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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san is still my choice for Best Summer Anime 2024. Spice and Wolf has finally departed content previously animated, and this allows me to say something positive and maybe recommend it. Maougun Saikyou no Majutsushi wa Ningen datta - Meh, its nothing that hasn't been done before. Its not a bad series, the CGI is painful at points but overall it OK. Not good, just OK. Shinmai Ossan Boukensha, Saikyou Party ni Shinu hodo Kitaerarete Muteki ni Naru. It looks like its gonna wrap with a tournament arc, I have at least read the Manga ahead abit so I know what is coming next. Another meh title. Its not bad, but its not really good either. I have Given Oshi no Ko Season 2 enough time to develop a good head start so I will start watching it. Hopefully its as good as the first season was.
  2. This just came in from Amiami.. Need to find a place for him next to Albedo and Shaltear.
  3. Username, started originally at me poking fun at the engrish in the Kawamori Mechanical Design works. It then spiraled into an inside joke amongst friends and some old MW members. My avatar was a gif of Kohaku dancing.. then MW had a upgrade years back and been stuck ever since.. damn I'm old now..
  4. Have you tried FB? I got a response to at least 1 of my question via that route.
  5. I passed after ep 2 where she tries to jump him. Very much vibes of other series along the vein of brother/sister wanna bone. Maybe it gets better keep us posted.
  6. Thankfully the fighting tournament arc is fairly short. It will probably be the capstone of the anime adaptation.
  7. Good news for Spicy Wolf fans.. apparently they are going to adapt additional story that the original anime did not..
  8. I'm liking the anime adaptation, its been probably 5+ years since I played through the game, so there is much I do not remember. Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san - is still my favorite this season. Alya comes off too harsh at points, but the gimmick is funny. Hazurewaku no "Joutai Ijou Skill" de Saikyou ni Natta Ore ga Subete wo Juurin suru made - The whole Isekai a busload of high school kids died for me with last seasons ridiculous 1 hit death garbage series. The only thing this has going for it, is the elf.. not really much else. Gimai Seikatsu - this went downhill pretty fast. Angsty teenagers, silly and pointless drama. Its a hair away from the Dumpster fire "Domestic na Kanojo" I'm waiting for all the stupid anime tropes to hit at some point.. aka Suzuka, or A town where you live.. Should rename this series.. tell me you wannna drill your step sister without telling me you wanna drill your step sister. Maougun Saikyou no Majutsushi wa Ningen datta - I think @Seto Kaiba said it best, its pretty low budget. While not terrible the copy pasta CGI is killing it for me. I'm willing to bet the manga is pretty good. Isekai Shikkaku - I only watched the first 2 episodes. The whole premise of wanting to find a place to die and do nothing is already stale. Good luck with the next 10 episodes. Shinmai Ossan Boukensha, Saikyou Party ni Shinu hodo Kitaerarete Muteki ni Naru. - Surprisingly this one is turning out better then I expected. Its nothing that hasn't been done before but it is entertaining me. Giji Harem - not bad.. It's pretty straight forward right out of the gate with what to expect. Poor girl is down bad, and the MC is mostly dense. Everyone else seems to pickup on it. Megami no Cafe Terrace 2nd Season - I am enjoying this, as I did the 1st season. It reminds me of Love Hina, so if your not into Harem Rom-coms then pass. 2.5-jigen no Ririsa - ..... The Mrs said it best, it has a skeeve vibe going. I see its trying to ride off of Sono Bisque Doll.. but maybe tone it down abit. \
  9. Started.. Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san ... aka Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian. I know of this series from the manga, I missed it was coming out this season. If it follows the manga it should be pretty entertaining if you like Romcoms.
  10. So has anyone tried using a heat gun and getting the plastic to revert back to its molded shape? I've had success with other plastic and vinyl figures doing this. Just be very cautious with how much heat you apply, you don't want to melt it.
  11. This just popped in via DHL.. probably now the largest figure/toy I have hands down. Gonna have to charge it rent.
  12. Wrapped S3 of Konasuba.. Overall I enjoyed it, this is another one of those this is all we will get in anime form. I have the novels staring at me at some point, but I need to play catch up on ReZero and Eighty-Six before I go down that path. Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku? - wrapped as well. I think this one might be the underdog of the season as there were many interesting characters. Shame its probably only a 1cour show, would be interesting to have another cour of them traveling back to Agano and seeing what changed.
