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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. This is ok. It looks nice but it's phenomenonally slow. The two main guys are gay... right?
  2. What a lame quiz! The Moth appearing at the Black Gates was a nod to moth in Fellowship of the Ring which was itself a nod to Radagast the Brown (the other wizard of LOTR)
  3. and it was Gandalf that caused the earthquake that swallowed the armies of Sauron. eh?
  4. An epic mini-series of The Silmarillion would be great.... to bad it's so closely guarded by Christopher Tolkien - he would never sell while he lives.
  5. Well... it was brilliant! Not perfect, that honour will go to the extended edition. Can it really be over?
  6. She was a mean mother, who could speak incidently. Here, Sam is inserted for size comparison purposes Sorry to nitpick mate, but that's Frodo in the position he was in as he went around the corner a few seconds before. I'm going to see it tomorrow, 10am. Should be fun, if I really like (who am I kidding?!) I might just watch it again right after Max Jenius - Sorry about the other forum. I should have addressed what Peter Jackson's contribution was to the movies instead of just attacking you. I apologise
  7. Hey, its clear we're getting nowhere with the PJ debate. I even went so far as to have other people read the thread. They understood. So I guess if you don't get it, you're never gonna get it. Since when has there been any confusion about what you're saying? I understand it, as Mr March does. We just don't agree with you. In fact, I think you're outright stupid in saying such things... which is why I asked you whether you've seen the extras on the EE dvds but I know you haven't - thus you're talking about something you know nothing about. It's not just a PJ revelant subject either, your opinion shows you're generally ignorant about the movie-making process, about what a director is responsible for... With an argument flawed on practically every level, how could anyone with a brain express anything but total and utter derision? Lock this thread before you really make an ass of yourself. To clarify for your seeming inability to read posts properly, I get what you're saying.... I just think you're talking crap
  8. There's seems to be an open house policy for ignorance and arrogance in this thread. It should stop in case someone says something really stupid. I will ask one question though: Max Jenius - Have you seen the extras on the Extended Editions dvds?
  9. Ummm... no. TTT is a few minutes longer than FOTR (both just under 3 hours), and ROTK is 3hrs 20 mins.
  10. Misread it? So you're dyslexic as well?
  11. What a waste of time.... I want my three minutes back. Next time, how about you actually watch the frigging film before you start spouting crap?
  12. I thought there were another 2 episodes coming? (sorta like a 4 hour mini-series...) I liked it, it wasn't the best thing in the world, but it was pretty good. There's nothing more dramatic than having mankind being wiped out by a merciless race of machines.
  13. I just bought Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs Zeon, haven't played it yet. I would have waited til EiS comes out in England (yeah... sometime in the distant future), but from what I've heard it isn't a vast improvement over FvZ. (can people stop overusing the quote function so it doesn't look like mess? just quote the relevant post, we can read the other stuff in the thread...)
  14. Hey, quit touching me!
  15. One must call for his froatiness to cast the Robotech-demon out of this non-believer's soul. For the rest of us, let us pray in silence. lol, no Robotech demons in this soul. I've yet to hear any actual reasons why it's so beloved. I think it's not actually the series you guys love, but what it means for your Macross fandom. Saying you've seen the entire series of Macross 7 means you're 'better' than the average fan... especially since it hasn't been released in the US. So you call non-Macross 7 fans Robotech lovers... talk about smug elitism.
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