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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. My wayward KC AB 1A arrived today.. #035 looks good.
  2. They are very similar, close enough so that it fits in rather nicely. As for KC customer service, yeah your probably going to need to hound them now. I have been ignored a few times as well.
  3. well apparently my KC AB 1A was seperated from the 1J. I am looking at tracking and it looks like USPS has it taking a grand tour up and down the east coast. Gotta love it.
  4. Santa dropped this off a day late.. First KC release I have seen that has started putting the limited number on the front landing gear doors. No misprints or other obvious typos that I can see. I have the 1A on order apparently not released yet.
  5. So Fall 2023 is wrapping... I am still watching a few series but I dropped a few as well. Sousou no Frieren - Great series, starts out really slow and does pick up abit later on. This series is very much a slow burn, but I love it. My pick for Best of this season. SPY x FAMILY Season 2 - Another series that did not disappoint, I would assume that this is more coming as people keep telling me to to read the manga. Runner up pick for Best of the Fall showings. Helck - Objectively this series really never had a proper direction, was it serious, was it trying to be funny? Ended up dropping during the long stint of whoa is me episodes starting around episode 15. GOBLIN SLAYER II - TBH disappointing. There was plenty of material there to flesh out a decent 2nd season. Compared to the first this was trash, mostly due to pacing, and the amount of cut content. The ending Demon Hand arc had so much cutout that it could have been its own season.. rather then what 2 episodes? Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 - Better then season 2, but its lost its way. I don't even know why the Cardinal Heroes exist now, with all the sub heroes and apparently a nation of randos that negate the Heroes abilities.. Stupid, Silly, and Pointless.... mix that in any order and that sums up S3. Mahou Tsukai no Yome Season 2 Cour 2 - Kinda stretched on this one, overall its not as bad as some other titles this season (shield hero) but it took way too long to get to anything worth of interest. I stuck with it because of comments made on here about it all setting up the finale. The finale was good, but even it couldn't cover the lackluster finale to the 2nd season. I still prefer the 1st half of the first season.. Saihate no Paladin: Tetsusabi no Yama no Ou - In the end not bad actually. Another slow burn series, but this one was much better paced. I'd stick around for another season if they decide to do it.. I have a few others on the back burner and I probably missed some others. S Summary for the TLDR folks.. Frieren is awesome Best of this season.. with Spy Family close behind.
  6. I just got an email notification stating that the Angel Birds VFs have shipped.
  7. Let's be real, it was that Epic Sax that defeated the Marduk in M2... lol
  8. Largely depends on the release. For the most part its acceptable, I have only had 1 real issue with the Rick TV 1S. It was a tampo misprint and they ended up sending me a replacement. I would be the first to say that KC Customer Service is pretty responsive, but with MY moving on their Customer Service has taken a total crap. Might be my luck, but I have asked several questions and never gotten a response.
  9. My Xmas present arrived early.. ended up picking up 2 of the low viz KC 1A/S valks. And 1 of the Fokker 1S "Special Color" because apparently my old man eyes still didn't get what the special color was. After seeing it in person its pretty obvious, but will fit in nicely with the low viz valks. Both of the low viz valks read 003 on the sides, and there is no indication of limited run on these anywhere. The "Special Color" Version of the Fokker TV 1S
  10. Goal was already met, that was fast. I am in on this one, even though IMO Macross 2 had some... imperfections..
  11. I got nagged into finally completing Bofuri.. complete slog for me.
  12. Is this PO? If so I'm gonna hit the brakes on this. KC already has alot of my $$ for pre-orders that they need to put out. No more $$ until they start playing catch up..
  13. Yeah this is a big fat NOPE from me. What is this a Sentai Valk team? Seems like it harkens back to the joons days.
  14. So with Turkey day now behind me, I got a chance to catch up fully with Ancient Magus Bride S2.. and I see your point now. Still a very slow overall S2 at this point. Also got a chance to catch up mostly with Helck.. and ugh. not sure I can finish this.
