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Everything posted by ShadowerV2

  1. Only have that one issue. I wonder why I bought it. I guess the Spider fever hit me when the movie came out.
  2. "Guns, Girls, Mecha!" (and gazonggas!) it seems. Terrible ending though.
  4. And the whole thing just blew up in their faces. Well when there's a bang, there's a boom.
  5. What would happen in that case is... pleasure... lots of pleasure... 405584[/snapback] Indeed...........
  6. Good point! He would be.... *ahem* you know..
  7. Probably nothing. I guess. Sicne the cure did come from him. It's a bit like asking what would happen if Rogue touched herself. Skin to skin contact. Anyway Since bullets are made out of lead and Magneto did manage to control one in the first movie at the train station scene I think he should be ok.
  8. The end credits did say it was Uwe Boll presenting a Paul WS Anderson productiion. So I would guess they made it that way on purpose.
  9. The cassettes from Sound Wave. Rumble and Lazerbeak or something, But now what I want is the 1986 Monoseed from Spiral Zone.
  10. It would be nice if they made a toy of the Garland from the 3rd Megazone. I kinda like that design the most.
  11. Your pic seems to be missing the figure in the HLJ link.
  12. The doll os from Medicom. Since Medicom's the company with the license to produce 12" Lupin III figures. It's from the Deluxe Fujiko set one fujiko fig with 3 outfits. You can see it here http://www.hlj.com/product/MEDSC-32 Hope this helps. And here's a second version on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/Medicom-12-Lupin-III-S...1QQcmdZViewItem The guns? I have no idea where they are from.
  13. Split Second Shadow Fury Blade RE (both) Ghostbusters 1 and 2
  14. I saw the trailer and I rather liked it. I'll just pretend I'm watching another movie with the name doom instead of it having anything to do with the game. It's what Resident Evil should have been. Look on the bright side. At least Paul W S Anderson and that HOTD director had nothing to do with this one.
  15. look on the bright side. At least their not redoing the old ones like what GL is doing to the old trilogy. You have the old and the new to compare. Sounds ok don't you think?
  16. Shoulder fired Tranqs....... That would be huge. Would something like that exist in the real world? Heck if it was possible I bet you guys would love to hunt dinos in valks. Hun the flying ones in fighter mode and T Rexes in Battloid mode. Kick a T Rex clan across the island with one blow.
  17. Let's not forget the Super Posable cyclones they said they were making.
  18. Let's hope they produce an Odin Robe.
  19. Started collecting FF Figures and it went on to Witch Blade and it just got out of hand I guess. Especially the 1/6 Range of figures.
  20. I bought the blue BT Tracks because of the flame decal. It's funny how much I hated the yellow but loved the blue. Sometimes all it takes is the colour to make the different. I mean look at all the exclusives and stuff Clear Plastic? Black Plastic? No Plastic? (Full Metal Bits?) And the damn thing becomes hot or a new character. Look at Sideswipes Reissues. Clamp Down and Deep Cover ( I think) And that Yellow Tracks looks like a freaking Taxi. So Blue is Best. i liked the yellow tracks more, its makes a pleasant change. Looks like a taxi??? Please, you havent noticed the large percentage of sports cars these days being yellow? Bikes as well. But it's hard to mistake the others such as a porshes (spelling) Ferrai, Lambos etc as a cab But the way Tracks was designed looked just like a cab if you pop a sign on top of him. i mocked this up real quick just to see how it looks (picture modified from tfkenkon.com) Wow. That's pretty cool actually. Now they're really robots in disguise.
  21. I bought the blue BT Tracks because of the flame decal. It's funny how much I hated the yellow but loved the blue. Sometimes all it takes is the colour to make the different. I mean look at all the exclusives and stuff Clear Plastic? Black Plastic? No Plastic? (Full Metal Bits?) And the damn thing becomes hot or a new character. Look at Sideswipes Reissues. Clamp Down and Deep Cover ( I think) And that Yellow Tracks looks like a freaking Taxi. So Blue is Best. i liked the yellow tracks more, its makes a pleasant change. Looks like a taxi??? Please, you havent noticed the large percentage of sports cars these days being yellow? Bikes as well. But it's hard to mistake the others such as a porshes (spelling) Ferrai, Lambos etc as a cab But the way Tracks was designed looked just like a cab if you pop a sign on top of him.
  22. I bought the blue BT Tracks because of the flame decal. It's funny how much I hated the yellow but loved the blue. Sometimes all it takes is the colour to make the different. I mean look at all the exclusives and stuff Clear Plastic? Black Plastic? No Plastic? (Full Metal Bits?) And the damn thing becomes hot or a new character. Look at Sideswipes Reissues. Clamp Down and Deep Cover ( I think) And that Yellow Tracks looks like a freaking Taxi. So Blue is Best.
  23. That is really a very good point. Perhaps it has something to do with a sword being Grimlock's trademark? Or could the quality of plastic for the sword be soft material? Hmmm.......... doesn't really make sense to me.
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