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Everything posted by ShadowerV2

  1. Indeed. none of us want to... Never again!!! I'm not gonna take a risk this time. It shall be mine for sure!
  2. WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Good news indeed.... Hope this isn't like the Max Q Rau thing. It musn't be.... I want my M&M Valks!!! "Melts your finances not in your hand.."
  3. Very nice. I wouldn't mind a fig of that.
  4. What is a 400% Sync Ver? It's been a while since I have seen EVA. Anyone know?
  5. I want to see a prototype first before deciding........ But I really hope it's good.
  6. That's stupid. Putting all the weapons into the exclusive. What are they thinking? This is more than just a simple repaint now. And they make it hard to get? Sheesh........
  7. Swan.. She's a swan....
  8. Ah.. medicom figs. I'm just waiting for the MGS4 Raiden and Solid Snake ones to come out.
  9. Wel it's one places that has it. No harm in looking around if that price doesn't suit you. Though personally I like the revoltechs. So those would be enough for me.
  10. Nice work!
  11. www.toy-wave.com has them.
  12. And now with the upcoming CM's Legioss and Tread you wish will be granted! You now get them in a neat little 2 pack! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!...
  13. 1/48 That's a pretty good scale. Make a good diorama with the 1/48 Valks. A Labour giving Max or Hikaru a Speeding ticket....
  14. Wooooo......... MnM Valks. Good grab Vegas. I can see where your name comes from. You got good odds.
  15. Because I never got the original Gakkens and I'm not gonna waste my time on the Toynami ones. Legioss! Legioss! Legioss! Woooooooooo!!!!!! Now please make the bikes too CMS........
  16. Be nice if they made a kit of the Nu Gundam from the Evolve series.
  17. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=21378 Hope this thread helps.
  18. Got my guyver gigantic today. Nice big fig.
  19. So how many parts did you have before you had to start modding to get the whole jet pack? As in which parts were official and came with the other figs. I'm not too familiar with this line so excuse my curiosity. Great work by the way. Looks really good.
  20. Well I'm not trying to be a smart arse or anything but I think the best one is the one that you would be willing to buy multiple repaints of. Or the one that you would glady eat ramen for a month just to save money to own it. My 2 Cents.
  21. YEAH! That's what I want to know too!
  22. Be nice if it was the mech from the anime Red Photon Zillion.
  23. http://www.action-hq.com/store/
  24. That's where the cable and umm... what do you call it? The winch? are stored. I guess now well hung jokes are going to run rampant..
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