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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. I can't comment about Miss Kuroitsu as I did not watch it. If its worth a watch I may go back and find it. But your spot on about Love After World Domination, I think the manga does a better job with the overall pace, and while I am enjoying the anime I keep getting distracted by what is getting cut out, but they are doing much out of order so it may just yet come around only being 3 episodes in. I'm still on the fence with Otome game.. its not terrible but without spoilers the MC is pretty unlikeable in the manga. While Yuusha Yamemasu is just boring.
  2. I think Angel Beats saved Kaginado. 2 episodes in and I already think its beating Season 1 by leaps and bounds. Go check out the manga, I am enjoying the anime, but content is getting skipped. For obvious time constraint reasons..
  3. I have way too much on my viewing plate at this point of the season, and no immediate drops,... yet. I'm liking Skull Knight, and Spy x Family, Otome game and Yuusha, Yamemasu are probably the closest to the trash pile at this stage. And without stating the obvious Kaguya S3 is knocking it out of the park again.
  4. So KC is moving into the destroids.. nice. Might be willing to keep going depending on pricing.
  5. wow, what did they do poll a random middle school? In all seriousness none of those titles even remotely interest me, but the shonen jump formula is all the rage. Watched the first episode of Shield Hero season 2. Anyone else forget who the green haired girl was when the season first started.. lol. And yes there was cringe in the 1st episode so at least its staying the course.
  6. Wrapped Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki Part 2, the final episode was more or less a capstone, however 1 very big plot element gets revealed which in hindsight does explain some of the more unique choices earlier on. With how they put FIN on the last episode pretty much puts a nail in the lid to any additional content getting animated outside of OVAs or a movie. My viewing groups big event this weekend was a screening of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – The Movie: Mugen Train. And probably for the first time since the "idiocy" hit in 2019 pretty much all 24 of us were in 1 location to watch this. I'll be honest its been a little while since I watched any of this series, so I had to go back and get a refresher on it. I thought that this was a pretty good capstone to the First Season and overall I think the movie was done fairly well. I know nothing of the season(s) after these events and no plan on moving forward unless I get dragged into it. I'm taking notes on what to check out next season.. Aharen-san wa Hakarenai and Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu are apparently on the group viewing list already, but I don't know anything about either.
  7. I remember having the green motorcycle and the Jeep with the boat in it as a kid. Lost the boat and the jeep is still kicking around in storage somewhere. A few years back at a yard sale I found the 57 chevy complete with its box for cheap. Thanks to this post I at least know what they are called now. lol
  8. So 2 more series are out of the way, both I have some mixed views on some good some bad. Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu, Overall I was impressed by this series however towards the end I thought the series really started to falter. The last episode might be the biggest of these faults.. most likely because they needed to wrap up a story arc that should have probably been a start of a 2nd season and there probably is not one coming which is sad. While not as rushed of a finale like say Charlotte.. which IMO still holds the record for most amount of cramming in 1 episode, but even with that said this leads me into the next on my list. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou 2nd Season, where to even begin with this series. While in the end not as bad as I expected it to turn out (referring to my half way summary) I can't in all fairness say it was any good either. I know this series had quite the following in my viewing group so I managed to stick with it, and while it got better in the end, it took less then 2 episodes to squander all it had and return to blah. The last episode also suffered heavily from a bad case of the crams.. so much so they needed to go back and remind the viewer of what happened in case you blinked and missed it. The ending was probably the worst that this season had to offer, I really and I stress this really was hoping that this was the end of this series. BUT.. they announced an OVA.. huzzah or something.
  9. So with this season sun setting.. time to do some updates.. My picks for Winter 2022 are a toss up between Princess Connect ReDive even with its over the top feeling like studio Gainax/Trigger ending. And of course Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru. Both series kept me entertained the whole time. I'd love to see more of both which is a possibility with Sono Bisque. Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 3 also is up there, probably just a little behind the other 2. I would highly recommend this series if you have not watched the other 2 seasons already. Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki Part 2, Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu, and Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou 2nd Season all have 1 more episode to go before they wrap and I will adress them then.
  10. I concur.. Netflix took something that in all fairness started good, and turned it into Woketron! Legendary Lameness.. I have very little faith in anything put out anymore... even less if Netflix gets it.
  11. I think it was pretty good, needed a rewatch IMO in order to bring things out fully. This is also a series that requires you to watch the movie to tie up certain loose threads.
  12. I watched the final 2 episodes of the 2nd season of 86. They were done really well, damn shame the rest of the 2nd season was not on this level. Overall I still think 86 was a good series, even with the production foibles.
  13. Meh, I'm not sold on it, but its not bad looking either. I am still waiting on the 1/12 fokker cockpit to be released. I wouldn't pre-order anything else until they play catch up.
  14. BananaRama Lives.. I had to make some changes to make it functional for its intended use. Hopefully the charity drive moves forward this year after getting axed due to covid 2 years in a row. But with current gas prices I'm expecting to need to sell a kidney or mortgage the house to make it to FL and back.
