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Everything posted by ShadowerV2

  1. You think them calling the game Halo was a coincidence?
  2. Whether that story is true or not it's a very interesting read. Might make for a good movie too.
  3. WOW! That was good.
  4. Love those AppleSeed figs!
  5. Same people who made Dead Like Me eh? Pity they canceled that show. I really liked it. I'l gve this one a shot too.
  6. The red one goes inside one that makes the main body. The rest form the arms and legs.
  7. I didn't say anything about not liking them. You asked for Favourite. And those are my Favourite shows. But aside from those. I guess it would be the Blade Movies from Marvel.
  8. None of the above. Ultraman and Kamen Rider.
  9. I bought my Max 1/48 1J from them. Fast shipping well packaged. I'm happy with them.
  10. Maybe just the trading figures and the 1/144 Valks.
  11. For Gashaphon those things are amazing!
  12. Indeed. That Chabby has a very nice design.
  13. Ok mine just arrived. Well packaged. Fast shipping! Good enough. And I got it before Sam did! BWahahaha!
  14. Me and you both buddy. Me and you both.....
  15. A first release record by Yamato! I keed I keed...
  16. Personally I think you might be better off just waiting and seeing if someone will have a 1/60 Strike for sale instead of taking the risk that someone might want to trade the srtike for a 1D.
  17. Vash not so much mostly his arms. Wolfwood is super poseable. Monev definitely (Internal Skeleton and all that). Not sure about Meryl.
  18. They did do the main series. They made Vash, Wolfwood, Monev the Gale and Meryl Strife.
  19. Metal Gear figures and Appleseed characters. Definite yes on the Gungrave figures.
  20. WOW! Kickass work!
  21. Agreed! And the Swimsuit goodness too!
  22. No no. They still change into Animal,Vehicle,Robot and Body part. Just not that often. In Dancouga Nova it's and Eagle, Cougar, Rhino and Mammoth. They changed one of the cats.
  23. Still on the way so I can't say anything yet. Will post an update when it arrives.
  24. Land Liger and Land Cougar and Big Moth from Dancouga! When they are in Tank mode anyway.
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