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Everything posted by ShadowerV2

  1. Nothing should happen. I got taxed before. I just told them how much it was and they took 3% of the total value. GST tax.
  2. Can someone PM the an explaination of the ending to me? I watched the HK DVDs and it somewhat confused me. SPOILER! Just what happened to Ryoma?
  3. C2 has some minor resculpting.
  4. I think they're cool. But putting aside the 3/14 Inches would not be a good idea.
  5. Buzz Bunny huh? Anyone remember the Cigarette Mascot Camel guy? Joe the Camel or something? This Buzz Bunny makes me think it's a macot for Coffee Companies. "When you need that BUZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......... here's Buzz Bunny!"
  6. Powered Suit from Starship troopers.
  7. Fruits Basket and Full Metal Panic is good.
  8. It wasn't a direct attack on the french. You can put any embassies name or any country for the joke to take place in.
  9. Would it be sweet if you could have your Valks or toys behaving like the toys in Small Soldiers? When someone breaks in Valks and MISC toys:"This is the Valkryie Elite! Put your hands behind your head" Burglar: Huh? Yeah right.. Valks and Misc Toys:" You have been warned!" *lauches missles and stuff* And you come back to find a small pile of ashes on your carpet. Back home in Malaysia you can do anything you want to the burglar as long you don't kill them. One time when someone robbed my fathers workplace by taking one of the employees hostage, the father of the employee found out and when the crook was arrested went to the police station and punched the crook in the face IN FRONT of the police. And the cops pretended not to see anything. Now that's what should be done. Within reason of course.
  10. Nian Nian You Yu! Happy New Year Everyone!
  11. I guess it would mean no third gig then.
  13. For a moment there I thought they were fully tranformable. That would be so sweet if they were. But they still look cool anyway.
  14. Heck just use the powered suits from the StarShip troopers anime. THEN Lets see those zombie buggers try to get us now!
  15. What drove you to get an upgrade like that?
  16. I called and ordered several from the Seattle store on Saturday. They showed up today. One had torn cellophane and one had a dinged box, the others were in mint. Which one of the non-mint ones would you open? Suggest you open the torn one. Dings are ok but once it's torn........ might as well open it.
  17. True. I never really noticed it.
  18. Apparently they all still separate and transform. That guy has also made a VW Bumblebee Alt/BT and a couple of other really good looking transformers. I remember seeing the original auction on Ebay and nope. They do not seperate at all and movement is very limited. The only reason that guy made the combiner is because he had some loose and incomplete dinos lying around and kazam! A Dino Combo!
  19. Considering that they're selling a 3" action figure to go with it, I assume so. 3"? HAH! You can fit a 6" figure in there because that's what their sellling. That thing is in 1/12 scale well if we're talking about the new Yamato Release then YES! We should be happy.
  20. Depends if the show is good. Last anime I plowed through at one shot was She the Ultimate Weapon. And Planetes I managed to do 12 Eps at a go. GOOD SHOW that one.
  21. Yeah I do. Except I lent it to someone and I have to chase his butt down to get it back.
  22. I think so.. George got a huge amount of crap for these last 3, I think the fanboys ruined the experience for him. I do not think he will look back on this Star Wars prequel experience favorably. Lucas should let other people direct episodes VII, VIII & IX. An episode each by Ridley Scott, Peter Jackson & Steven Spielberg could be interesting. Just whatever happens, under no circumstances let Paul Anderson, John Woo, Uwe Boll or Ang Lee direct them. Graham any director other than GL would do. Funny thing is that the best SW movie to date is the only one GL didn't direct. Lucas didn't direct 2 of them, not 1. Ok ok I have to be the noob. Which SW movies did GL not direct? 5 & 6. I just wanted to quote this conversation. Well if you can't beat em'........
  23. That figure you show has NEVER been released ever. And for the gungrave line only one figure was released and that was "Beyond the Grave". Gazelle the Peacemaker is a new figure for the Trigun line as everyone else has said. Anyway you should try watching the Gungrave anime. Pretty fun to watch. Good story.
  24. Meh... Your custom looks a thousand times better.
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