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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. I got a chance to sit down and finish Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo - Oretachi no Game Set. Which is the final OVA for the TV series, interstingly enough I found the finale to be more entertaining then the rest of the series. The ending however be forewarned is incredibly stupid but par for the course for these type of series. I still have an issue with the character designs, and I pretty much universally dislike just about every character in this series. Honestly it seemed like it was trying to rip off the MC of SNAFU, but I never disliked Hachiman, and I actively disliked the MC in this series. Honestly more of an obligation watch since I did give the TV series a go. Also started the Fall Season with Danmachi Season 3.. While I enjoy this series overall I can see the whole Harem building concept going stale rather quickly. I'll see how this series pans out. I am also going back to a title from the Spring 2020 anime season.. Gleipnir. I am about 4 episodes into it, and surprisingly the Mrs. is into it. I'm still in the middle on it but it does have some promise.
  2. ok so I pushed through and finished Yahari Ore.. yatta yatta, Disappointing sums it up. It did end on a brighter note, but it fell apart around Ep 4 and did not really start to rebound until Ep 10. IMO that's far too late, and the finale season falls flat. I do like that they wrapped it up, and a decision was made, as usual I didn't agree with his choice and literally 90% of the 3rd season was Prom this or prom that.
  3. Yup, Now we wait till Winter 2021 anime season for the 2nd part... which looks to be shaping up to be a busy one. I've pushed past Ep 5 of Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru Kan. TBH I am super close to dropping it, which is disappointing because I enjoyed the other 2 seasons.
  4. I too think the F-14 in the VF-1D paint schema is probably my favorite version of the CW F-14s with the Mac-Z one right behind it. It was ugly.. in a good way and looks even better in real life. I'd also like to see some other VF-1 paint schemes... Angel Birds, DYRL, maybe even a VF-1D.. could do a virgin road edition..
  5. Finished Uzaki-chan wants to hang out. It's what I expected. I enjoy the manga, and the anime kept the same pacing. ReZero was the standout for me this season. I haven't watched SAO since the beginning, it never clicked with me. Railgun T was good from what I have seen so far.. much better then the 3rd season of Index.
  6. I finished Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha... and that was a terrible finale episode. I probably am being harsher then I should but the whole plot was pointless. Its like using a cheat on a boss to 1 hit them, boring and in the end utterly devoid of value. If he could one shot his way to the end like that, I don't see the point of all the other things he decided to do. -10 out of 10... Also wrapped up Monster Musume no Oisha-san.. not much more to say about this then I already have. @Seto Kaiba probably did the best job summing this up. This is another series that I watched and move on from. Should be finishing up Uzaki chan shortly.
  7. So going back to what got me into KC.. the SD Valks.. I found some schematics via google, then did a reverse image search and found the url. These can be found here.. https://www.kitzconcept.com/index.php?route=journal3/blog&journal_blog_category_id=2 Credit to KC.. obviously. Interesting to see these are dated back to 2016. I'd love to see some re-releases, still need an original Fokker 1S.. the one I have is missing a head. I'd love to see some DYRL valks.. Hell I'd be a sucker for pretty much anything SD.
  8. So I decided to give Demi-chan wa Kataritai a go as I was instructed it wasn't anything like any of the other Monster girl titles floating around. I am glad I did, it was amusing, and light hearted. Plus as a bonus the Mrs. sat and watched it and it got good reviews from her.
  9. More of my Calibre Wings orders from Flying Mule came in... I got a duplicates of the VF-1 Stealth since i forgot I picked one up from BBTS. oh well. Apparently this is the SDCC 2020 release. The Stealth version of the F-14 And lastly the Mac Z Shin F-14..
  10. My Mac Z F-14 just arrived. I like it.
  11. I also spent some time staying current with Episodes 11 and 12 of Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha. I guess this is supposed to be the big climatic reveal in Ep 12, but it didn't feel that way. None of the side characters seem to really even matter, and the BIG reveal was pretty poorly executed and was predictable. Did the same with Ep 11 of Monster Musume no Oisha-san. The season ending climax arc can be summed up simply as Loli Dragon. I still need to wrap up Uzaki-chan which is next on my list. As for Kanojo, Okarishimasu and Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru Kan. I am in the same place I was mid season, both series turned me off for one reason or another.. KO was because the main character was just so pathetic and creepy that I had to stop. And SNAFU because I saw where it was going Ep 5 and it no longer interested me anymore. Lastly.. Railgun.. I need to go back and watch this season again from the start, I am so far behind I can't remember where I left off. Maybe next season.. lol
  12. Honestly, I can't say I noticed the missle thing either. Worst case scenario is don't display it with missles, or I can just use a set from any of the other CW regular F-14s I have.