  15. It really does skip a considerable amount it also seems to sanitize what does happen. The whole point is to show what Goblins are capable of if left unchecked, and to remove some of the more graphic content also removes some of the driving force for character development. At this rate they should wrap book 7 before the end of the season with ease. oooh boy where do I start this.. The part where they started jumping worlds for no rhyme or reason, or the part where there are now heroes of other classes of heroes. Or now the waves are pretty much irrelevant and we have to deal with battles of zodiac characters. Or even better the other cardinal heroes are now all Chumps! I've got more gripes if you have the patience.. lol
  16. Goblin Slayer S2 has me at a quandary now, most of S2 so far is Book 7 with a smattering of content from earlier. The anime has skipped Books 2,3,4 and 6. And currently is on a drag race through high elf archers sisters wedding arc with much content skipped. Sousou no Frieren is the breakout of this season, Frieren is everywhere on the image boards and Frien is apparently *ahem quite popular as well. I started reading the manga, it also helps the mangaka is a fan of Macross. Shield hero Season 3, I'm not fully caught up but this series has largely lost my interest. Only reason why I am still watching is because the group is doing so. Hametsu no Oukoku, another that I am not fully caught up on. The group dropped this one early because the MC turned into a giant douche. I'll put this on my list to see if it gets any better, the first few episodes were pretty graphic. Faraway Paladin S2, Its keeping its slow pacing going they returned the abandoned city that most of S1 was set in and now apparently its starting to pick up abit. I can see why people would drop this but I am gonna stick with it for now. Toaru Ossan no VRMMO Katsudouki, the anti gamer MMO game anime. Or AKA the game based anime I like because they aren't doing the inside gamer jokes that nobody but gamers get. I'd say this series is entertaining at least, nothing to write home about but its good enough to keep going at least for me. Helck, honestly I don't even know what is going on with this series, I am a few episodes behind now and any real draw has long since faded. I will slog it through to the end. Mahou Tsukai no Yome Season 2 Cour 2.. Boring. nothing else to add really.
  17. Yeah, its been on a steady downward trend starting with the 2nd half of the first season. I am still a few episodes behind on S2 Part 2.
  18. lol.. I am in for 1 of each as well.
  19. @jvmacross 10% off in-stock at flying mule coupon.. TGP23 expires 11/19.
  20. @jvmacross https://www.flyingmule.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_code=AV&Product_Code=CL-CA72VF01 I mentioned this in the other thread, but I had some issues with the shipping service when I ordered directly from CW. Flying Mule has packed them very well, and you can usually score a coupon code. The downside is that FM gets its items later, but its worth it for me to mitigate damage on shipping. my .02
  21. Latest VF-1 released.. I really like this one.. and without a doubt Grey Market at this point.. Macross 41st logo had me lol
  22. I do agree that having a separate forum for Both RT "Macross" toys and Macross toys is silly. I think the issues were with the all things RT were bad crowd, this has largely abated as the fandom aged but its still there. Call it Purists, or Fanboys... whatever. Looking past that I want to talk about Calibre Wings directly.. Where in the MW rules does its say we cannot discuss Calibre Wings? For those that don't know.. original post is here.. Then when that thread closed.. I started this one.. My issue is that the thread was closed without any reason other then pointing back to a closed thread. I am not trying to pick on the Moderators here, but really? I want to discuss the product, if I can't because the same few people are causing issues.. This seems to be the same in other threads, so deal with the trouble makers. Simply put that is what a moderator is for. Sorry @Pontus not trying to derail your thread.. your point is very valid just trying to show some history.
  23. I'd recommend Flying Mule.. even better if there is a coupon code for it. My only issue with direct ordering is I have had less then stellar luck with the flying monkeys doing international shipping. I know its a risk you run, but I started using Flying Mule because of this. I'm gonna be honest, I've got better pictures but my last thread about this got closed. Apparently some unwritten rule about CW releases now. 😑
  24. This is disappointing to hear, I know that S1 took up most its run by setting up the MC. Looks like we'll be screening this tonight so I will give some feedback then.
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