  15. I am definitely enjoying this season far more then last season.. Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu is much better then I anticipated. I figured it would be much more generic and more of a clone of the next series on my list, however I think it has surpassed it in no less then 5 episodes. Genjitsu Shugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki S2... I am also enjoying this series however not as much as the above mentioned title. I think the manga handled certain scenes much better overall, and I also think that S1 was stronger so far. Being 5 episodes in I am hoping this series gets some of its past spark back. Princess Connect! Re-Dive S2.. I am really enjoying this series, probably far better then I should be normally. I thought the first season was well executed for a Mobile Game anime, and so far S2 has not let me down. Worth a watch for a lighter slice of Moe adventure anime. Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru.. Probably my pick for #1 this season, with Princess Connect Re-Dive right behind it. I knew what I was getting into that to the manga, hopefully this series executes as well as the manga did. High hopes for this one! Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san S3.. Also enjoying this one, even had a brief glimpse into the future with this last episode. The Mrs. enjoys this title as well and the formula has worked for them so far. I really should read further into the manga as it was also enjoyable. The Meh.. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou S2.. First season was not as spectacular as people were raving about, but it was especially popular in our viewing group. I was surprised it got a sequel so quickly. The group still seems to like it, so far still getting fairly high praise. However watching it starts to feel like a chore and its usually then I that I "clock out" I probably will stick it through since the whole group seems inclined to stick with it. The Ugly.. Girl's Frontline.. I don't think we made it past the 2nd episode and it was dropped. If it gets better let me know and I will try to watch it again. Shuumatsu no Harem.. I seriously want to watch this title because of the vitriol it garners but it's really difficult and the black lines... uggh. I am on Ep 3 and.. just no.
  16. These just arrived today... As for the current issues, I am more likely interested in seeing what the fast packs look like when I attempt to mount them. I at least plan on doing that to the Cannon Fodder 1A, and eventually Max and Millia when they get released. The tabs on the legs now cannot be "unseen" and I am not sure what problem they were trying to address by doing this.
  17. I'm still waiting on Fokker 1S V2 and Cannon Fodder
  18. 2 of them arrived today. I would expect the other 2 Fokker 1S and Cannon Fodder to show up anyday now. I kind of miss the fact that there is no Janky 80s style art on these boxes.
  19. @jvmacross Very cool, mine are also apparently en route.. glad to see they are arriving. Now to point out something that MY said to me in the last email correspondence.. I was given the option to hold on the Roy VF-1S v2 because they noted this as a possible problem. Looking at the pictures @jvmacross posted it really doesn't look all that bad. TBH is not really noticeable unless someone points it out. KC plans on addressing this issue in their next batch for those wondering.
  20. I am hoping it stays true to the manga, I'm nowhere near current on it, but I enjoyed what I have read so far.
  21. I just did the same thing. I was debating the V2 Roy but went for it.. I already have all the other limited run versions anyway. Where are my SD valks!.. lol the whole reason why I started.
  22. Wow Lost Universe.. I remember seeing that popup on ADV films forced previews along with other titles like Gasaraki and Princess 9 or whatever other series they were trying to promote. It was nothing to write home about, I don't remember it being terrible, other then ADV voice acting.. if you watched it dub. Was pretty much Slayers in Space.. Group picked up Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu from last season. Did the unusual and binged the first 6 episodes last night. It is a silly mostly stupid comedy, with that said it is entertaining.
  23. So I figured I gave this enough time to cool down a little bit and give it a watch. I got to the 3rd episode and I have hit a wall, I do eventually plan on moving forward but at this stage I think I have seen enough to see the point of some the more critical viewpoints. 1.) The first time I saw Vicious I literally laughed out loud. 2.) Faye is not Faye.. honestly with how much they have tried to mirror things it very much seems like the director or actress does not understand the character or needs better direction on how to play her. 3.) Jet has a wife and Kids? and Chalmers is with his replacement? C'mon man this is as funny as Vicious. At this stage, it very much feels like they are trying too hard. I love the opening, and I am enjoying the music in general. I think they have done a pretty good job so far on backgrounds and CG visuals. I could nitpick abit here and there, but I keep repeating this is not an Anime.
  24. There are a few titles on my radar for Winter 2022.. Arifureta is on it but on a short leash, it could easily pull the other slime series on me in the 2nd season and get dropped and forgotten. Realist Hero... looks promising, was into it enough to read some of the source material. Shuumatsu no Harem.. TBH it was already pissing people off. so it gets a watch by default. Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru.. I am familiar with the manga and I liked it. So on my list it goes. Princess Connect! Re:Dive Season 2... First season was entertaining, so why not. Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 3.. A rare series that the Mrs. enjoys. She knows its coming as I keep getting asked about it. There are a few more on the list that my group wants to check out.. like every season the list starts big.. and then gets whittled down to a handful a few episodes in.
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