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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. 1.) 1/76 Armored vf1j figure MIB
  2. Ahh the college days.... such fond memories. Well I like most people pretty much lived off of Instant Ramen and other various Dollar store delights. Not too mention the cheap Beer, never could get near Mad dog or night train thank god. I used to take the ramen bricks boil em throw is some imitation crab or some other meat and it was all good. During my senior year while I was working on a group project I ended up making a feast out of instant ramen for about 7 people. The looks I got once that was finished... but hey everyone liked it Rob
  3. Dude no offense or anything but I really hope they DONT put 14 year olds in plug suits I say more power to the "non" jailbait Rob
  4. From what I have read and also from the Geneon/Pioneer Sig series that I have bought so far, there is no difference. Its basically a repacking of the same DVD at a cheaper price. Similar to PS2 greatest hits titles. Rob
  5. Well besides ADVs interpretation on what is said in one scene the only other thing I noticed is that they redubbed the whole thing. Gendo is a different VA, so is Maya but other then that besides some extras everyone else is the same at least VA wise. I have only seen 21 and 22 so far, but as for the WETA interview all I have to say is Rei is now Ray Asuka is Kate Rose and Misato is now Susan. Don't ask I don't know its all on the disc. The concept pictures looked great but I fear this is going to be worse then G-saviour, if they cant even keep the names I can only imagine what else they're gonna hack. Its HG part 2 lol . Rob
  6. I have the 1/48 f-14 "sundowners" and for what $20 I think the thing rocks. Now if it was $245 like the franklin mint "jolly rogers" mentioned above I would be seriously pissed off. But for $20 its sweet and with some touch up detailing I wish I could get the same quality on an MPC for $20. Now as for the other f-14 I have yet to see it, but now I have a another reason to hit up walmarts. Rob
  7. Exo, It was expensive enough, but still cheaper then the alternative of getting Unit 01 with the base all over again. Finding the bases is like pulling teeth some places still sell the bases but you really have to look. Rob
  8. I posted this pic on the twinmoons anime forums, this along with the others there should give you a decent feel for them. Personally I think they rank up there with the 1/48. Rob
  9. Well considering I repair PS2s as sort of a side hobby, I wouldnt consider myself an expert but I am probably pretty close to it by default. Will the slide card burn out the tray eject motor....Yes but so will using the PS2 normally over time. The slide card method does however put more stress on the drawer motor but not enough to warrant a major concern IMO. Out of the countless number of PS2s I have worked on I would say maybe 4 or 5 that I could possibly attribute to the slide card as possible cause of failure. Of course also keep in mind that a ver 1.0 - 3.0 and some 4.0 PS2s are literally timebombs waiting to fail (at one time I had so many ver 1.0 and 2.0 PS2s that were dead its not even funny). I also heard about the alternate solution by using a fliptop case along with the slide card to "bypass" putting additional stress on the motor. Since I personally have never used this method it may be a better option. The best option and also the most expensive would be the Mod chip, newer chips claim not to strain the laser or laser motor while older chips were probably the cause of death to many of the PS2s I worked on. I personally have a Ver 7.0 PS2 modded with the DSM3(?) chip and I have not seen any sign of problems. Be warned though Installation of a Mod chip is a difficult task and even though I have done a few of them I still dont enjoy it. So for those of you out there that do...congrats better you then me . Rob
  10. Is that really the case? Will the weathering interfere with the adhesion of the decals/stickers? Great even a simple application of stickers turns into a *(^%)_&^~! project. Oh well Anyone have any other ideas or know if this really the case. Rob
  11. Question, I am about to sticker the hell out of my low-viz and I want to clean it first to remove any chemical residue so the stickers adhere better. I am abit worried though about the stories of the weathering coming off when this is done. So....Is it safe to use alcohol to clean the valk, or better to use soapy water or what? I figured I would sticker it to death and then give it a clear coat to seal it..any suggestions? Rob
  12. Hey I didnt know they made multiple squadrons of the 1/48 F-14's you have. I can tell by the ugly fuel tanks you have the same one I do except mine is VF-111 "Sundowners" I think. I just really liked the tail art. Hmm interesting now I am gonna have to hunt to see if I can find a 1/48 jolly rogers tomcat. Nice panel lining BTW I like the 1/48 Hikaru 1J just not enough to go out and buy it Rob
  13. lol this thread reminds me of the pictures I see quite often of a valkyrie in atmosphere switching to Gerwalk to rapidly deccelerate....and I keep thinking yep thats gonna leave a mark . Rob
  14. All your money are belong to us! Rob "For Great Justice"
  15. I have a MISB 1/48 Low Viz and I am debating opening it and Stickering the hell out of it. My problem now is that apparently the more I read the more it seems this thing is a "hot" item right now. Same damn thing happened with the Bandai Max and Millia and I left them MISB. I would get another but I am not going to pay $170+ as of ebay 12/01/03 when I paid $140 for mine a few months ago. This sucks! Rob
  16. Yea I would recommend FLCL as well and Rahxephon, Vandread, Full Metal Panic. I dunno if I can recommend Lain though I am almost all the way through it and I personally am not impressed. Rob
  17. Black Dragon is the shortened version of the name, but since your close enough its all yours. For those of you who want the full name which is really long check out the 2nd (I think) YUA boxset I think its the Santa Claus episode, and its also in the manga. Rob
  18. As per my earlier post I have to dig them out and see what ones I have and what ones I would need to complete it. If your interested PM me and we'll go from there. Rob
  19. I actually have 2 cases of these things that I picked up when they first came out to get the whole collection. Unfortunately I never got the whole thing but I did get most of it. I was actually thinking about selling them because I dont see anyone trading anymore. Rob
  20. jwinges, PM when your gonna sell it and how much, I am still waiting on getting my PS2 back from bieng modded once I do I was planning on picking it up Rob
  21. Ok, here we go with another Your Under Arrest Question... What is the full name of Strikeman's Motorcycle? Rob
  22. LOL, now what does that tell you. I cant get any other answers but I get this one . Ok ok give me abit to think of one. Rob
  23. I should just pull the DVDs out and check, and white would have been my first choice next one would be pink. Rob
  24. I would have to say that ZOE Dolores is similar to how Macross 7 was laid out. At first it was like eh... then towards the middle/end it really starts to pick up IMHO. Rob
  25. LOL good point! I personally like Macross 2 and Macross 7 but to be honest they both are the least favorite of mine in comparison to all the other Macross derivatives SDF Macross,2012,DYRL,Mac+,Mac 0. So I can't argue that one is better then the other. I will say this though the English dub of Mac 2 was horrible and yes this includes the ending song which was worse then dare I say it ANY robotech song <_< . And to be equally fair to the other side. I can only listen to Basara say "Listen to my song" so many times and then start with Planet Dance before I start wishing for a stray missle to take him out . I also noticed people making a big deal out of Kawamori's (sp?) opinion on Mac 2......um who cares? So go watch your Macross 2 and Macross 7 and be happy its only an anime . Rob
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