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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. Edit: Crap! Didn't work.
  2. Why, with the FAST pack armor stickers, of course. Great work, Erick!
  3. I heard from Erick that they are almost done. -K Cool! Thanks, Kev.
  4. My VF-1J feels naked. Any news on the latest 1/48 stickers from Takatoys?
  5. I wouldn't call it incomplete, but I'm all for getting some 1/48 GBP.
  6. The new VF-1K (Shoji type):
  7. Yamato 1/48 Max w/ FAST packs Yamato 1/48 Miria w/ FAST packs Due: April 2004
  8. What do you mean inacurate? I mean that the Hikaru TV style doesn't have UN Spacy on the leg. Hmmmm...
  9. I can quit any time I want!
  10. Gotcha. This is pretty interesting for those interesed in the fate of the F-14 (though, it's nearly 4 years old).
  11. Tam has said that he'll probably start sending his pre-orders out next Friday (12/12).
  12. I was under the impression that all variants of the A-6, save the EA-6B, were retired and replaced by Hornets.
  13. F/A-18E F-22
  14. I'm not sure what's meant by that. Tam from Twin Moons and Kevin from Valkyrie Exchange both have the VF-1S Roy reissue available to order, though I don't know that either of them have received their shipments yet.
  15. Perhaps he's in bed with Boeing (manufacturers of the Tomcat's replacement: the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet).
  16. Nope, still waiting.
  17. I'm not sure where you're going with this. Military aircraft get replaced based on expense, changes in the global military mission, or when they become obsolete. I don't know what that has to do with 1/48 scale Macross Plus toys.
  18. If you plan on getting/already have any 1/48s other than the 1J, I'd get at least one set of strike/super FAST packs. I would feel ripped off if I paid more than $60 or so +shipping, but other than that, I'd say you get as much bang outta your buck for the FAST packs as you would comparatively to a 1/48 VF-1. Tam is still waiting on his next shipment, but he has them on pre-order for $52.99.
  19. Like Sum pointed out, just take you're time making the decision. If you don't ever intend to get rid of it, then I wouldn't worry about the value of the toy: open it, sticker it, display it, play with it (gently)...whatever. If you are planning using it as an "investment" and you want to hang on to it to liquidate it later...act accordingly. If you're still not sure, just leave it alone for now and decide after some more consideration.
  20. Don't the Hawegawa kits also have 6 wing hardpoints instead of 4 (3 on each wing instead of 2)?
  21. Considering the low-vis 1A was a "limited edition" and was the same price as any other 1/48 Valk without FAST packs, then I'd say yes: anything over $135 would be a rip-off.
  22. Sorry to dissapoint you guys, the cyclops eye isn't the result of the camera flash that is what the eye really looks like.. to read a full review, you may go to this link below. GREATTOYS.NET VF-1J 1/48 REVIEW - Malvin www.greattoys.net Of course. Yamato knows full well they need to give the fan community at least one legitimate flaw to bitch about He seems mainly to be bitching about the FAST pack color and the lack of a strike cannon. I don't care what color they are as long as it's something in the realm of accuracy and I never expected a strike cannon to be included in this set.
  23. I managed to score two low-vis VF-1As. The first I paid regular price for, the second a little bit more on evilBay. Before my case of 1/48 fever had manifested itself completely, I actually considered passing on this one. I have no idea why. I don't think collector's would be too upset if there were a re-release, given that Yamato pulled a similar move with the 1/60 CF. Murphy's Law of Collecting states that as soon as you buy something limited at an inflated price, a general release is announced. I wouldn't hold my breath for another low-vis, but if they released an S or J model, I'd probably pick it up right away. Another A would probably be too much of the same thing unless they did a completely new scheme. I must say though, that this is interesting. One half of Macross World is saying, "I'm sick of VF-1s." and the other half seems to be saying, "Give me more VF-1s whether they're pink, camouflaged, or mauve."
  24. Wait a tic... did you score the black heatshield from a Roy 1S, Tak? And what do the tail fins on that thing look like in fighter mode? Did you sticker over the skulls? Looks sweet. I saw more pics of this one over at the Twin Moons gallery. You're a valuable Macross resource, Tak. Your stickers are awesome!
  25. I imagine it has something to do with accommodating the sculpt of the TV pilots. I liked it just fine the way it was, but whatever.
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