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Everything posted by ShadowerV2

  1. ShadowerV2

    1/48 GBP

    That's the name given on HLJ. Whatever the name is. I really just hope they take away the green. That's all I ask. It is Urban Camo. Not surburban....
  2. ShadowerV2

    1/48 GBP

    HLJ has the new Armor up as Low Visibility Urban Camo. I so hope they remove the green and add in Grey.
  3. Heh heh. I remember two of her phrases. "Dam Dam f**k" and "Understand you yes?"
  4. ShadowerV2

    1/48 GBP

    Yeah. The back boom definitely looked grey in the first set of pics to me too.
  5. ShadowerV2

    1/48 GBP

    It's the green bit. That feels out of place.
  6. And hopefully none of them become the same nightmare that you had with the first VF-0A.
  7. Whatever to the Super Poseable Cyclones? Saw a pic from Tiy Fair that had a sign saying soon... So much for that I guess....
  8. Wowee indeed. Now I hope that's an official pre built toy. And not a kit. Got me one of those small Yellow Submarine Model of the Yukiaze. This will does just as well.
  9. WOW! So all 4 Good Guy Arms Slaves........ Sweet..... but my wallet is so going to burn. I will get these for sure. But I guess if they make the Savages ir Venoms I'll have to pass on those.
  10. ShadowerV2

    1/48 GBP

    I LIKE IT TOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess this might be the first GBP I'll get.
  11. I wouldn't mind having a set of them. Good for display. Since space is limited at the moment.
  12. Thank you. And I am envious of the guys who have Max and Miriya 1/48s. Especially Kensei.. who has like a thousand of each..
  13. Bionic 1, Mother 1, Sports 1, Rock 1, Karate 1 and JD (I think). Yeah those guys were cool. Diecast metal.
  14. I think in this case it might be "Mecha"mucial.
  15. I don't think you screwed up. It's your first valk. So just have fun with it first. Don't take it too seriously. Just enjoy it.
  16. I recently got a EX-S Gundam FIX. Yeah those things are so sweet.
  17. I saw that thing. And it's just so funny when he used the head lasers to shoot the monster in the groin. I never thought the head lasers could be used for something like that.
  18. I wonder if they will ever make the Garland from the 3rd MegaZone OVA. What was the name of that Garland? The EX Garland or something. Personally I Prefer the color to be green but I like the Soldier figure included.
  19. I agree. Wouldn't mind a Max 1J with Fast packs.
  20. I want a Liger Zero. That's my favourite Zoid of all time.
  21. Lazyner. I like that design. When I saw it for the first time I thought it was a gundam with that little chin thing and everything. I didn't want that tiny action figure version or the model kit. But with an SOC version? It sounds about right to me. So I guess I might get that. Now how about an SOC Arm Slave or the Kibou No Gou from Kenran Butou Sai... Please Bandai?
  22. My little stash. Virtual On My Yamato Valks (I have a Max 1/48 and the Super Stealth too) And... my Spiral Zone. Just missing 2 to a complete set of 12
  23. Well even Spiral Zone is coming out on DVD... Star Com I hope comes out sooner or later.
  24. BLACK! Goes with Everything!
  25. Heh. I wonder if the people who make Spoof movies such as Shriek and Scary Movie might make something out of all this "ETC" on a Plane series and call it "Plane Ridiculous".
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