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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. Not even close, a back story that could have been shortened to 2 episodes tops.. not 6 or 7. It held my interest, but much like other titles this season nothing to rave about.
  2. It was definitely one of the few series I followed through to completion. But you hit upon one of my biggest issues with this series, I think it takes till episode 7 or 8 before it really even starts. Now that they have a second season announced it is not as bad, but still 6 episodes of a 12 episode cour for a backstory?
  3. I was just reading an article on this.. Because of her supposedly Transphobic comments.. Makes me laugh when common sense is now hate speach.. but alas clown world.
  4. Finished Kaginado, I'd recommend a pass on this one. Much of the really funny gags were blink and you missed it during the OP narration, and many of the same Key VN tropes just don't work well in this medium. Isekai Quartet proved it could be done, Kaginado just mucked everything up. and oh Joy, 2nd season announced.
  5. Pre-Show consisted of a brief overview of Macross past to present, then a few minute message from Kawamori about Mac+ and what they did to during production. Center Valley PA, 9 people including Mrs. and myself. Totally empty theatre and some idiots who couldn't keep their mouths shut during the viewing.
  6. So some good news.. The Utawarerumono MOT anime adaptation finally has a release date. July of 2022. I would link to ANNs article, but you can search for that on your own.. they can piss off. however.. Also, I had something nice to say about Kaginado with Episode 6, but they killed any goodwill I had with them with Episode 7. ... sigh
  7. That seems to be the going trend with this series, I can site several events that take place in past episodes that I was thinking similar. I still am on the fence with this series, my group has dropped it because of questionable content. I can't say I agree, most of the funnies are visual stills and are blink and you missed it. I can't see how anyone not familiar with Key or any of the titles represented would NOT think this is a mess. A great example of this is the Goal gag from Air, honestly the first time you see it it's funny but now its been rehashed 3 times in what 5 episodes? Compare this to say Isekai Quartet, which was accessible to new viewers and even if you did not know the source material it was not hard to follow along. Onto Saihate no Paladin.. I am enjoying this series however at a current 12 episode series, they just burned 5 on his backstory. This easily could have been condensed into 2 maybe 3 tops. Not really a complaint of the title, more a complaint of the format and the fact that this will probably only be a 1 cour series. Shin no Nakama ja Nai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni Shimashita... yeah stop with these long titles already. Kicked out of the hero's party or whatever. I am enjoying this title, I still prefer the manga largely because its already way past where they are currently in the anime. The interaction between Rit and Red is refreshing because there is no beating around the bush on how they feel for each other. Everything else feels like filler TBH. Mieruko-chan.. I don't know where I sit on this one, another title that my viewing group as dropped due to questionable content. And probably one of the first ones in awhile that I found myself uncomfortable with the level of detail given to some fan service on a JK. I'll probably stick this out especially after the recent reveal but I don't generally enjoy watching titles that feel like some closet pedo concocted. I am behind on Muv-Luv and the 2nd season of 86.. hopefully I can catch up relatively quickly.
  8. So Kaginado is a pretty much a disjointed mess. I get the feeling that they went into this with no real plan, other then play on tropes from the VNs. There is the occasional funny, but largely I am left like WTF? And that is even with knowing all the series except ReWrite. Planetarian made an appearance in the OP episode and disappeared, I would have expected them to expand into some other titles like Harmonia, maybe some Angel Beats and Charlotte.
  9. I'll admit the trailer looks promising. However, considering Netflix and their track record I am hoping for a good outcome, but expecting He-Man. As I said earlier I will wait and see what the overall consensus is before I dip my foot in the water.
  10. I have a niece who just turned 13 and is full on tweening out. A visit to the mall with her requires a stop at just about every teen shop in the area.. much to my dismay. The sheer amount of anime related merchandise at these stores made me even feel more like a boomer.
  11. That looks about right, apparently it does say Robotech on the tag inside the shirt.. missed that.
  12. Just an FYI, I recently spied some SDF Macross t-shirts at Hot topic. These did not appear to have Robotech emblazoned anywhere which surprised me. If your looking for Macross T's its worth checking out.
  13. I almost forgot the WW2 images.. again strictly for landing gear research purposes only! 😆 I pulled a sampling this time, but most were white. Ok back to your regularly scheduled programming..
  14. More varied pictures for strictly landing gear research reference... 😁
  15. Did someone mention F-14 landing gear? BTW, I have these in uncompressed form if anyone wants them.. My best part of the summer was getting to familiarize myself and get flght rated on several WW2 planes. For American aircraft white is the predominant color for undercarriage, best guess on my part is to make any leaks or other issues readily apparent during visual inspection.
  16. This is what they should have released back in the mid to late 80's. I wouldn't call this a masterpiece now, as this does not meet the bar. I am sure anyone with some even elementary model skills could put a little spit shine on this and make it look better. But TBH even if it was a "masterpiece" I still would pass, 8 or 9 year old me would love it, 43 year old me is like meh.
  17. I probably would have jumped on this if it didn't have RS name plastered all over it. Pass. It did get funded though for those that went in on it.
  18. wow RIP, I met him by total random chance during a business trip over seas with a previous employer. I was the only one who recognized who he was and it shocked him that a Foreigner was quite familiar with his work. I should go through my stuff and locate that autograph. god speed man.
  19. Just got my order from Okiniland yesterday 9/27. Ordered on 9/22 way to go DHL..
  20. Well since we are now well into the Sunset of the Summer 2021 anime season, any shows that really stand out? Higurashi, Dragon Maid, and Duke of Death. Probably in that order. Lots of meh this season.. Next season is not looking much better, hopefully I am wrong.
  21. If people are selling your scans on ebay, that is pretty crappy. I still want to convert one of my 1up Counter cades. I again almost had an upright but it fell through my hands.
  22. Holy $%^&! I actually got an order in.. Thanks!
  23. I think the difference with Alita was that the director is reported to be a huge fan of the original work. I also enjoyed the Ghost in the Shell live action movie as well, much more then I thought I would have TBH. After reading some of the latest internet news, it appears that the train wreck for CB has already begun. It does not bode well when actors start attacking the fanbase..
  24. You literally just named every anime genre on the face of the planet... lol The people who had issues with the aforementioned series, were the same people complaining about Uzaki-chan, and probably ever other fanservice anime. Speaking of fanservice anime. Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun,,,,, um yeah at least you know what its about in the first 5 min. lol I have changed my opinion about the 2nd Season of Kobayahi, its good enough that if you liked S1 you should like S2... Higurashi is still probably my highlight this season.. Cheat pharmacist is still the worst of this season..
  25. Nothing.. which is why it got knocked. The biggest gripes were about objectification of women.. and blah blah. Do a search for the series, you'll come across the gripes pretty easily. Speaking of Kanojo mo Kanojo.. Our group caught up to Ep 9 which i believe is the latest. I'm very much meh on this one.
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