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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. Its not about ownership, its about RESPECT. If you want to scan the original image yourself and post it to your website no one is stopping you. But if someone else took the time to scan and prep the image, and they ask you not to copy it just respect the request. Nobody on these forums owns any of this stuff-everyone knows that. But we are all fans-lets not step on each others toes when it comes to something like this. Not everyone has access to some of these rarer pics-and if we don't appreciate the effort it takes someone to work on these fan sites, how soon will it be before scans are NOT made anymore. Enough already. Thanks Shawn
  2. I will probably be attending too I HAVE to see Graham's valk collection. S
  3. That was won by a Rinkya member http://www.rinkya.com They are an auction bidding service like Celga or Shono Carl-perhaps you can contact them and ask them to forward an email to the winner of that auction S
  4. this seems fixed now
  5. trying to keep this board one running leaner than before 100 seems a 'sane' number (the limit was 500 before, but even THEN we had people hitting the barrier) S
  6. Not sure-but I will try! Perhaps this is something easy to do in the 'skins' section-if so i could easliy make a 'large font' option available Will look into this tonight when I get home S
  7. Seiichi emailed me and said that the IHP monster order project is sadly cancelled. Mr Sakuragawa is simply too busy to do the project. Sorry Shawn
  8. its already there here are the available upload options gif,jpeg,jpg,swf,png 64x64 try again? make sure the size is small?
  9. Just got home an hour ago had not time at all to work on the board skin-sorry (Yesterday I re-seeded my lawn for 7 hours and today was at work) A skin contest sounds like a great idea. Where do I sign up? LOL S
  10. yeah-I know going to change the old URL to be the same tomorrow Haven't found a way to hack the DBM files to change all the links to a new folder S
  11. noted will add that option tomorrow S
  12. Don't understand that Could you try a small animated gif and let me know Maybe there is a size limit(kb in addition to hxw) to the avatar S
  13. "quick reply" What is that? Sorry-the board soft is new to me S
  14. There is an Invision board chat option we could officially integrate into the forums, but its something like $50 a year If enough people are interested we could do that, but I would ask for contributions, as I never chat/irc myself http://www.invisionchat.com/ S
  15. Assume it wasn't a review but more of a post to amvs? I see our mods are back S
  16. I'll be activating the old forums late tonight S
  17. good idea-will see if that is an option with ipb It would also help in that I wouldn't have to post in 3 different forums when we have a major announcement(ie down for maintenance, yamato releasing a 1/1 vf-1...) S
  18. if its a cross-breed type of thread just pick one you like most everyone here checks both forums anyways S
  19. LOL Yeah-I missed that too S
  20. I just tested this It removes images and smilies emebedded in the thread but NOT attached images Not sure yet about the max pic size(wxh) option-but it has been recently brought up to investigate a way to put a cap on it (if you post a really large pic, then rest of the thread requires you to use the horizontal scrolling bard to read the post S
  21. When I turn the old boards back on please PM me so i don't forget S
  22. In the first day we had over 400 people register. So far I've had to manually fix around 10 accounts. Not exactly sure why some emails are not getting sent if you do register and don't get a confirmation email within an hour, please let me know ss455@aol.com S
  23. Regularly cleaning out the test forum main reasons: #1) Less off topic posts=faster board #2) Reduce 'abuse' ie posting a picture here using our server resources to show the picture on another website S
  24. 1/72 7 1/60 8 1/48 2 G-you have 10 1/48s?? Jerk
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