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Everything posted by ShadowerV2

  1. Unless....... it comes with a removable pilot figure? (Also artculated?) I'm just guessing here.
  2. Yeah just the regular boxes bound togther by plastic. It's more like a 2 for one special.
  3. It's GBP armour guys. Pics are up. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00074
  4. Welcome aboard Envectus! Nice collection!
  5. Yeah RIP. I always loved his acting.
  6. Oh baby. I just can't wait for the M&M supers now.
  7. Yes just fighter no FPs. Found this from the net.
  8. The secret is a Kakizaki 1A.
  9. Mine just arrived today! Yahooooooooooooo!
  10. RIP Heath. I loved his work. Especially in a Knight's Tale.
  11. Watched it. Enjoyed it and had a good time. Wished there was more monster action. Maybe from the sequel with the second POV.
  12. I wouldn't mind getting the Mave if they made one.
  13. I'm guessing the secret is the Minmay Guard 1S!
  14. That's true. Igloo does sound cool.
  15. I can imagine where they'll have to put 2 extra revoltech joints on Mai.
  16. To UN Spacy: WOW! Thanks for the heads up. I'm so getting this one for sure!
  17. Come on Yamato! Please make an E=X Garland! Please!!
  18. Except right now... what their doing to the Legioss Tread combo is an unpardonable crime! So I'd say more like the IMF because making a decent Legioss Tread is almost like Mission Impossible!
  19. Indeed. $240 is definitely way too much for something so small. They are just regular figures after all. I was wondering why the BGC Trading figs were so hard to find. So they never came out after all. Thanks for letting me know about that. Now the mystery is solved.
  20. At least we have the Atelier Sai action figures. (Spelling edit)
  21. Ah! I was wondering what happened to those. So they never came out. ouch.
  22. Agreed Which is why I want the Megahouse ones.
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