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Everything posted by Draykov

  1. That was like $30 in 1983 money though.
  2. That about sums it up. However the reality is that not many folks would've chosen a 1/100 cheap "simple transformation" zero as their first choice. I'm content to see what happens next, whether it be striclty 1/100 stuff, a bigger perfect 0 in a scale between 1/100 and 1/48, or a big, expensive, 1/48 "Hope Diamond" of plastic. Everyone is entitled to want what they want (whether reason is involved or not). We'll just have to wait and see what happens or start a Betty Ford-esque Valk addict clinic.
  3. 1/48 VF-14 Vampire! W00T!
  4. There's an MW college?!
  5. Draykov

    Larger Scale VF-0

    Not to mention that two of those were reissued and still sold. Well, they do already have the mold for a 1/48 M0 style pilot.
  6. I'd stick with your downloads. I actually bought the DVDs from Kevin (and caught a lot of hell around here for it ) and I found the subs to be just awful. I'm hoping for an eventual AnimEigo style legit Region 1 release.
  7. Of course!!!! Vostok 7 Yeah, I hear animated chicks are easy.
  8. How about we tell you to take your complaining to PM already? Seriously dude, get off the cross. Someone else needs the wood. Zing!
  9. Interesting. Thanks.
  10. I've never seen M7 or Dynamite and so when someone casually mentioned this while bitching in the Yamato 1/48 M&M thread, I was caught off guard. So, what happened? Did she see him in that hentai mag boffin' the dark haired chick? Did she get half his stuff? Was this before or after she became mayor? Enlighten me, please. I've looked in the newbie question thread and the Macross Compendium and can't seem to find details.
  11. Compared to American made toys, I'd tend to agree. However, they are laced with platinum and/or crack, so I no longer question it.
  12. Another good point. More detail costs more money to produce, so it's only to be expected that the cost is passed down to the consumer.
  13. Well, first, you might want to start shopping elsewhere for your Valks. Second, you seem to be forgetting the fact that the 1/48 is considerably larger than the 1/60 and they have to pay for those molds somehow.
  14. Well put. God forbid Graham and Shawn's efforts start being taken for granted. We do have this great site to go to, after all.
  15. As someone with little to no knowledge of the Japanese language, my answer is HELL YES, though I wouldn't expect it to make much more sense than a Babble Fish translation.
  16. Personal use? Hell, I wouldn't begrudge him that just because he can't share. While I don't understand the point of Yamato's "Skunk Works" like secrecy, I'm happy to still have the opportunity to get cool stuff. With early hype and long enough delay, it's hard not to be disappointed for some folks. Hell, people are bitching about 1/48 VF-1s and it's still widely considered to be the best VF-1 toy out there. I'm just as frustrated as the next guy when it comes to things like the YF-19, but what are ya gonna do?
  17. I don't see that logic being applied to any other toyline anywhere that happens to recycle existing molds. Not that I feel the need to defend Yamato (they are in business to make money), but I don't think one can justify making new releases cheaper because they've released a different version previously. Who's to say that the M&M release wasn't figured into the cost of making the molds for a J head/TV FAST pack arm armor/TV pilot in the first place?
  18. Strangely enough, it's directly proportionate to the amount of product released by Yamato per month.
  19. <_< How can they be a rip off if they are sold at the same price as the other 1/48s? What he said! Addiction: compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful I gladly volunteer.
  20. Rohby made some a while back. You might PM him.
  21. Early bird discount, What do you call "early"? Yamato 1/48 Valkyries, Max & Milia
  22. They didn't happen to announce the 1/60 Monster on April 1st did they?
  23. What a brave man.
  24. Yeah, whatever happened to Shawn's "week of Christmas" update? Will we be having Christmas in July? Did his move go okay? Is he sick? Geez, I hope he's okay.
  25. My little girl is about 14 months. Generally, I just keep her out of the room with my toys. Cutting her off at the source tends to be the best strategy. I have a few IKEA BILLY bookcases in my "study." I don't have the glass doors on them yet (they were out of stock when I bought the cases) but hopefully I'll be getting those next month. I also tend to keep the more expensive stuff on the higher shelves.
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