  13. So I just went from Ep 29 to Ep 36 in ReZero in less then 24 hours.. holy $%^! I was caught up in the novels till about the first white rabbit scene. S2 is coming off just as strong as S1, but not S tier because no Rem... lol
  14. It's on my list to catch up on. I caught up to Ep 11 on Maō Gakuin no Futekigōsha, this series again is a mixed bag. There are a few moments where it shows some brilliance only to be brought back down to mediocrity. The last few episodes have been on a higher note, but still not something I would personally go out and recommend to anyone.
  15. OT but for you Vegas folks.. anyone get over to the Neon Museum? Last few times I have been out there I wanted to check it out but I always get screwed out of getting over there.. The in-laws are telling me it was a mixed bag.
  16. Take a look at the previous thread (1.0) there is some good information there. Honestly between this and Hi-Metal R valks these are probably your biggest bang for your $$. I have all the 1/72 releases so far, Fokker 1S, Black and Gold 1S, Black and Red 1S, and now Hikki's TV 1J. I haven't been disappointed yet. The SD valks however are still my favorite of KCs toy line.
  17. Well I got to Ep 10 on Monster Musume no Oisha-san. I can't comment on any similarities to Monster-musume as I haven't seen it. Yep there is some fanservice, and it does have some creep factor to it. But it's nowhere near the creep factor of say Eromanga Sensei level. It has been entertaining so far.. which is more then I can say for some other titles of late.
  18. I figured I would give Monster Musume no Oisha-san a try. Honestly, I am going into this not really expecting anything and the whole monster girls fad that hit never really caught my eye. However this series is not bad. Some creep moments 1 so far in every episode, but nothing that I would trash this series for. Admittedly I am only about halfway through the season but I have higher hopes for this then SNAFU season 3.. I don't understand the general disdain I see for this and Uzaki-chan. But it's 2020 and people are stupid.. oh well.
  19. I just got around to watching the Goblin Slayer movie Goblins Crown. Where to start with this one... first 27-30 minutes of the movie is a recap. Honestly complete waste of time, if your watching this movie and are not familiar with the events of the TV Series do yourself a favor watch that and come back. Because of this, at least in my opinion the movie feels very, very rushed. To be fair, I have read up to Vol 7 of the LN and I am dilly dallying on Vol 8 just like I am with all this seasons anime offerings.. so feel free to throw tomatoes. This movie is based solely on the events that take place during Vol 5. I have issues with this volume mostly because of pacing and what felt like the author was rushing to wrap everything up nice and neatly in 1 book. Pacing again is a problem, partially because of the 30 minutes wasted on a recap when the movie is only 1:25 in runtime. There are things omitted, and plot elements that are very lightly glossed over, without spoilers how the Goblins are acting, and why Goblin Slayer is taking notice of them. Again hard to really point out specifics without spoilers, the abridging of Noble Fencers story and the events leading up to the letter sent out by Sword Maiden I found to be the most egregious. Actions are taken, and events transpire with little or no background, while the novel at least took the time to fill the reader in on Goblin Slayers mindset. So with all that said.. it still was not a BAD watch. I thing the TV series covered the events of the first and part of 2nd novel better (just out of order) the movie omitted much and I think that hurt the plot. But in the end there were still plenty of dead goblins and much fun to be had. 6 out of 10, maybe a 7 if I really stretched it out.
  20. Fast Packs, and TV Hikki 1J just arrived today. Not a bad turnaround for international shipping. Will get a better look at it when I get a chance, but from what I have seen so far I'm happy with it.
  21. While I enjoyed Tylor, I can't say I $200 enjoyed Tylor. Plus lets be honest RS has re-released this title I think like 5 times in the past. With at least one of those times supposedly limited edition.. wink, wink, nudge, nudge. So the realist in me says.. wait and it will get another SUPER DUPER Edition release, and then clearance. And is there any information on what is getting done to the source? this is a series from 1992, Blu-ray doesn't mean anything other then a larger storage medium. If the picture quality is not changing I will stick with my DVDs for sure.
  22. My period of Anime stagnation continues. I caught up on Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha.. or at least to Ep 9 and I am just kinda meh on this one. I am slowly gaining ground on SNAFU S3, just starting Ep 5 now. Ep 4 may have just torpedoed the series for me, I see where this is going and I don't like it. waaaaay behind on everything else..
  23. I'll probably have to dust this off and give it a go again. I spent more time with the AC5 pre order bonus then I did with AC7
  24. I just got an email stating KC shipped my 1J Super and Roy Fokker Figure.
  25. November 2020 as per Flying Mule's website.
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