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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. So Rolling this thread back abit.. I finally acquired the Fokker 1S. This completes the SD collection for now... still waiting on the GBP Armor SD valk. Interesting thing worth noting is that only 2 valks have boxes that integrated the fast packs.. M&M Super 1Js 2 other valks bundled the fast packs with the valk in the brown box.. Hikaru 1S and CF 1A. The rest I got spare sets for... (not pictured)
  2. Mine arrived earlier today, got some quick pictures..
  3. I just got my notification as well. I still haven't had a chance to really fiddle with the VF-1S yet. so this might be my excuse to do so.
  4. I've seen that pop up recently on Netflix.. was gonna give it a go at some point. I just finished watching the Please Teacher Blu ray release by Rightstuf. I haven't watched this title since 2003, and it brought me back.
  5. I'm still watching Domestic X Kanojo.. I can't pull away from this series. It's not particularly good or bad, but watching things blow up in the main characters face is entertainment by itself. As for the 3rd Season of Snafu... that is great news.. I was resigned to having to read the LN if I wanted to see how it turned out.
  6. I'm thinking Vaporware..
  7. I started watching Domestic no Kanojo... Only 1 ep in at this point and it feels like a setup for an VN..
  8. While I am getting the Index III episodes I haven't gone past the episode where I last commented on it. It was getting too silly for me. As for Date a Live III, Best Girl (Kurumi) may have just saved the entire season. The introduction of the 2nd loli was fairly boring, and the Oregami reveal was very ho hum as well. This latest plot turn however has me taking notice.
  9. I agree that Shield hero has gotten really good, I would have to say I am enjoying Love is War better though.
  10. So do I drop slime now? It sounds to me like it's going to keep getting more and more ... MEH. My trek through cheap holiday anime continues.. Watamote is on my plate. I have gone through 2 episodes and its pretty stupid so far.
  11. So 2 of the current titles am following have flip flopped in regards to my interest on them. Slime is getting very MEH, the latest episode is very Dull which is bad when it was supposed to be the culmination of an Action Arc. And on the flip side Rising Shield hero which started as MEH is actually getting quite good IMO. Finished my NIS copy of Kotaru-san, I enjoyed it, not sure I would give it a general recommendation though not for everyone.
  12. I was able to snag a title that just went out of print that I completely forgot about. Kotoura-san or as NIS America titled it The Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura. Apparently just recently went OOP, I kinda scrambled to find it, so now that I have it I am giving it a rewatch. Not a great title in the slightest, but I would have been upset had I never gotten around to acquiring it. I also just finished a rewatch of the Funimation release of Ancient Magus Bride.. overall the first half of this series was excellent.
  13. I should probably sit down and give that a rewatch, I just remember the main character to be obnoxious and unlikable. The movie on the other hand was pretty good, better IMO then the TV series. I am continuing my trek through holiday anime purchases.. Still need to finish your lie, but just wrapped up Overlord 2.. I must say S3 of Overlord was such a disappointment compared to S1 and S2.
  14. The walmart exclusive G1 Prime, took me a little while to locate. I ended up finding some in CO, thanks to family.
  15. Very Nice review @jenius My 2 issues.. landing gear and the neon green stand... The comparison of the PF Arcadia and the KC paint finish, is an eye opener.
  16. I couldn't pass on these.. I didn't even know they existed until just recently.
  17. So whatever happened to the Max and Millia F-14 versions? Vaporware?
  18. I am spending more time playing AC5 then I am AC7.. Working on the Arcade routes.. which back in the day were a breeze.. my old man must be kicking in now cause its not so easy anymore.. lol
  19. I haven't visited Netflix in awhile, and I was going to continue Saiki K, but opted instead to check out Dragon Pilot: Hisone and Masotan. And weird is the first thing that pops into mind on this title. Overall it's OK.. and I stress the OK part, definitely a once and done show. Continuing with my backlog of cheaply acquired BD/DVDs over the holidays I just wrapped up both seasons 1 & 2 of Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatteiru or the more commonly used short term SNAFU. I really enjoyed this title, and I did not really expect much of anything from it. The shame is more of it will never probably come about and if I want to see more I probably need to read the novels.. (good luck with that) Next on my list between AC5 and AC7.. Your lie, and Starship operators.
  20. I received my KC 1/72 1S Fokker on Saturday. Other then nerd pimping the shirt. I haven't opened up and taken a good look at it. Great pictures though, I'm fairly certain I will be happy with this end product.. just like I am with all my SD Valks.
  21. Yes and No.. I don't think the series was long enough to get an emotional investment out of me. And while I enjoyed it, I have been putting off the traditional rewatch, to catch anything I might have missed. As for Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari .. I just watched ep 3, and I'm still undecided. I stopped the 1st episode several times because the plot was just so predictable. I did get through it, and the 2nd and 3rd episodes have been much better.
  22. Email from Bamco after I sent in my inquiry. To Ace Combat fans, Everyone at BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc. would like to thank you for your continued support and the excitement you lend to our games. Today, we want to provide you with an update regarding the delivery date of the Ace Combat DLC codes. The codes should have been made available to you on January 18th however, due to circumstances beyond our control, we were not able to meet that date successfully. We are doing everything in our power to minimize the delay and will provide you the pre-order codes in the next 2-3 days. We want to thank you for your patience if you have any additional questions, we invite you to reach out to our Customer Service team at: storesupport@bandainamcoentstore.com Sincerely, Your friends at BANDAI NAMCO Official Store team Honestly though this concerns me, no codes were shipped out in my Aces at war bundle. And the lack of response leads me to believe that if I didn't say anything I never would have gotten them. This is very poor on Bamco's part, on the flip side Amazon was able to get me my code (for that order) in less then 6 hours.
  23. wow no DLC codes with either of my AC7 Pre-orders for PS4.. Aces Bundle had nothing.. and Amazon sent nothing either.. emails away!
  24. I need to watch Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, I have it queued but haven't gotten to it yet. Watching Girly Air Force... and meh still too soon to tell. Date a live 3.. thank god this series seems to be panning out.. again too early to tell. However with all the subpar PVs and artwork released I was worried. I really enjoyed the first 2 and all the Haremy tropes.. lol.
  25. I have a set of clear Toynami morphers.. with a collectors cell... somewhere... I thought they were pretty silly IMO. I ended up Going all in on the KC SD Valks.. I have everything out except for the fokker 1S.. which reminds me I need to send them an email about that. I was using them as toppers for my SDF Macross Pachislo machine.. they replaced the HMR valks that replaced my original topper, which was a Max and Millia Super Posables from toynami.
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