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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. yep-that just looks awesome, thanks! The black heat shield is definitely my personal preference, as incorrect as it may be.
  2. I like how it was still referred to as a Super Valkyrie, because Bandai didn't coin 'Strike' until 85
  3. So yesterday I pulled the Riobot Legioss off the shelf (was in soldier/battroid mode) and decided to get it to go into fighter mode. OMG it was a big hot mess of 'how in the heck do I move this to be over there' and 'there to here'. Couldn't remember what position/slot the legs needed to be in for a tight compact fighter mode (I guessed wrong) Now it is back in fighter mode, one side is a little bit droopier than the other(wings). The slightest touch and the arms disengage from their little slots. I enjoy the sculpt, but I sure wish they could dial back the transformation complexity a bit. Or just make the toy larger, as the pieces are so damn small. That could help a little when trying to figure out what goes where. This thing should not be 1/48 scale, in my opinion. Wonder if anything will be improved on the next version.
  4. 'Cause of the animation 'errors'! I've always liked this variant
  5. Waiting for someone to take the black focker heatshield and put it on their hikaru vf-1s please I want to see both movie 'variants' side by side please
  6. Shawn

    Macross Books

    December 4th coming soon! https://twitter.com/MasterFileblog/status/1329007005759991808 Just noticed on some clearer pictures, we have Japanese text(expected), English Text (awesome), and Zentradi!??? https://www.amazon.co.jp/マクロス-河森正治デザイナーズノート-河森正治/dp/4797397187 Gotta break out our Nichimo Zentradi stamp kit translation aides! S
  7. Yep-its out. Another one. Sweet! Now I gotta find a good deal, as I missed out on the pre-order. https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d492100051
  8. Does this mean it is out already? (are those stock pictures we've seen before? Can't remember) https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/v765128652
  9. Shawn

    Macross Books

    It has english text? No way! https://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-Shoji-Kawamori-Designers-Note-Special-Book-624-pages-Official-PSL/143851971405
  10. I'm a huge fan of his work, think I have 10 of his amazing making of books-the things are heavy as tanks and take an entire bottom shelf. Getting the new Aliens book for Christmas, its on my list, I can't wait! Just saw on Amazon he has Pancreatic Cancer, which is horrible http://www.jwrinzler.com/blog/jwr-update-from-genevieve-rinzler If you've been on the bench, go grab his books, they are fantastic reads while we are all trapped in our houses. And send your best thoughts to him and his family http://www.jwrinzler.com/star-wars-books.html http://www.jwrinzler.com/books-on-cinema.html Shawn
  11. please just one thread about complaints.. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/47618-n-y-thread-help-complain-rejoicemeh/
  12. Low-Viz in the house! Nice build. https://hobbycom.jp/my/586665d5de/photo/products/100751
  13. Finally! I've loved the Nichimo model colors, now we'll get some toys! Milia should be next then!
  14. That would be terrifying to see in real-life....great job!!
  15. I grew up with the Imai 1/72 Variable valks and the Robotech Changers releases (they were cheaper!) Here is an incredible, lets say 1/20ish version! All 3D printed. With a little modification you could turn this into the HCM like Bandai did ha! https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4097191 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe8SMlyTgmfrDt9yrx3_gAg/videos
  16. Pushed another maintenance update, please holler how 35 new things broke S
  17. Nichimo is in the house!
  18. Do you recall what your general search term was? Did you search for sdf-1 or just generic macross? Any chance one of these rings a bell? https://aucview.aucfan.com/yahoo/d192454823/ https://aucview.com/yahoo/r245217302/ https://aucview.aucfan.com/yahoo/b227221570/ https://aucview.aucfan.com/yahoo/w90673659/ https://aucview.aucfan.com/yahoo/c381425665/
  19. Do you remember how much you won it for? And just to confirm-it was in a baggie with a B&W label, not a box?
  20. ok...2 more from the saved archives
  21. Still drawing a blank on this SDF-1 kit, which is quite frustrating. A resin kit of the SDF-1 from 1984? Movie promo...on YJA about 8 months ago, white box with black text. And you were the only bidder. I've gone back to dec2018 on both sdf-1 and dyrl queries...see nothing so far. No chance it was mis-filed in your memory as one of these? And it was YJA, not ebay or mercari? I still believe!!!
  22. thank goodness because I had no idea what was happening! LOL
  23. I am getting messenger notifications,but i've not tried to subscribe to a forum topic in quite some time I changed a notfication setting so maybe that will flush it out
  24. Can you give me a screen shot or two? I'm not seeing that behavior in desktop chrome
  25. Yeah-you are referring to the 1/5000 Sample SDF-1, but they said non-scale, which eliminates that option. also "IiRC, the box also had printed reference of the release of the movie."..which this one doesn't. Maybe a date range could be supplied for the auction in question? I've saved off quite a few old auctions, there is an infinitively small chance I might have it on an old hard drive.
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