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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. I did not, will need to go check the video.. Multi color variants are a good idea, especially if you invest in a mold and want to milk what you can out of it.
  2. This is one of those that I want to enjoy, but there will be no way I ever will. Guaranteed Dumpster fire, best it can do is be meh in this current age we live in.
  3. I leave for a few days and miss a bunch of stuff.. typical. I like the variants on the GBP armor sets.. would be cool to see several color variations. Max figure looks promising.. lots of pooh, poohing on the cloth.. maybe.. but considering the alternative is old Matchbox or the the Fugly Toynami figures.. this is quite the improvement. I do agree though that the cloth is jank, rather would see the standard plastic like they did with Hikaru and Roy. They still need to catch up and put something out before they get anymore $$ from me.
  4. Quite literally. Not a series I would recommend for the average anime fan but an experience either way.
  5. So abit OT buy any good price guide sites for these newer TF toys? I plan on slimming down the hoard..
  6. Great question.. on a plus side when KC ships something I get it very quickly.. like DHL quickly. Is the price from HK that much higher then say Japan? I order from Amiami and use DHL and its not this expensive and bigger items..
  7. I'm holding until they "catch up" and release what I have had on order for 2+ years. I agree that shipping costs are a joke.
  8. I started Solo Leveling, seems ok so far I am only 3 episodes in so 4 more to go to get current. Also wanted to mention Sasaki to Pii-chan at first did not know what to think, but lately I caught up and I am enjoying it.
  9. I'm going back a season and watching Ai no Idenshi. Its been on my to do list for awhile, with much of this season very meh..
  10. I totally missed those, we can all hope that eventually they see the light of day.. just like everything else I have on pre-order with them.
  11. @Return To Kit Form Man that is terrible. Even worse when its no fault of your own. @Seto Kaiba I don't foresee this being a win for Dodge. The sound it makes is laughable and unnecessary, if your gonna make an EV make it an EV. I spent last summer at several east coast drag strips watching stripped teslas blow the doors off other cars. There is interest, by some but I'll pass. My charger turns 55 this year.. and its still going strong.. Where will this one be in 55 years?
  12. Thank god! my wallet gets a reprieve this time around. Nice to see they are finally releasing the Dana figure.. now they need to play catch up on other things on pre order.. just sayin.
  13. The Purple GOF release is probably my favorite overall KC paint schema.. outside of maybe the original Dark Gold and Black.. which is also pretty sharp.
  14. Speaking of Metallic Rouge.. What the hell is going on with this series? Its drawing from several other similar Sci Fi series.. with hints of BGC, Blade Runner, even some GITS. But its missing a key element. 3 episodes in and its motivations are about as clear as mud.
  15. Watched the 2nd Gurren Lagann Movie "The Lights in the Sky are Stars" in Theatres last night. Overall whether you enjoy it or not depends on if you enjoyed GL to begin with. Both movies are largely stripped down retellings of the events of the TV series. With the endings on both going completely off the rails. I could nitpick here and there but overall it was enjoyable and I was not dissapointed. Theatrically speaking the next 2 "anime" movies coming to theatres is the FF 7 Advent Children movie, and Paprika. I'll probably go see Paprika because I like Satoshi Kon movies.. but the FF7 movie is an easy pass, was boring when it released.. boring now.
  16. The amount skipped just revolving around the Marriage arc and Vol 7 really left a bad taste in my mouth about season 2. The whole Demon Hand arc is just left on the cutting room floor with the climax and resolution pretty much all that is left. Different studios handle things in different ways, first season was White Fox, which has done good work in the past but also some stinkers. Liden Films animated Season 2, I don't know a whole lot about this studio.. quick google search shows them credited with several series I have seen, Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor, Kaginado, Call of the Night, and The Legendary Hero Is Dead!.
  17. Came back from a Screening of the First Gurren Lagann Movie.. Childhood's end. I have seen the TV series, but never watched the movies. It was nice, a recap of the first half and it stops right before the battle with the Spiral King. It does go off the rails at the end, which is understandable considering they are trying to compress all of it into a movie. 2nd Gurren Lagann movie is getting a screening next week, The lights in the sky are stars. Also Cowboy Bebop Movie is getting a screening early next week, if nothing is going on I might go see that as well.
  18. I decided to give Oshi no Ko a watch, just got passed the first 1:20 episode.. was more like a movie. This is dark, I never would have guessed this is from the same person who did Kaguya Sama Love is war. Apparently S2 coming in 2024..
  19. So did a speedrun through Tsuki ga Michibuku Isekai.. and meh. Its not terrible but not that great either, the MC is not very bright and it shows. S2 is gonna be rough I think.
  20. Nice, I'd love to find a Firehawk WS6 that was not beat all to hell, these cars had the snot beat out of them, and then were left to rot. I've been doing alot of reading to try and bridge the gap on what I need to know about vintage GM. I am a Mopar guy, but with that Caprice I need to learn up real quick.
  21. This season is looking pretty dull so far, other then Frieren and the 2nd Season from Banished from the Heroes Party that's the jist of it. My group is planning on watching S2 of Tsuki ga Michibuku Isekai, and I never watched S1 so doing a quick run through to catch up. Nozomanu Fushi no Boukensha is also apparently on this list. As well as Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete. I largely agree with @Seto Kaiba on Demon Slayer I've only seen up to and including Mugen Train. It did not hold my interest enough to go past it. Most shounen anime tend to make me lose interest rather quickly. I will give it credit that I got through the first season and movie.
  22. Several things actually. I am the 2nd owner as the car belonged to my grandfather. Mileage is suspect, but I have paperwork so the Odo might be more correct then I think. Short term is to give it a once over and repair or replace the things that need addressing, luckily most of the parts from the Impala will work on this, with the Caprice specific parts being harder to locate. Eventually the car will be repainted back to its original factory colors.. which was Dusk Blue, with a Blue or White Vinyl Roof (still looking at build codes on it to be certain) Gramps had abit of a lead foot and the motor was reworked in the 90s, this car is no slouch considering its the same motor found in the Camaro and Vette of the time period.
  23. And now its in my hands.. at last! 1969 Caprice, Factory 427, hideaway headlights and AC. Its been slumbering for some time and I've got some work ahead of me. Big Motor.. Tiny Air cleaner.... lol smooth movie Genius Gone!
  24. I think so? Looking at my other orders it appears to be that way unless I missed something. I think the only pre-order I was NOT in was for the Dana figure.
  25. I just took a look at my order history, and surprisingly its not worse.. Oldest open Pre Order I have with KC is the 1/72 GBP armor from 3/2001. After that its the Regult (2022), and the Max and Millia metallic with figures from 2023. I thought it was worse, but its enough for me to pause pre orders till they play catch up.
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