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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. Hello everyone! Yes-we are finally back! First off the updates Old - Celeron 1.3Mhz 512MB ram New - Pentium 4 2.0Ghz 1GB ram Old - Ikonboard 3 (DBM-which we just plain killed) New - Invision Board 1.2 (MySql and Php-which is what we should have been 2 years ago) The good: The new forums should be able to handle our load The bad: There is just no way in hell to transfer all the info from the old boards. I've been trying for 2 weeks now to upgrade our IB to MySQL. The DBM files were just too damn big. Even when I had the server entirely to myself it would constantly time out on every procedure. Resigned myself to simply ditch the message transfer and go for a member only migration. 3700+ registered members killed this migration too. The upgrade software/methods just cannot deal with something so bloated (I don't blame the Ikonboard software at all-its been a great 2 years! All the trouble has been entirely my fault because I rode the DBM wagon much too long) So here we are. New boards, fresh members. I guess now is the time for all of you who wanted to change your screen name to do so. LOL We are going to indefinitely keep the old IB forums online (link below). You can gather important PM's or browse old posts at your leisure. I'm going to be bringing some of our very first posts back online in that forum(I have backups from the beginning). It will be our version of http://www.archive.org/ I'll turn the old boards back online on Friday evening(aug 22nd)-I want to monitor the server logs without the IB overhead right now. http://www.macrossworld.com/cgi-bin/mwf/ikonboard.cgi One more item-I'll add our "Macross" skin sometime this weekend. For those people who are really motivated and really bored, send me some skin designs I can use!! http://www.ibplanet.com/ Thanks again for all your patience in this move-I hope everyone has a lot of fun here! BTW: If you encounter and problems with the board (ie BUGS!! ) please email me ss455@aol.com asap so I can address them. Mods-please email me so I can re-establish your permissions (assuming you still want the JOBS! B) ) Best, Shawn
  2. Shawn

    Shawn Test Gallery

    testing gallery functions-something is wrong
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