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Everything posted by DHX

  1. New Ghostbusters video game Trailer.
  2. http://www.empireonline.com/empireblog/Post.asp?id=313 okay, what i'm getting is the crux of the changes is the kelvin incident. basicaly
  3. not a fan of daniel craig's version of James bourne
  4. the perfect solution. Kirk Lazarus
  5. Dattebayo? um.... oh. wrong Uzumaki.
  6. off topic, but i gotta ask: anime52k8 what do you mean by
  7. bloody hell 165 quid! i want one, but man that's expensive!
  8. it's things like that makes me glad not to have watched robotech as a series i never saw robotec masters or southern cross
  9. bah. grimlock's fine, he doesnt need an overly complex transformation, but he better be MP prime sized in robot mode, any smaller would be a problem still, thanks to furman grimlock will always have a place in my collection. heck i brought energon grimlock.
  10. so pike is in this movie? so a romulan from the future comes back in time? why?
  11. AH, Tuvix. that episode made me sad and cemented my hate of janeway.
  12. no it's Armada Hot Shot and Jolt
  13. like i said the development was too subtle(well at least in the first two acts) and when the third(and last) act hit, all his development was rushed. we know what his problem and his evolution is but there is not enough meat to invest in Alto's character as they say.
  14. the concept of Alto isn't bad, but the execution is. what it comes down to is alto's development is to subtle at the beginning and in the third act to fast. you could sum up alto as being the angry teen rebelling against his father and running away from himself. he's more than that but you have to dig for it.
  15. i just got an image of Roy looking at a woman, his eyes doing the epileptic fit bit and being able to accurately tell what a womans bust size was
  16. oh HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL no. i hate it when they pull stuff like that, almost every other character loses out in one way or another to make room for that sort of thing
  17. you know if that's true that would actually annoy me.
  18. if i was looking for O.S.T 1 Where would i look to buy a copy as well as dload a copy?(i have a habit of doing both)
  19. damn that was good.
  20. liked(as in from begining to end): tenchi muyo ryo'oki (the OAV) tekkaman eschaflowne outlaw star ghost in the shell liked(as in what i was able to see) legend of the 4 kings crying freeman ninja scroll hated naruto(post time skip) evangeligon
  21. Does ECM stands for Electronic-Counter-Measures? if so what sort of ECM would effect a Ghost functionality?
  22. they reused the animation from the episode when micheal and ranka came to galia 4
  23. OST2 is Sweeeeeet. Lion is my favorite probably due to it's use in the last part of ep25
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