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Everything posted by ShadowerV2

  1. Rest peace good sir. Rest in peace.
  2. Indeed. Rest in Peace.
  3. Square had a prototype of the Dead Space 3 figure on display at sdcc http://www.figures.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=5551&title=square-enix&cat=760
  4. I'm a fan of the humans in powered armour genre.
  5. Looks like the Blue one is actually Sol Tekkaman 2 and it's a Tamashii Exclusive. The green one is Sol Tekkaman 1. Hmm.. looks like both of them will be exclusives. Which just plain sucks.... I might get both of them anyway. Since I like Sol Tekkamen more.
  6. Inuysha also had an ending as well. They made one last season called the final chapter. So I guess that's 2 of her works that had proper endings.
  7. The red and blue Noble Sixes are SDCC Comic Con Exclusives. really looking forward to that Grayfox fig. And it would be so awesome if they made a cannonspike version of Cammy.
  8. Panthro reminds me of Jet from Cowboy Bebop. But I'm liking the new updated Tigra.
  9. The Ironman anime is out. It follows the first movie and uses the Mark 3 armour. So far 2 eps are out.
  10. Oh Liger Zero.... where are you??
  11. I'll be getting both the Alter and Figma versions of Kos Mos for sure.
  12. A Samus fig would be awesome!!
  13. Here's to hoping they release a Hikaru 1S with Strike Packs.And m and m with Super Packs.
  14. Well... Max and Mirya 1J versions for me. If they make them.
  15. Not sure about the shoulder parts but the pic here provided by GITS SAC shows the back parts for the lambda driver transformation. http://i26.tinypic.com/2aj14ev.jpg Now if they made the mouth holding the knife bit like the Robot Spirits one that would be cool... http://i26.tinypic.com/2airaqh.jpg
  16. That thing is the same size as a revoltech. I'll wait for the Revoltech ARX-7 to come out before I decide which one I want to get.
  17. Yeah. I wouldn't mind a 1/35 Legioss. If they can get it to the lineart as close as possible. And if they don't curve the front winglets. Already got a pretty good Mospeada by Beagle. All I need now is the Legioss.
  18. Just ordered The Stick and Rey Beagles from Overdrive. Hope all goes well...
  19. Sweet. Thanks for letting me know. Now to go buy a couple of them.
  20. Yeah! Strike pack combos or nothing!!
  21. Well at least this explains why it's called Melancholy... because frankly it's getting depressing!!
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