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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. perhaps not... it sold! for 95,000 yen
  2. Wow-just watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it! The many subtle gestures from plus, 7, and dyrl were great!
  3. Lately we've been getting a lot more attacks-the logs show we are frequently under various brute force type attacks I figure all the kids are off school on Christmas vacation and are bored and trying to crack all the boards they can find...
  4. Did they fix all the animation mistakes regarding color banding on the valks? When Max is in the Meltrandi ship fighting Milia, did they paint in his blue? Or at the end after Hikaru blasts Bodolza, did they paint in the stripe when the valk flips around in battroid mode? Or what about the most famous-when Focker flies into the scout ship chasing the VT-1? Is the canopy cover yellow (original) or black?
  5. I've tried ordering videos from amazon japan with no luck-they won't ship due to regional issues. Ok-stupid question Is HD region coded? I thought BluRay was not, and was wondering if I'd be able to play this on a player I'd purchase locally(US) S
  6. Arghh-let me think about where I had read this. I'm almost positive it was in the video interview from the Mixx software. I had those interviews translated years and years ago, but the notebooks that contain that translated data are in some box somewhere in my garage. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/games/mixx_front.jpg Anyhow it was absolutely in his VF-1 specs (although previously unpublished except from the interview) well before M0 came around. S
  7. The firewall does nothing but block certain IP addresses from access the site via HTTP-it is very specific. I know its like tech support asking you to email them when their computer is down, but if there is anyway to get the message out to those affected, that if they send or post their IP addresses here, I can go and make sure they are not blocked. I've not heard about this type of problem before-one computer can access, but another cannot from the same house, unless different software is being used. Perhaps a filtering program/ad blocker/.... Maybe MW got onto some blacklist? S
  8. When the idea hit-we were discussing a fan group name and server costs. http://groups.google.com/group/alt.fan.mac...953a9843459b62f Go Live Dec 1st, 1999! http://groups.google.com/group/alt.fan.mac...6fa8f1d7ab25678 Another site birthday coming up soon too
  9. Well not sure with just a click-that was sort of a joke. I imagine they are going to monitor traffic from us to them and see where you end up or something. Those details not quite worked out-and suspect it would be more of a monthly or onetime thing I'm sure.
  10. Sorry to have kept everyone in the dark-it was something Graham and I have been informally discussing with them for a quite a while now. (dropping little hints for the last couple years). It was as much a suprise to you as it was to me. It is a trial run (probably just to shut us up) for a couple months, just as we did with our first sponsored banner run about two years ago for the Hikaru toy (not so successful from our end-we saw absolutely nothing from it). You won't see anything Macross related in that upper right corner, as there are unresolved licensing issues that will be with us for the rest of our fandom, but that's life, get used to it, we all have. LOL The banner is unobtrusive, not flashing in your face, and is for the Proto-Garland (one of my personal favorite designs). What more could I ask for I really hope it develops into something tangible after the trial (solely tentative on any traffic it may generate), as it would be great to finally get some of my server costs offset, but that would be the extent of it. Fansites are fansites-all manufacturers take their licks about the merchandise they make, so nothing would change for anyone here. Having any sort of elevated status would not be fair. I'd just like to thank them for finally giving us a trial shot. Go Megazone! Click click! Shawn
  11. Our firewall is set to automatically block any IP address it finds attempting a brute force attack. Get your IP range from your home computer and send to me (PM) and I'll remove the block. Until someone in your area tries again, you'll be good to go. Most of the automatic blocks are from people randomly trying to crack any server they can connect to, sorry you were affected by this. Shawn
  12. Yes, lets please not bring this subject up anymore on these boards
  13. test post countdown to forum upgrade begun...
  14. please review your time now the server's time zone was set for CDT and the board PDT now everything is CDT
  15. Preorder on Yahoo Japan- http://page12.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/p73576930 http://page12.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/p73576932
  16. Our friend is creating a Japanese Macross 25th anniversary website. He is advertising in NewType,Animedia, and other forums asking for original Macross art work. Characters,scenes,mecha... You'll get full credit for everything you submit, but it must be original-no scans or modified copyrighted art. Sounds like a very cool idea-wonder how many submissions he has been getting! 25 years-holy cow. Shawn
  17. Picked this up at my Barnes and Noble this weekend http://www.amazon.com/Grumman-F-14-Tomcat-...TF8&s=books Really good book-pictures are just amazing. Text is mainly snippets of commentary from those who have flown her-some are just insane. You can pick it up and read from anywhere. Highly recommended! smile.gif http://f14tomcatbook.com/ByeByeBaby.html Shawn
  18. Beautiful work-I'm in love with that VF-1 Can't wait to see more!
  19. Incredible work One thing I love about these CG models is the fact that they can look like primered resin or plastic model kits. If I knew anything about CG I'd never even color them in Next best thing to actually breaking them out of the box. It would be cool to have a virtual model kit program with all the pieces from a real one scanned in Anyhow-can't wait to see more! Shawn
  20. Graham.. Time to make the call.... Shawn
  21. Macross Nexus of course. Really opened my eyes at how much of a dinosaur the main site is LOL Jealous!!! I hope that site reeeeeeally takes off-very impressive.
  22. Wow-now that is awesome work! Did you base it on the Imai 1/72 kit? Some of the dimensions look very similar. http://www.starshipmodeler.com/mecha/ls_mos.htm Shawn
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