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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. So I am watching Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere. I have completed Season 1 and moving onto Season 2.. yeah I still have no idea what I am watching. I think I got this cheap with a Sentai Sale.. The entire plot really does not make any sense.. I would hope the source material if any, is better because the anime is barely coherent at this point. oh yea and I forgot to mention Boobs... pretty gratuitous on this aspect.. no outright nudity but pretty close. so maybe that was the whole point of this series?
  2. All in all I am pretty disappointed as a whole with Summer 2019 anime season. I am still following several series but for the most part I'd say this season is a bust. Exceptions being at this point, Danmachi S2, Copcraft, Dumbells, and maybe Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou. My verdict is still out on Kanata no Astra but I am not really motivated to keep going with it either.
  3. I have one inbound from HK It's official street date is 8/12 as per KC. For those looking for one hit up KC you might just get lucky.. $112 plus shipping if they still have them.
  4. I may have a lead on the Black and Gold HK special 1S Keeping my fingers crossed, hopefully it pans out.
  5. I just wrapped up the first season of Blood Blockade Battlefront. I was entertained by this title, however IMO the plot is pretty muddy and the general premise is a hard sell. After doing some research apparently my favorite character is "anime only" and is not even found in the manga. I have season 2 on deck and I'd like to see it flesh out some things, and maybe not be so murky in regards to the overall plot. Still all in all not bad for a title I picked up on a whim.
  6. Akashic Records of the Bastard Magic Instructor was kind of a middle of the road title for me. Not all that great, but not all that bad either. I was left on the fence at the end of this one. I wanted to see more, but at the same time was kinda meh.
  7. I was just back in the LV Area at the beginning of the month pre and then post AX 2019. I probably won't be back in the area until at least the fall at the earliest at this point.
  8. I still have them boxed currently.. Space is a premium and these planes are pretty big. Once I figure out how to display them.. sure.
  9. Took some digging to find this one, let alone not overpay for it. This completes my collection of them, unless there are a few super limited releases besides this.
  10. lol yeah School Rumble was great.. Go read the manga, it does have a definitive resolution to several character arcs. I watched the Dan Machi Arrow of Orion movie last night. Not bad, probably 7/10 overall. It is stand alone, and can be watched without any previous Danmachi experience.
  11. Index in the beginning was very good, its spin offs not so much. On that note, I figured I would give the accelerator spin-off a shot. Meh.. it's at least got my interest more the Index S3.
  12. Looks like I am gonna be thinning the herd this season already. Maou-sama, Retry! First episode had a highly amusing scene involving a spanking.. but 2nd and 3rd episodes are pushing this to the chopping block. Honestly series shouldn't go stale this early on. Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de 2-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki desu ka? Maybe it's just me but the skeeve vibe from this series is already creeping me out. The MC's mom has an unhealthy attachment to the MC. So much so that I can't rule out this series crossing THAT line. I'm willing to try for another episode or 2, but if this skeeve factor remains high.. it's chopped. Uchi no Musume no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai. Not sure with this title, too early to tell. The whole daughter/possible romantic interest avenue that is floated later on though.. may put this with the title above. Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? This series has been amusing so far.. I think it might be ok assuming it keep its current atmosphere going. Kanata no Astra Only watched 2 episodes, probably watch the 3rd tonight.. the initial premise and the explanation on why there are no adults is probably the only thing I can knock this series for at this point. Honestly though, if this series can not go overboard with the Drama I think it will do well. If they decide to go all super serious, I will drop this title. Tejina-senpai... I don't even know where to start with this title... it might be the train wreck title of Summer 2019 still too early to tell. Cop Craft So far so good. Honestly if it was not because of Range Murata, I probably would have skipped this altogether. Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? The premise of this could put this on par with Tejina-senpai with vying for Train Wreck of summer 2019. Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2 I haven't watched any of this yet.. it's on my list as I really enjoyed the first season. Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru no Darou ka II Besides Takagi-san this is the only other title I really am looking forward to. I saw the premier at AX this year, and it looked very promising. This along with the movie coming out on 7/23 and I hope this season does well.
  13. School Rumble was great, I remember going on a binge over a 3 day weekend and watching the entire first season non stop.
  14. As I mentioned earlier, the manga for this title is much better. But the Anime was OK. I'm not too surprised about this.. what does surpise me is the 2nd season announcement of Fairy Gone..
