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Everything posted by ShadowerV2

  1. The same company that's making these also made the small trading figures. Those were pretty sweet. Now I wonder if they'll make a jetpack to go with the figs.
  2. Actually the MG42 was used in Kerberos Panzer Cops: Stray Dogs.
  3. Heck. I want them to make the EX-Garland from the third Megazone OVA.
  4. Well I really hope they release Super Versions of the Max and Millia again.
  5. That's because it was done by the same people. Flow did Days for Eureka 7 and now they did Colours for Le Louch.
  6. Yeah I know it's OT. but while he's there might as well pop the question.. never hurts to ask. Besides I hope they'll rerelease the Max and Miriya 1/48s or release a Blue Roses Strike 1J (The blue one)
  7. Will they ever release any mechs from Appleseed, Gasaraki anything? Especially the Landmates used by the main characters.
  8. Very very nice. Is that the Low Viz one on the left? Maybe it should be a bit further away from the corner of the shelf......
  9. Sorry to dig this old old old thread up. But did these things ever come out at all? I don't seem to be able to find any info on them.
  10. The only argument I can think of for the YF-19 1/72.. "At least the gunpod isn't crooked"......
  11. The Strikes look good. But there's no Max inside the lot. Not so good.
  12. I think in this case the cow was milked so hard we may end up finding hoofs and tails in our bottles. But on a more serious note. How big a box could they possibly use to pack the fast packs in? It makes you wonder.. doesn't it? The bigger the box the higher the price?
  13. And I'll have to fork out another $300 for another set... (because it ain't coming back ) Those cunning devils at yamato.....
  14. GR 1 is coming out the same time as the Revoltech Convoy is.
  15. Price for boosters and Fast Packs says 6090 Yen. Ummmmm........... That's a bit hard to swallow.
  16. ShadowerV2

    VF-0A poll

    Personally? I would get the shin.
  17. Yeah! Those would be so cool!
  18. I agree with the 2 fellows above me. That is an amazing collection. WOW!
  19. ShadowerV2

    Graham's Sig

    And 1/6 of your liver. Don't forget that too...
  20. I'm normally very fussy when it comes to comedy. But I can say the Polcheck chronicles is some of the funniest stuff I have ever seen. It's cheesy it's funny. I just couldn't stop smiling through that first ep I downloaded.
  21. That is an excellent piece of work.
  22. ummm........ Question about 1/60 VF-1S Strike Valkyrie heatshield sticker
  23. Indeed it would..
  24. Link for the first pic for the Shin VF-OA isn't working.
  25. How did I get all that? I found some on various message boards. Some off ebay. Some from a friend and some from an Import toy store when I was wondering around Sydney. Took me about 6 years to find that many. And I actually have 6 Bazooka Packs.....
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