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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. The first of my Flying Mule orders have started to roll in...
  2. Well at least with the website redone I am not getting malicious Java script prompts anymore.. yay! I am not much for anything RT outside of Macross, but the Dana figure looks interesting if that is your thing. My understanding is that there isn't really any merch for Southern Cross out in the wild so why knock it? And for those with a good eye... the SD Armored 1J says coming 2021... woo!
  3. So what is the difference if any between the SDCC Stealth VF-1 and the one listed on FlyingMule. Thanks for the heads up about the pre-order coupon. It was just heavily used... lol
  4. Having just finished Utawarerumono Prelude to the fallen.. aka the 1st of the trilogy on the PS4. I figured I would go back over the ADV release of Utawarerumono and see what the differences were. The anime so far is mostly correct, but it does leave out abit of detail that would make the story make more sense at the end. Comparing this to MOD or False Faces.. they will need to retcon the ending because its radically different from the game events. Especially if they are planning on animating MOT which was announced.
  5. So I am finally getting around to watching Sakura Wars The animation. Or whatever they are calling this last installment. I'm not sold on it, I don't like the CGI, and they changed the character designer and things just feel off. I am also willing to bet they blew most of their animation budget on a very Gundam like launch scene. It's been some time since I have gone back over this title, so my memory is kinda sketchy but I hope this first episode isn't the Best episode.
  6. This is really cool. I have a Jamma board for this game, and every blue moon I'll hook it up and give it a go. I just picked up a dead Arcade 1 up cab, I was going to turn it into a MAME cabinet.. putting Vinyl for this on it would be pretty sweet.
  7. ahhh yes DS9.. you can toss out all the seasons up until Worf comes onboard. Then the series actually gets interesting.
  8. I am on Ep7 of Hamefura.. and I must say this is better then I expected it to be. I'm not gonna rave about it, but it's kept my attention for 7 episodes. If it keeps the same pace, I would consider this to be a success.
  9. That strike valkyrie print is bad A**.
  10. Good series, I agree. You should check out Outlaw Star if you haven't already.
  11. I am on Ep3 of Kaguya S2. Definitely holding its own with S1. I was going to start watching the new Sakura Wars anime.. prepping for the worst as I have been warned.
  12. ACK!! Avoid! Well at least you have seen the series, but the movie was bad,
  13. so besides BBTS and or ebay.. are there any other shops handling this.. similar to KC has their own site?
  14. About a year ago, I managed to snag the JP Blu-ray release of DYRL. They really made the colors pop on this release, which in turn brought out a ton of detail that was missed in earlier viewings.
  15. Needs more Cowbell.. That video was pretty neat, the music from that series always stood out more then the series itself. And while I understand its continuing popularity.. as a whole I thought CB was good .. and did have several outstanding episodes.. real folk blues pt 1 and pt 2 being good examples of this. It's also a good example of a title that has a good dub cast, this and Hellsing are on my dub shortlist. Unfortunately I can't say the same for most titles anymore. Finished a rewatch of Rascal Does not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai "Seishun Buta Yarō". I stand by my original observation that the movie Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl completely changes the overall tone of the series. And while that is not necessarily a bad thing its enough of a disruption that some viewers might not like the direction it takes. Overall though I would give it a solid 9/10 Next on the way is What Do You Do at the End of the World? Are You Busy? Will You Save Us? or SukaSuka as it's called by fans. This series left an impression on me when i first came across it a year or so back. I am gonna give it a re watch to see if it holds up.
  16. I reached out to KC to get some updated information on release dates. This was their response... For your information, the update available date of all preorders are as followings: 1/72 VF 1-J Rick June 2020 1/12 Lisa July 2020 1/12 Roy August 2020 1/12 Minmei (Cheongsam) Oct 2020. Should you need any further information, please feel free to let us know. Thank you. MY
  17. I just wrapped up the first 12 episodes.. or whatever Netflix has out currently, and TBH I liked it. Good to see new material and a continuation of the SAC storyline. I wasn't really sold on Arise, and I've wanted a continuation of SAC since 2nd Gig and SSS.
  18. While, I admit cell shading looks neat, on the flip side I'd pass TBH. Not really my thing, but it is impresive.
  19. I had a hard time with Frontier at first due to the change in art styles... but it eventually grew on me. @JB0 is correct though, there are nods to SDF everywhere. Finished the 2nd Season of High Score Girl. Good stuff.
  20. @Kuma Style Good Job on the review. @jvmacross I am not seeing it. Deep Breath... hold it... ok exhale. Relax, its a toy.
  21. meh, I am not so sure I'd call it trash. Different strokes for different folks. on a side note. Apparently Netflix finally released the 2nd Season of High Score Girl for US viewers. On Ep3 currently.
  22. I'm on the flip side of this coin, IMO Index was a better story, except for the latest few seasons.. 3rd Season was disaster. Railgun, on the other hand I never really liked. This latest season however has done a good enough job to keep me interested in it. Accelerator, honestly should have never been a main character.. no real depth, and the plot just went wacky. It started well but ended IMO worse then Railgun.
  23. TBH, I am enjoying this season as well.
  24. There is no such thing as BGC 2040... Speaking of BGC I just finished Midnight Rambler, onto Red Eyes.
  25. I've started a list of titles I am going to re-watch.. In no particular order. Bubble Gum Crisis World End, What Do You Do at the End? Are You Busy? Will You Save Us? Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai Angel Beats I've currently got nothing better to do..
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