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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. I just recently knocked over a computer show in my area, and I come across this thing which looks like an N64 controller a walther ppk, and a genesis controller all linked together by cables. Apparently this this is one of those a billion and one type game systems yet this seems to be all NES games. Well so I am looking at motherboards and all of a sudden "Macross" catches my eye, so I was like ok...Macross in the US where are the Harmony Gold goonies . It turns out this little multigame thingy has the famicom ROM for SDF Macross loaded as one of its games. So after some haggling I picked one up for $10 why not? Anyway I am just curious if anyone else has seen these things, if anyone wants I can post a pic of it. Not bad though $10 for the NES Macross Game. Rob
  2. All in all I would agree with areaseven on this review, because by itself ZOE Idolo is ok. Since I have both ZOE games and ZOE Dolores they all really pan the storyline out quite nicely. Idolo starts it, and the first PS2 game picks up right where Idolo ends. Then I believe Dolores comes next and sometime during Dolores the 2nd ZOE game comes into play and ZOE 2 finishes the storyline. Rob
  3. Looks like I am the 2nd person you've met that prefers the english dub in Nadesico. I have had bootleg copy of prince of darkness for a very long time now. I am really interested to see how they translate certain parts of it, or is ADV gonna hack job it, just like the Eva Directors cuts coming out shortly. Guess time will tell when its released I'll pick it up. Rob
  4. Towards the end of Excel Saga the car that Nabashin (SP?) is driving transforms into Gerwalk with a gunpod and looks very familiar. Thats all I can think of at the moment. Rob
  5. Ack...sorry Hurin too much quoting going on for me to read I am curious about the 1/48 line I thought it was supposed to be a special line that wasnt going to repeat everything or most of everything in the 1/60 line. Since I have all of the 1/60's I have passed on every 1/48 that is a remake of the same thing I have in 1/60 scale. So I picked up the low-viz and the Hikaru 1S and fastpacks. Now that yamato is going to release the Hikaru 1J next I will pass on that, and probably the 1/48 M&M if they ever come out. But if other variants do happen to come out that werent released in 1/60 scale I probably will consider picking them up. And even though I love the VF-1 series to death I also think its time to put out some new stuff, VF-4,VF-17 etc etc. Till then I guess I'll wait and see.
  6. Or in other words if at first Yamato doesn't succeed buy, buy again seriously I like this one and like what has been repeated before I have always wanted a Hikaru Strike. Combine this with my recent Low-Viz which restored my faith in the 1/48 line and my poor wallet is really hurting. As long as there arent any obvious QC issues this valk should rock. Rob
  7. I personally wouldnt recommend shipping this display case. I think it would hold up ok but your looking at roughly 45-50 pounds of glass give or take so to ship the package would start costing some $$$. I had to drive 2 hours to get to philly for the ikea near me but it was worth the drive just make sure you drive something that you can bring it back in. Rob
  8. I just recently went over to an Ikea in philly and picked out a Detolf display case even has a light you can mount on the top. All in all for $99 this case rocks there is one drawback though, the glass shelving will slide and might possibly fall, how I solved this problem was I superglued the plastic clips that go on the supports to the glass shelving which solved the sliding problem. I looked at the others and in person the Detoulf had the best presentation ability. Rob
  9. Well as I stated before if Hurnin would have actually read my post instead of putting words in my mouth. The whole point of what I said was Skull One has a right to be pissed off for paying so much for a collectors toy and it having obvious flaws. I guess when I am as old as as wise as you are Hurnin then I will get ingnorant too and attack other people and their opinions. I could care less about what Yamato puts out and now that he has done a good job painting me as a Yamato hater because I wont pay $130 for a toy with some obvious problems I guess its time for me to be banished to the pits of MPC hell . The point I was trying to make is that Yamato has a history of QC problems some major and some not so major but these should be pretty much non-existant for what you pay for a Yamato valk. You can disagree with me all you want but I wont tolerate a personal attack (not that I am pointing any fingers now). Rob
  10. Well I always thought the motto of Macross World was if you dont agree with popular opinion then your thread will be locked, deleted or generally shunned but that is a whole different issue. My comments arent only about the 1/48 valks, its about all the Yamato valks anyone remember the VF-11B?? Xform it once and hope the hip don't break, that was my first wake up call. I still havent pulled that one from the box since I dont want to break it. Most of my Yamatos I havent even opened because I am afraid of what I might find. My only negative experience with a Yamato was with my 1/60 Hikaru super. Now I dont own the 1/48 Roy and from what I have read I wouldnt buy it. I am interested in the 1/48 Hikaru 1S and I will wait for some people to check it out before I purchase it, if I purchase it. If I upset anyone with my previous post, then Oh well you'll get over it. I obviously don't have the popular opinion here but I don't Hate Yamato and if they want to put out a rerelease more power to em. But you cant expect people to just shut up and be happy and then when they speak out complain about them whining. Anyway everything else is pointless rambling I've said my peace. Rob