  15. I am finally catching up on all the Series I was following as they finally wrap up. Isekai Quartet.. except for the last 2 episodes turned out much better then I expected.. happy to see a 2nd season in works. Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari.. This title consistently held my interest, I'd like to see more if it if they decided to ever keep going. Another example of anime never telling the full story and just being an advertisement for the light novels. Kenja no Mago.. Started out pretty well, but got Dull quickly. It seemed to revel in being completely generic with all the standard tropes. While not a stinker, not worth a pickup or a rewatch. Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai.. Your typical Harem/School Rom-com anime. The manga IMO is much better. I have yet to watch the final episode but I am not expecting greatness from it. Dororo.. I am waaay behind on this, just started watching the 2nd cour now. What I have seen so far I have enjoyed so I am hoping the latter half doesn't go downhill. Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?... I don't even know what to say about this one.. more censorship then anything else. A friend of mine is telling me this is Korean in origin... way to go Korea! Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san.. This is a safe title to watch with the Significant other.. unlike the last title I listed above. If you like Moe your good with this one. I still need to watch the last episode.. but pretty harmless. Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai... Actually not bad at all. This series ended up being popular with some of the female members of the viewing group, and the OP was pretty catchy. Fairy Gone... Dunno Dropped after the 3rd episode. 2nd season announced.. Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO... on my list to watch probably will get to it after AX this year. Apparently the VN it is based off of is getting a western release, and has been recommended to me. Mayonaka no Occult Koumuin.. On the fence with this one, while not bad it wasn't great either. Too many loose threads left over for a 12 episode series. Probably could use another season to flesh out it's core concepts.. unlikely I would watch it though. Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma.. no just no Chou Kadou Girl â…™: Amazing Stranger.. AOTY! lol seriously though I wanted to see more of this. It was enjoyable and was this seasons guilty pleasure. Shoumetsu Toshi... Another title I dropped fairly early on in the season. With my current backlog its unlikely I will come back to it. And that was my list.. give or take some stuff from previous seasons. Speaking of Previous seasons, I have been reading Domestic Girlfriend.. Which I nominated for Anime Train Wreck of the Year 2019.. and the manga is surprisingly good. I am well past where the series ended, and hopefully it wraps up soon. With everyone out of High School now its getting long in the tooth.
  16. I watched ep 1 on Netflix.. 2 things worth noting. Shinji now sounds like Rei.. or to be more accurate.. the VA could do either character with the same acting.. just sayin. And no more fly me to the moon... boo. Misato's english VA just seems to be meh. I probably will push further hear what Rei sounds like.. and eventually Asuka. But Shinji is fail.
  17. So when I inquired about who the distributor of the KC gold VF-1S was from.. This is the response I got. Our wholesaler is Animie-Pro in HK. Thank you MY
  18. I honestly thought these turned into Vapor-ware when the release date kept getting pushed further and further back. Now I need to locate the VF-1D variant.
  19. Got in just under the wire then.. just got my email confirmation.
  20. hmmm I am going to reach out to KC and see what they say about getting one of these things.
  21. I have caught up for the most part. Isekai quartet has turned out much better then I expected. Shield hero seems to be winding down now, at least it didn't bottom out like slime did. Wiseman's grandson has gotten very stale.. I haven't stopped watching it yet, but it has gotten so generic that I don't care to keep going I tried to binge eps. 6-9 and meh. I am planning on finally watching my copy of Orguss this weekend.
  22. Normally I would be right with everyone in knocking ADVs normally crappy dubs. However.. in this instance Asuka's JP VA generally makes my ears bleed. That combined with the mangling of German.. hard pass. As far as dubs go, eva's dub while not perfect is not half as bad as people here are making it sound. And if you compare it to modern dubs... even the worst ADV dub is a masterpiece. Modern dubs have nosedived into Dumpster fire territory and I doubt this will be any different. So hard pass on the new Dub.
  23. I'm behind on Isekai Quartet, Shield Hero, and One Punch Man S2. Hopefully I can get the time to catch up this weekend. Also dusted off and wrapping up Tora Dora.. a low key favorite of mine. Finally watched a silent voice.. not bad. oh and Amazing Stranger.. It's this season guilty pleasure title.. lol
  24. I just pre-ordered the Rick 1J almost missed that.
  25. @jvmacross Try hitting up KC customer service via email. I got mine originally via BBTS but its no longer listed on their website. Ebay has it, but no way would I pay anywhere close to what they are asking for it.
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