  13. @jvmacross nice pictures.. so the real question is.. smash or pass? 🤣 I'll probably order one if I can still get it.
  14. I have questions in regards to his "sisters" and who is related to Shinji and who is related to Shido. Kotori is Shido's Foster Sister. Mana is Shinji's sister correct?
  15. Just wrapped Date a live.. I really enjoyed the 5th season and it renewed my overall interest in this series. Not everything was wrapped up, which I assume the novels address fully. The anime still managed to wrap up nicely and is probably all she wrote for the franchise, with that said if this is it it was a fun ride. I still have the PS4 games to play at some point when I get time.. *sigh*
  16. Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season - wrapped with an announcement for a 3rd season. Kinda mixed on this one, the magic school arc was incredibly boring and the general plot requirements of having to deal with the arrogance of the hyumans and demons would make me want to nuke both. The title of this series should be MC is Super OP and dealing with others is a PITA. Lv2 kara Cheat datta Motoyuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life - Not bad, Not Great. Lots of meh shows got a S2 or S3 announcement but nothing from this one. Its got some potential, but not enough interest from me to go delve into its source. I still really only watched it because of Saito and Louise. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 3 - behind on this.. I am on ep 8. Will get to the end once I get some time. Tensei Kizoku, Kantei Skill de Nariagaru - It got another season announced. It has some potential but I think the MC needs to be aged up abit. The ending of this season was so cliche that the Mrs predicted it pretty accurately. I'll stick around for S2. Ookami to Koushinryou MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF - so halfway point.. I just finished ep 12 which ended on the Shepherd arc. Again if you have seen the original anime adaptation there have been some minor changes but... the same. I have a few others to wrap, but I am behind again which is normal at this point.
  17. Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid - just wrapped up. I think it did a fairly good job wrapping up the loose ends and even a few skipped over in the anime, but addressed anyway. Overall once you got passed the CG.. 😑 It was an enjoyable series. I do have a bone to pick with the amount of cut content, but they hit the main points. Manga I believe is still going, we might get lucky and get an OVA episode or 2 later on.
  18. ... so anyone get tickets? someone here must have gotten in early enough to snag an autograph ticket. Curious how it went other then it sold out in a flash.
  19. A few series wrapped. Maou no Ore ga Dorei Elf wo Yome ni Shitanda ga, Dou Medereba Ii? - Predictable ending. Overall not bad, the Manga goes off on a tournament arc which killed it for me but that is way after the events the anime covers. I could see this getting a S2. Dungeon Meshi - Probably the best of this season IMO... Happy to hear there is a S2 coming. Looking forward to it. One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki. - I enjoyed this one, it delivered what I expected from it. Bonus is the Mrs. enjoyed it as well.
  20. I've put the brakes on everything KC until they catch up, they no longer respond to email and everything ends up "Shocking" so no more pre-orders. I thought the out of the blue invoice for the Regult was odd as well, but hopefully that means they are moving forward.
  21. Interested so long as its obtainable.. Watch them release a ridiculously small number and it sells out in the 1st day.
  22. I started Seiyuu Radio no Uraomote, and meh. I am only 3 episodes in will go abit further but the line of no desire to keep pressing close. So far the top for this season IMO, in no particular order. Dungeon Meshi, Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku?, Kono Suba S3, Date Alive, and Duke of Death and his Maid S3. Honestly I never thought I would put Date Alive back on any list of relevant animes so color me abit shocked. Spice and Wolf, while good is the same.. exactly the same.... did I mention the same as the previous release. It took 1 episode in Astro Note to totally turn me off of the series, kinda sad but such is life. Lastly, I am still trying to make heads or tails of Kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi. The premise is kinda horror, kinda supernatural. Its held my interest so far.
  23. So this Voltron 84 is a reissue? I have this already. Or is something different?
  24. Tickets are free. They have a set number of regular, then standby tickets. In my 10 years of AX Standby tickets are utterly useless. Kawamori did offer to sign things for $$ after the main line went through. I think it was $50,
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