even halfway there. LOL. Or barely halfway. But, I'm in no rush. H The way I figure it, they potentially have 13 more canon VF-1 versions/paint schemes that they could release in 1/48 (if you count GPB as another version, then make it 14). Admittedly, a few of the ones I came up with are unlikely candidates for toys. Edit: I wasn't gonna list my speculative choices, but I'm too much of a geeky fan-boy not to (apparently). From most likely releases to least likely (IMHO): 1. VF-1J Max 2. VF-1J Miria 3. VF-1A CF 4. GBP armor 5. VF-1A Kakizaki (DYRL) 6. VF-1S Max 7. VT-1 Super Ostrich 8. VE-1 Elint Seeker 9. VF-1D 10. VF-1A Max (TV) 11. VF-1A Kakizaki (TV) 12. VF-1A Angel Birds 13. VF-1J CF 14. VF-1D Virgin Road (Max 1J scheme) I'll bet if they took a few dollars of the price of a CF compared to other 1/48s, it'd sell a lot better than the 1/60 did. Of course, I maintain that the deal with the 1/60 was that everyone was clamoring for a TRU Japan exclusive only to have a general release a few months later.
  2. It is nice to see such a stable, and at the same time poseable, gerwalk mode in a VF-1 toy.
  3. Whoa, whoa, whoa...I'm afraid I'm going to be showing my Otaku ignorance here, but fan-service? You make it sound like fellatio or something. What're we talking about?
  4. Raise ya hands in the aiya, if yous a true playa!
  5. Hey, Moose...you planning on doing anything to the pilot?
  6. Draykov

    HLJ Sale Again!!

    You can wait all you want for that... But if they have a sale on the 1/48 Max, it'll cause a Macrossworld stampede, I wager. I know I'd come running. Toy-Wave in Hong Kong has the Max 1/48 on sale for $89 US. Expect to pay another $25 or so for shipping, but it's still a pretty nice deal.
  7. Ya know, looking at some of the pics in this thread made me realize one of the things I really love about Yamato's 1/48: the ger-fighter mode! Edit: Also known as "reverse" to Valkyrie pilots.
  8. Wouldn't that have called for new molds and, subsequently, more cost being passed on to you and me? Or did they create an entirely new wing mold already for the little antennae jobbies on the wing tips? I don't disagree that including the same extras the other Valks got would've been adequate and proper, but your suggestion for an alternative might have us all paying more for less.
  9. The more I say it, the truer it becomes!
  10. Moose mentioned earlier in the thread that the thing still isn't dry yet (no transformy for wet Valky).
  11. As I've said before, I'd bet good money that 1/48 Max & Miria 1Js are in our not too distant future.
  12. EXACTLY!!! That's waht I was going for. Kinda of a killer clown kind of thing. "Wheeeeeeeeee! - KABOOM!!! - Wheeeeeeee! - KERPOW!!!"
  13. Yeah, that's me too. I love the VF-1 and I want Yamato to milk it, milk it, milk. "Take my money, Yamato! It's yours!" I don't want to see things like "new upgraded-upgraded VF-1S Roy" necessarily, but a Max/Miria set of 1Js in 1/48 would be awesome (not to mention the various other schemes/versions of VF-1 seen in DYRL and the TV series). But, it'd also be nice to get some 1/48 Macross Zero action.
  14. Sign me up.
  15. Yamato has had two releases of the VF-11 (original and "now with 100% more FAST packs") Bandai made a 1/65 VF-17D and a VF-17S.
  16. Mine are currently set up like this: 1/60 VF-1A Hikaru & Max: Battroid (no FPs, but that goes without saying) VF-1A CF: Gerwalk (and the back-seater from the VF-1D has taken the controls of my CF pretty effectively) VF-1D, VF-1J Max & Miria: Fighter (no FAST packs) VF-1J Hikaru and VF-1S Roy: Battroid with super/strike packs respectively 1/48 VF-1S Roy: Fighter (no FAST packs) VF-1A Hikaru: Fighter w/ FAST packs
  17. Draykov

    Hikaru 1S Review

    If you go to the bottom of page 2 of this thread, you'll see a pretty good head on shot of the Hikaru VF-1S. The seam isn't gone, but it's definitely less noticeable.
  18. Hey EXO/Rohby...would you mind putting me on that list? I'd go for two sets of two (4 for $10). Thanks!
  19. Draykov

    man down!!!

    I wonder if that's something they could do in die-cast in future releases.
  20. You could try a gunship gray or something similar, but I really can't imagine how it would look.
  21. Yeah, I like the "staring" eyes. They're kinda cartoony, but still mean lookin'.
  22. You might try (and this is just a guess, I've never tried it myself) a color called "insignia blue." It's the color used in the U.S. insignia on military aircraft and I'm pretty sure you can find it at a hobby shop in acrylic or enamel.
  23. Hahaha you're joking right! Naw those are not cigarette filters. The next time you eat a lollipop, pay attention to what you have left in your hand before you thow it away. I{ishimoto Ha ha! Marlboro Missles!
  24. If you love Roy's VF-1S and you don't want to spring for/don't like the 1/48, the Strike is worth getting IMO (provided you dig the armor at all).
  25. It looks to me like that's about the only place to put it though. The blisters and antennae on the side don't leave a lot of room for moving it back. Where did you get those teeth, Moose? Those are great! Did you hand paint them or were they a decal. It looks really tight on the dark gray (or is that really dark blue?). I always wanted to see a Valk with a shark mouth...I wasn't sure if the VF-1 could wear it well, but it sure does. The yellow stripes under the insignia are a nice touch too. It's always nice to see some subtle coloration on such a dark scheme. Nice work!
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