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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. Well, there were loose canopy problems on the VF-1S Roy initial release. As far as I know, none of the other 1/48s have had this problem (I heard one complaint of loose canopy on a 1S Hikaru, but apparently that was an isolated case).
  2. Like I wasn't jonesin' bad enough for this thing as it is...
  3. I typically order my stuff from Tam (Twin Moons), and he makes a lot of effort to pack things carefully. The Valk box comes in a bubble wrapped sleeve with extra cardboard/foam inserted in the corners of the packing box to ensure it stays put.
  4. Ohhhhhhhhhh...*finally gets it*...I was reading that wrong. The issue isn't that he doesn't want them, it's that he doesn't want them to be made as a holy grail item...got it.
  5. Keep in mind though, we're not merely talking about what we'd like to see. We're talking about what we're most likely to see next.
  6. Why would he hope Yamato doesn't make them if they're the ones he really wants? I think I get the fact that EXO wants model quality or nothing for the VE/VT, but I'm not sure I understand why he'd have anything to do with the line as a whole if that were the case.
  7. Maybe I'm being thick here, but when you say "these are probably the only ones..." are you referring to Max/Miria? And is the "build it" thing due to your distaste for funky heads and "the VT-1 shouldn't transform" mindset?
  8. I'm with you. I'm wondering if the 1/60 Q-Rau and Monster won't come out prior to another 1/48 release. I suppose I wouldn't be too surprised either way. The Hikaru 1S and the low-vis 1A came out of nowhere as far as I'm concerned. Since then, I've learned to expect the unexpected.
  9. Neato!
  10. I don't get it. You don't want to buy them or you don't want to be tempted to buy them? What if they did wide releases? I don't know how likely it is that they'll do a VE-1 or VT-1, but I'd wager if they do one they'll do the other.
  11. Milk those molds, baby!
  12. I haven't seen M7, so I can't really comment, but guitars for control sticks sounds pretty stupid to me. Valkyries with human features in the face don't bother me too much, but it is contrary to the norm where Macross is concerned. What exactly do you consider "wrong reasons" for disliking M7?
  13. I don't think they'd do that. It doesn't make much sense financially. I mantain my stance that the bigger the scale, the more detail you can add to it. Unless you want to actually go to the trouble of adding microscopic detail that you can assure your customers "is really there." You can make a more realistic throttle control/instrument panel if you have more material to work with. I'm not really talking about things like the the removable radome, the intakes/covers, telescoping feet, the flaps, the airbrake... even the flip skeleton hands. Those are all doable in 1/60 or smaller... but I'm sure the functionality of the features like these that you could add in the smaller scale would be more problematic both in their engineering and in their actual role as "features." I can see it now: "New and improved 2nd generation 1/60 VF-1. Now 95% more fragile and breakable! More small parts to snap off and lose!" Where's my credit card!?
  14. That would be my guess as well. Some have suggested they'll bundle the two together, but Yamato is box crazy as it is. They'd end up packaging them in something like this:
  15. I'm probably gonna get in trouble for posting semi-redundant Yamato 1/48 fan-boy polls, but with the VF-1J Hikaru practically here, I can't help but wonder what's next for the Yamato VF-1 line in 1/48. If you were to bet money on one of the choices above, what would you place your chips on? If you vote other, please add your speculative choice in the form of a post.
  16. That's a good point. Hence the spinning space station = gravity thing.
  17. My curiosity is piqued. Care to share (or is it addressed already in the forums somewhere?). Addressed in the spare parts thread a month back or so. Just wondering, but that's an awfully cheap price. Looks like they're only giving away the clear parts and not the entire FP. Yes, I was under the impression that it was just the micro-missle launcher covers, main booster covers, and leg booster covers.
  18. My curiosity is piqued. Care to share (or is it addressed already in the forums somewhere?).
  19. Do you pull Gs in space?
  20. I'm such a sucker. Count me in.
  21. Draykov

    1/48 canopy removal

    I think Japanese toy manufacturers have this unwritten rule: "The more detailed, beautiful and expensive a toy is, the more fragile it must be."
  22. I don't know. I'm a big music fan, so it's always an integral part of films/anime for me, but the stuff in SDF Macross and DYRL? (while a bit catchy) was kind of annoying to me. It didn't make me want to commit seppuku or anything, but it was a bit on the cheezy side. Macross Zero on the other hand, has tapped into contemporary music in an interesting way. The tracks are more theatrical than performance oriented. The track they play when Shin and Roy are duking it out in training is awesome! And Sara's little "make the flowers grow" song is haunting and pretty. I'd chalk up the "I can't hum it" factor to the fact that you haven't been exposed to it for almost 20 years.
  23. I prefer my Valkyries over-easy.
  24. One thing that sort of confuses/disappoints me is this: why didn't they put the gummi Hikaru from the 1S into the 1A reissue? Why didn't they give Roy the same gummi treatment and put him in the reissue 1S? Oh, well. I guess it just makes an accessory kit more attractive should they do it later. Maybe that's what they're counting on.
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