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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. So the infamous DYRL TV Special is finally out of the bag! Someone posted their version online! For the old timers, if you remember our good friend Seiichi, he provided me a copy which I had translated (none other than Matt Alt!) 15 years ago, had subbed, and showed at I think 2 MW Cons, way back in the day. The subbed version disappeared with another old MW member who moved out of state. Been looking for my copy since, but now someone else has posted theirs! This TV Special is absolutely incredible, and worth the 30 minutes to view in its entirety. When you get to the 21 minute 21 second mark, you'll get goosebumps going behind the scenes at Tatsunoku Studios when they are actually animating the movie. Enjoy the video, and enjoy the translation, which I'm attaching as a PDF here!! 1...2...3... MACROSS!!!!!!!!!!! Macross_DYRL_TV_Special_1984_MacrossWorld.pdf
  2. Totally spaced on this one, when was this announced? http://58x5x155x204.ap58.ftth.ucom.ne.jp/eng/10456006 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pre-Order-Listing-Macross-Archives-Super-Dimension-Fortress-Macross-ANIME-Cool-/132179468779?hash=item1ec682a1eb Anyone have info? S
  3. We cleaned up some posts that were pinned for years...just stale. If they prove useful, please send me the direct link and I can re-pin Shawn
  4. FYI update regarding the thumbnail issue, its been escalated up the IPB support chain, they found a minor bug in the conversion, and are working on a solution for us, should be resolved very soon. RedWolf, could you please provide us with some additional information on what you did(an example post we can test here), the behavior you saw, and what you expected? Just need some more info to help troubleshoot. Thanks again everyone for your patience through the transition. Shawn
  5. Yeah...Legacy is still offline until I bring it up again, sorry!! I want to see if I can find a way to migrate them into the current board software, and then after I bang my head for a couple weeks not getting anywhere, I'll just turn the thing on again. ha! Shawn
  6. Could you PM me your email address please? (the one you want to change it TO, not current) We have something called "IPS Spam Service" enabled on the site, comes with the board. Perhaps it is flagging that domain somehow? Thanks! Shawn
  7. Regarding the older post thumbnails, I rebuilt everything (took about 22 hours), and physically see the new thumbnails generated in the upload folder, but the posts links are apparently bad, and can't resolve. Going to need to see what I can fix via sql updates. This update was the most painful one we've done, but we will get it sorted out, just hang in there a bit longer.
  8. I've got remote images enabled, and for them to cache indefinitely, so once posted they should stay live. We always prefer a local uploaded file, because almost all external linked pictures get abandoned at some point, but the board lives forever (LOL) I was mucking around with that settings in that area last night trying to fix our thumbnail issue from older posts, so perhaps I tripped that during the time you were doing the post, or just after. It (IPB) says in the settings " A copy of the remote image will be downloaded to your server and stored for the specified length of time. After this time, the stored image is deleted and will be downloaded again if it is viewed again. " which sounds like it might be what you experienced.
  9. Regarding the Editor, I went in and added all the available buttons on the toolbar. If there is something that would be helpful, looks like we can add additional functions from here to the default CKEditor this uses. http://ckeditor.com/addons/plugins/all Just let me know. S
  10. Replied in that thread, and will update in this one. Looks like some of the thumbnail conversions did not work. We have hosted 33GB of images, so there were bound to be some things that did not work as expected. Shawn
  11. If anyone has problems with anything in the forums after the upgrade, I ask that you please post them to the feedback link I have pinned in he Member Feedback area of the board. I was unaware of this problem in this thread, as most of the posts seemed to converted correctly when I spot check. The problem is that some of the thumbnails apparently did not build correctly, so I will re-build them tonight and we'll see if that fixes it. I'll post updates for this issue in that feedback thread. Thank you Shawn
  12. I think when Invision Board went from IPB 3.x to 4.x, that the concept of "Full Editor" has disappeared when creating a new reply. Only posting, then editing it afterwards does it bring back anything close to the older type editor. Will keep looking for a better answer, right now got nothing...
  13. Yeah, turned off almost all the notifications by default. Might turn off another one or two, like the PM one...as you already know you have a message by looking at the message icon. I enabled user control over all of them, so everyone can do what they wish
  14. Found numerous issues with the MWDarkBlue theme...but it was free, so can't really complain. Just installed a new dark theme which should fix the majority of the issues. Has a lot of custom features that everyone can adjust, will dig in deeper this weekend. Right now just wanted it to work and be readable. Shawn
  15. Enabled member notification settings-you should be able to adjust. There are a LOT of notifications now...may need to turn off this new feature or seriously prune what is enabled by default.
  16. This is the placeholder for all bugs and config changes with the new software. Please post any issues here! Thank you Shawn
  17. Hi everyone! Its that time again...our long-termers know what that sentence means. We are changing service providers once again!! I've got the server provisioned, and going to be upgrading and migrating data so we'll be offline for a bit. Increase in Ram, going to SSD, should make a peppy improvement. Outage will be from December 17th through 26th, so please wrap up any For Sale/PM transactions before this time!! Have a lot of cleanup to do and not going to rush it. When we return we'll be on the new Invision Board software as well, so expect some changes and please be patient (who doesn't hate change!) Wish everyone Happy Holidays and will see you on the other side!! Best, Shawn
  18. Hi everyone! Its that time again...our long-termers know what that sentence means. We are changing service providers once again!! I've got the server provisioned, and going to be upgrading and migrating data so we'll be offline for a bit. Increase in Ram, going to SSD, should make a peppy improvement. Outage will be from December 17th through 26th, so please wrap up any For Sale/PM transactions before this time!! Have a lot of cleanup to do and not going to rush it. When we return we'll be on the new Invision Board software as well, so expect some changes and please be patient (who doesn't hate change!) Wish everyone Happy Holidays and will see you on the other side!! Best, Shawn
  19. Hi everyone! Its that time again...our long-termers know what that sentence means. We are changing service providers once again!! I've got the server provisioned, and going to be upgrading and migrating data so we'll be offline for a bit. Increase in Ram, going to SSD, should make a peppy improvement. Outage will be from December 17th through 26th, so please wrap up any For Sale/PM transactions before this time!! Have a lot of cleanup to do and not going to rush it. When we return we'll be on the new Invision Board software as well, so expect some changes and please be patient (who doesn't hate change!) Wish everyone Happy Holidays and will see you on the other side!! Best, Shawn
  20. Yet another incredible Con, you guys have outdone yourselves again! We had so much fun and met a lot of new and old friends! Everyone was beyond friendly. Thank you MacrossWorld Convention team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Wow...Congratulations Gwyn, Adrian, and Renato (and now I finally know Renato's last name!), this is an outstanding achievement!! They are true Macross fans that are giving back to the fandom. And to boot, they are doing the english subtitles for Delta! What a time we are living through, who would have ever thought I could go get a Macross book and watch the latest Blu-Ray and not wait for a translation. You guys rock, THANK YOU!!! (and your speakerpodcast is awesome too) EVERYONE PLEASE SUPPORT THESE PROJECTS! Shawn
  22. My family and I are bringing a bunch of stuff again this year...so please come over to the vendor area and say hi! We'll be offering toys, model kits, books, and magazines at very competitive prices. We are not looking to make a profit, just recover the original item costs + the big yearly server host fees...it ain't cheap! See you soon! Shawn
  23. Wow! Never knew that!! Thanks! http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Constellation_class_model https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.sf.scale-models/MelRLsuLsYk https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.sf.scale-models/haAq3eT6Bms
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