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Everything posted by ShadowerV2

  1. I really like your reviews. Thanks for the review.
  2. Oh you wascal you....
  3. I got me some Liger Zeros the Blue Phoenix, the Fuzors version, Murasame, Hayate and Mugen Liger. And Deadly Kong.. Pretty cool.
  4. I'm pretty happy with the Assasin Force ones. They might go well with the garland too since they have toe articulation.
  5. Yeah that's why I keep all of mine moc.
  6. http://www.microforever.com/2004Automaster.htm This one looks like it might go well with the garland.
  7. Ah well. Ok. But just for your information. Weeklyworldnews is a tabloid newspaper that makes up the articles in its paper. I used to buy it just to read about alien abductions or new species of humans found or satan appearing in a cloud formation. You might want to look around that site first and read the other articles. No offense intended.
  8. Wait a minute. You guys actually think that "news" article is real? I hope you're joking.
  9. www.microforever.com for all your microman needs.
  10. Weeklyworld news. Pretty fun to read. It's just like the other "newspaper" The Onion.
  11. Bakazoku is only a fansubbing group. They have nothing whatsoever to do with the production of the anime. It's still going I think and has total of 26 eps for this series. It has also been licensed by Funimation.
  12. I would love to own an Arbalest from FMP in Revoltech form.
  13. Jin Roh was ok. Now the live action was a pile. I guess Jin Roh isn't your usual action anime. It wasn't to me.
  14. What? It's empty? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! But yeah it's all inside.
  15. Hmmm.... kinda hard to tell. The major has no bounce after all....
  16. I just had a look on ebay and so far only 2 sellers had them for $140 each. Both were buy it nows. You can forget about killer deals now. It's way too late for that. Yeah choices choices... Personally I just want Drake.
  17. This is the part where you will have to decide. Since you see it going for $135 on ebay sites and that store that has it wants $109 Canadian for it doesn't that make it a good price? Trying to compare for how much it goes for on ebay isn't going to mean anything unless you can get it for that price.
  18. GRAB IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a very good price!!!!!!
  19. Hasegawa's models you have to build yourself. That in a sense would give the buyer something to do with it. As has been mentioned here some posts before if it turned out to be a 1:18 model kit people might be interested. If not and it turns out to be a premade completed item and it doesn't transform, something it's famous for, it might not have the appeal.
  20. It has to at least be able to do Gerwalk mode. Now that would make it different from the other Jets. Having it in Gerwalk next to an FA-18 hornet.
  21. ShadowerV2

    2 seater 1/48s

    True. But how many variations could they make? The single seaters have many variations and people already have trouble keeping up with that since Yamato keeps on churning it out. How many variations would Yamato want to produce and sell before they feel it's worth their while? How many double seaters would people buy? That's what I'm curious about.
  22. ShadowerV2

    2 seater 1/48s

    The fact that they can only make 3 variations the Ostrich, the VF-1D and the Elintseeker. Only the Vf-1D is a combat form. The others are not. Might not sell as well. oops, I hit edit instead of quote... sorry. - EXO
  23. *ahem* The Garland would be the Kenny of Megazone.
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