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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. Some useful tools: Scribing Tool 1/72 Panel Line Scribing Template 1/48 Panel Line Scribing Template
  2. Are they starting to sell out or something? I've been able to find them pretty consistently for a while. I started a thread on this same subject not too long ago (though not in reference to HLJ specifically).
  3. I'm still fuzzy on this. The 1/48 Hikaru 1A and 1S both come with red heatshields. That's a purty yellow 1A, Rune. Me likey.
  4. From what I understand, Takatoys is re-releasing the original stickers for the 1/48 1S and 1As (since the FAST pack stickers included with that were off in size a bit and therefore useless). He'll be including stickers for the new 1J as well.
  5. Thanks for the tip! I hadn't done this and the only problems I ran into were with the intake stickers, but now I know...and knowing is half the battle.
  6. I'm hoping that's the case. I don't suppose that advert says anything about a release date, does it? *resets fan-boy clock*
  7. Amen, amen! 100% exactly my thoughts on the subject.
  8. Draykov

    1/48 canopy removal

    ASCII instructions?
  9. Let's change that to "Yamato...Give me a Valk!" And, ta-daaa! Your wish is granted (in spades). Just think. For the cost of one new 1/48 Valkyrie from Yamato every month, you could also have: - a nice computer - a used car or a new Kia - a really nice cable/broadband set-up - utilities - car insurance for 2-3 vehicles - membership in the "gold plated book of the month club" - 6 or 7 new DVDs - 8 or 9 new CDs - two new PC/console games - not counting concessions, you and a companion could have gone to the movies 8 times - you and a companion could've gone out to eat (non fast food) about 4 times - you could've had 6.5 lap dances - paid off your finance charges on your increasingly high-balanced credit card Macross Fan-Boydom: it's a sacrifice.
  10. The things people will say to convince themselves to save money...
  11. Draykov

    1/48 canopy removal

    Hmmmm...I did notice that the canopy was still attached, but I just figured with the forward fuselage all taken apart like that, there must be some way to pry it out of there without breakin' it...and what do you mean you hacked apart the head?
  12. Draykov

    1/48 canopy removal

    You can find an exploded view of a Yammie 1/48 after an "unfortunate incident" in this thread.
  13. Cool! I was totally gonna pass on the 1/60 GBP because my 1/60s have been getting less and less love from me and I didn't want another 1/60 1J ("all my love are belong to 1/48"). I may just pick up a set of armor now. ¥4095= $37.53 ¥10,980= $100.64 I wonder if Yamato had planned this from the start or if they've been listening to Graham. I imagine at the very least, it'll be compatible with FP capable Valks. Hopefully it'll go with anything. There wouldn't be much point in releasing it separately if it was only usable with the Valk it was bundled with. Now, we're talkin'!
  14. The only Orguss item I've ever seen connected to Robotech in any way was this one: an Orguss model kit released in the U.S. by Revell as a Robotech kit (they called it Nebo).
  15. Personally, if I were to do what you're suggesting, I'd see what the "Roy 1A" looks like with a yellow heat shield. The paint scheme looks awesome with the black heatshield, and might look too banana-ish with all that yellow, but just to be consistent with the Max/Hikaru 1As, I'd consider trying it. Also, I'd put some other number on the nose/wing (as opposed to 001). It stands to reason that other members of Skull Team/Squadron had similar paint schemes to the main characters but we might not have ever seen them. That would sort of complicate an otherwise simple custom, but I figure if you're gonna bother changing things up, why not? I don't know of any, but you can find Yamato heads on eBay every now and then (when people have unfortunate accidents).
  16. Check out Carl's Corner for pictures and info on the real Gakken Tread (which is pretty rare, apparently).
  17. Draykov

    1/48 Fast Packs

    Wow. That was quick. I must be on Hong Kong time. Thanks, Graham!
  18. Draykov

    1/48 Fast Packs

    I know of some low-vis owners who will be very upset if this is true. I think it would be a crappy move on Yamato's part and I can't imagine why they would do that. Where is this store getting their information and what did they give for the reason? Maybe Graham can clear this one up. As for pics of the VF-1J w/ FAST packs, I can't seem to find any. There used to be plenty floatin' around. I got this one from Valkyrie-Exchange:
  19. Draykov

    1/48 Fast Packs

    I'd describe it as a grayish-green blue...but blue is the most prominent pigmentation.
  20. Draykov

    1/48 Fast Packs

    If you're referring to the Yamato 1/48 Valks, there is a VF-1S Roy and VF-1A Hikaru reissue, but neither come with FAST packs. The VF-1J Hikaru is being released with and without FAST packs.
  21. Draykov

    VF-0 toys?

    Yes, but now we're getting into the realm of inaccurate interpretations which is getting further and further away from my original point. The U.S. Naval nicknames for the Zero were things like "Zeke" and "Hamp" depending on the variant (A6M2/3/5/6, etc.) but I'm just nerding out here, so I'll stop. Yeah, it doesn't bother me too much...the Project Supernova planes should've been designated as YVF-21/19 and yet I've never bitched about that. Ultimately it isn't really important...it is a fictional piece of work after all.
  22. Draykov

    VF-0 toys?

    First, to stay on topic, since Kawamori-san models his Valkyrie designation loosely on the modern U.S. style, my "nitpicks" are with this in mind. Second (to hellohikaru), your comment on WWII Zeros is way off, as far as I can tell. "Zero" referred to the Mitsubishi A6M series specifically. And not all Russian fighters are called MiGs (at least not accurately). The term MiG refers specifically to aircraft designed/manufactured by the Mikoyan-Gurevich Design Bureau.
  23. We wants it! We needs it! Our... prrrrrrrr-ecious!! Need a VF-4 and a 1/48 VF-11 (I don't give a damn if I can ride them to work, I want them in the same scale range as my 1/48 VF-1, regardless that they're bigger and will have a box that I could fit a dead hooker's body in!). Here are the first pics of the 1/48 Max/Miria VF-1Js with FAST packs two-pack being shipped over.
  24. You can probably shut it off. Its probably just Missale Camera or something. The demos show it simply to display the cool factor. In Namco's Ace Combat 4, you simply held the fire button down to let the camera track the missle. If you let go, you saw your plane again. I imagine it's the same. But I haven't played it. I'm still sifting through this thread to find more info, but does anyone have any resources for the game's instruction manual translation? By the way, Big O, you don't make a very convincing argument against slide-cards if you're truly hoping to educate. I've never used one, but can you clarify what problems you've had/seen? What experience do you have that it will wear out the motor on the console? Why do you recommend the flip-top in place of it?
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