  11. This is pathetic, I dunno about some people here but $130+ for a toy is way too much for me to drop like its nothing. And when you pay the $130 for the toy it better be damn well perfect. Unlike some people if Yamato screws it up the first time I'm not stupid enough to say "gee they f*(&%! up the first one lets get the reissue and HOPE its correct". Burned once and you learn Burned twice and your a fool. I personally have a decent collection of Yamatos but I have stopped buying them lately because of QC. I refuse to continue dropping large amounts of money for something that isnt worth half of what they charge and on top of that you get a crappy product. WAKE UP people I love macross and macross goodies as well but I am not blind. Rob
  12. Yea the new streamlined voltron was called stealth voltron or something. If I remember correctly the original "lion" voltron is destroyed by the federation? in the Voltron 3D show and that was the last episode I ever saw of it. Then this "Stealth Voltron" comes out and I was like wtf!? Rob
  13. If you have the PS2 version there are codes to do everything including unlock all the mecha. Along with the "bug" cheat that allows you to be invulnerable. If your still looking for them PM me and I'll send them to you. Sorry dont have them right now cause I am stuck at work. Rob
  14. Allright considering I have 4 different Metal Lion Voltrons and 1 plastic one. I would have to agree with the others in the group in considering the Lionbot which is the only one that I dont have but have access to . I have the 2 Matchbox metal voltrons I think II and III? I am not sure. I also have an original Bandai? Metal Voltron and of course the Trendmasters reissue from 97-98. The trendmaster voltron is a clone of the Matchbox voltron, except the paint colors are slightly off. The most noticeable difference though are the tabs that are on the red and green lions. Which reminds me that I still have a TM voltron MISB hiding in my closet somewhere hmm. What are the TM voltrons worth? If your looking at just getting a diecast voltron the TM should be fine just beware of certain QC issues. Rob
  15. My first valk was a Joons Red white and blue valk, which I still have sitting on a shelf in my room. Still cant believe that bootlegs went for that much at one time . Rob
  16. totally unrelated here but Valkyrie Hunter D where did you get the Strike Hikaru JM? That thing is sweet. I have never been much of a JM fan but I would jump on that in an instant. Rob
  17. I stumbled across this picture when I doing my normal search for new Eva stuff Click Me and if you look towards the bottom right hand corner is it just me or does Unit 01 look like its sporting something similar to GPB(?) armor. Anyone have any more info on this game? Rob
  18. I have a few of them I would say battroid is about 2.5 inches tall give or take. The fighters are about 1.5 to 2 inches in length. I would take some pictures but I don't have a camera.
  19. For a rare moment for me I actually like the MPC fast packs. Unlike the Millia 1J I have that is barely worth the $30 I paid for it, the fastpacks seem to be of better quality. Now I personally cant compare the MPC fp to the 1/48 but look at it this way I paid $25 for my millia fp set and for the 1/48 fp your looking at $60 including shipping. IMO they are well worth the $25 I paid for them now only if I could find something other then the MPC to put them on .
  20. Alright now I know this topic has been discussed before, but since I wasnt interested then but I am now here goes nothing. Can anyone recommend any mod chips for the PS2 that...... Play both import PSX and PS2 games, Play backup PSX and PS2 games. And here is the real kicker not require me to solder 50 billion points on the PCB? Now honestly my soldering skills are ok, but the less of a chance I F*** up my PS2 the better. And yes I am modding my PS2 just for the new Macross game . If you have any info, links or reviews help a fellow mwer out. Rob
  21. Speaking of mod chips for the PS2. Have they actually come out with a chip that will let you play PSX@PS2 imports, PSX backups and PS2 backups and to make it even more interesting NOT require Phat soldering skills? Last time I checked mod chips would do either one or the other but not all. That and requires about 20 solder points in not so easy to solder locations. Hell I lucked out with my PSX since its a first generation all I had to do was plug in a module and bam I was there.
  22. joke-machine you mean Nescaflowne and Evangelion Re-Death . I have yet to find the videos for download on the web. If someone does let me know. And back on topic the End of Excel Saga was just wrong, funny but wrong. And on a final note...."It's Gendo!" lol Rob
  23. What happened to the VE-1's head??? the rest of the valk looks sweet but the head!? I guess I'm just gonna leave mine in fighter when I get it
  24. Not sure if this fits in this forum or not so bear with me. Recently a friend of mine came to me with questions about an old RT model kit he has. The kit is from the Robotech Defenders line and is called "Zoltek". I personally have never seen this one but I am familar with this line since I had a few when I was a kid. All in all the box is in C6 condition its a little banged up from storage but no tears. The model is complete some bags still sealed some not everything is complete including instructions and advertisement showing rest of the line. Only problem with the model is the hands are off the spruce, they consists of 4 pieces but its all there. If anyone has any idea what these are worth let me know, he was gonna give it to me but I dont wanna rip him off if its worth something. Thanks Rob
  25. Well I was gonna say I'd prolly buy some as well if they had Prowl, and then I click the picture and poof there he is. Definately gonna have to get him the rest of em... bah!
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