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Everything posted by ShadowerV2

  1. Well sounds like they did a good job shutting him/her/it up. That's cool. Hey did anyone hear anything else about maybe Palisades Toys making a trailer for Prime?
  2. and Black House makes reference to Ted Branaghan and what the breakers like him do....apparently Tyler Marshall was even stronger. So what exactly do the breakers do anyway? I don't have time to find that Black House Book at the moment.
  3. Ok my translations weren't that hot. Where did all the people go to? And where did that guy come from?? This is all so confusing....
  4. Hey if the system is set such that one person can only vote once, there shouldn't be any complaints. Isn't that how voting works? The more the people that like something they would vote for it? I don't see any reason why any one should complain and say so and so went and rigged or added or whatever bullshit it is they want to say. SInce when was there such unreasonalb logic as only so many people can vote for this? If more people like the MPC Covoy ( I saw it and think it looks great) Thna by all means let them vote. It won fair and square so for any one bitching thinking it was rigged, TOO BLOODY BAD. That's what voting is. People will vote for what they like. If it doesn't tally with what you want, TOO BAD.
  5. Hearts in Atlantis makes reference to the Dark Tower series as well.
  6. *SPOILER ALERT* Hey I have a couple of questions here in case anyone knows the answer. 1.Why did that Native American Pilot stay behind on the Banshee IV behind and get killed in the end by the bomb? 2. Do they explain where the people go to? 3. So the Jam was copying people with the weird sludge? 4. What the hell was the point of episode 2??
  7. Just how many episodes is this thing supposed to have? I thought it was only 24 as in everything happens in ONE day. Now I read about people saying there's 22 more eps. So how long is it?
  8. Tell you what. Here's what you do. Just email any sellers who have the figure and tell them that you are interested but you are international and if they would mind shipping it to you. And chances are they wouldn't mind. But they just want you to pay internatinonal shipping which would cost a bit more. And then your set to go. That's what I normally do.
  9. Hey hey hey... leave the sequels alone. If anything is bad it's the TV series. Now THAT should be shot.
  10. Personally I think their really cool but this five min per ep thing really blows and I mean I think it sucks that it couldn't be like half an hour per ep.
  11. Yeah I just realised after I went back a couple of pages and saw the posts. Your right though. They really don't look extendable. But it would be sweet if they were. Well... long or short if it doesn't fall apart I'll like it.
  12. It's blasphemy when the TAE ship designer calls a ship the "Valkyrie". Booooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~G25 blasphemy ?? Maybe the guy liked macross and was paying homage? An inside joke perhaps? Think about it.
  13. Hmmmmmmm.......... what do I have to be thankful for? Well just a few things. I got my confidence back. (though I'm trying not to behave like an arrogant pr*ck. Wonder why that happened) Learnt a few things about people. Survived one really pain in the @$$ year in the UNI. And everything went pretty well. Well except for this one prick on ebay who ripped me off recently. If he doesn't reply soon, I'll let all of you know who he is so everyone can be careful. Anyway I'm thankful for surviving this one year.
  14. Spiral Zone yeah! Earth's Most Powerful Soldiers!! Fight the Spiral Zone!!
  15. hmmm......... if not for the fact that Harmony Gold has been a real dick since the beginning. I don't think anyone would have complained. BOK, I'm with you on this one.
  16. Ever occur to anyone that the stacks might be retractable?? That's what I was wondering. They retract in Robot mode but can be full length in Vehicle
  17. Relax Tom. It's just flame bait.
  18. Ok so for those who are too lazy to look through everything to find out how freaking tall it is, the thing is about 8 inchs tall. That's what I found in the earlier pages.
  19. I think you mean you hope for a season 3. Mr Disco San! (Slightly redudant honorific I know. )
  20. The Jeep looks good, but the robot itself has... flat feet... Imagine if it was a police jeep......... and it transforms......... Robber: Catch me now flat foot!! Hound: I hate my feet.........
  21. Ok just out of curiosity how tall is the thing? Let's not compare it against models or scales or anything. Just how tall is it in inches or cm? I'm dying to know. Thanks
  22. Uh huh. So why bother collecting at all then? People are free to do whatever they want with their toys and they can let their kids or any youngs play with the chunky monkeys. Besides it's ok to have fun every now and again
  23. Just saw the clip. You DA MAN!! That was so cool.
  24. But what if they re-released them with Fast Packs instead of just upgrade?? Wouldn't that be something? And we can wait for the HLJ sale all over again.
  25. Holy cow.... there's a reference to the book IT in the Dreamcathcer Novel.........
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