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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. picked this game up last night, played for about an hour. I can't say that I can really rave about this game, maybe its because I haven't played enough yet. Ace Combat 4 kinda jumped out and grabbed me right away, this has yet to do that. One downside I see is having to confirm things either yes/no during combat which gets to be annoying when it happens over and over again. So far this feels more like a remake of AC4 then a whole new game. Rob
  2. Sweet, asuka is going super posable.... So what's the deal with this figure is it going to come out with another issue of the Manga? Rob
  3. ok, so what's it bieng recalled for? I have read about problems with the DTS on the DVD. But what is wrong with the soundtrack? Rob
  4. Ok, I have been looking around lately for both Max and Millia 1/55 Bandai Reissues. I already have a set, which prompted someone I know to want a set. Ok so here is the kicker these used to pop up on Ebay every once in a blue moon but lately no luck. Well it looks like he may have found a lead on both MISB. So my question is what are these things going for now? When I picked mine up I paid about $80 for Max and $60 for Millia. With nobody selling them lately and no one talking about them what is the going rate now? I told him what i paid as a start but that was quite some time ago. Any help would be appreciated so that way I know he isnt getting nailed. Rob
  5. Yep in agreement with Anubis, my only problem with this set it is the craptastic dub again. Rob
  6. Well personally I have yet to see part 3, but if its worse then part 2 I'll pass. I liked Part 1 and Part 2 IMHO just plain sucked. If Part 3 is worse forget it. Rob
  7. So are the Archviles still badass like they were in Doom 2. I remember they had the ability to throw you around using telekenesis and spontaniously light you on fire. Plus they had the ability to resurrect dead baddies. Rob
  8. Ok the flying Baby/Bee/Wasp baddies were pretty freaky. The spiders got me as well, but other then that I am not seeing anything really way out there. Where are the Archviles though? According to what I have read they are out there. Did I already come across em or is it later in the game. Rob
  9. I hear that this game is excellent, even with my crappy setup. I am running this game fine in Medium Graphics mode, at a 1024x768 setting using a GForce 4 4600 Ti. Obviously you do see some imperfections but it runs well enough for me. I was gonna upgrade for this game, but this time I'll pass. Rob
  10. lol no need to apologize we need more pics of an Su-25 Rob
  11. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=9514
  12. That has to be one of the best looking boxes I have seen in awhile. But I will admit I have a bias for Sadamoto artwork. hehe Rob
  13. also can try using clone CD if you can find it. Rob
  14. Alright thanks for the info, as an update for $25 I got the chase and Normal and Clear Hair Versions of Misa Hayase. Kinda shocked he took the offer but I am not complaining Rob
  15. I recently came across someone who is willing to part with the chase figure from the 2nd Macross CMS line. Now my question is what is a fair offer? Or what are these worth. I am not sure if he knows what he has but if its not worth much that means less for me to spend to get it Rob
  16. dude seriously why even buy it if your not gonna mess with it every once in awhile. So if I'm a geek oh well I guess you'll get over it. As for durability with the fastpacks my 1/48 vf-1s hikaru has been fine with and without them. Rob
  17. I just got #007 of the Mikimoto and Mech cases. And my first impression is that its gonna be a damn shame that I have to hide this artwork behing other DVD's on my rack . Seriously though excellent work, I ordered both because I liked items from both. Honestly though the Mikimoto one is truly the better of the two. I have to wait until I get my camera back and I can take really good pictures but the Mikimoto case left me speechless. Not to bash on the Mech box since I like that one as well . Anyway that's my 2 cents. Rob
  18. umm Borderline Hentai??? Yeah the border was way back there and Kite is way over here lol. No Borderline about this one, this is Hentai with a plot. Rob
  19. A7 as an answer to your trivia question I am gonna take a stab and say they are all characters in titles released by pioneer/geneon. Rob
  20. Regardless of if the toy sucks or not, I don't see a problem with him asking for detailed pictures. I personally have never seen this toy before and wouldn't mind seeing detailed pictures. I am guessing this is the small version of the sdf-1 right? not the big bandai/matchbox one? Rob
  21. Pic #2 Sorry about the size looks like I need to reinstall photoshop so mods feel free to resize away Rob
  22. Ok as promised pictures comparing the sizes of the different statues and all that. Heck I even threw in a 1/60 to give you a something to reference with. Rob Pic #1
  23. Damn you Anubis!!!! now I have to spend more money Seriously sweet Misato figure. As for Rei and Asuka figures I have quite a collection going but even I think they're going a little overkill, the chinese dress figures are very nice but I think after the grimrock and sega plug suit figures my rei and asuka figure collecting will be coming to an end. Rob
  24. Give me a little bit and I will post comparison pictures, gotta setup the camera again. Rob
  25. I have one of these still in its box with the same packaging etc,etc. This is a bootleg, though not really crappy as most people assume bootlegs to be. I got mine at a flea market about 4 years ago and I think I paid about $30 give or take a buck or 2. As for the armor its pretty much what you see is what you get. The neat thing about this toy is the head folds foward and you can pull out the pilot seat. I dunno if its worth $50 but its a neat thing to add to a collection. Rob
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