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    Shawn MW

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  1. I can see how someone getting sold on a restoration service for multiple TV series, and missing something like that as annoying it can be, just because of the sheer volume of content to audit. Those Lucy background faces are horrific, but in the comments they say a replacement disc is an option, so I'm thankful they owned up to it. DYRL is just 90m, someone better be monitoring that thing closely so they do not release anything close to that mess. I personally do not want to see an AI upscale cleanup of the movie, I want to see what Miyatake and Kawamori and Itano and the rest actually drew, with the best available scanning technology. If some scenes are blurry they are blurry, thats life, I'm not sure I want to see an AI guess at what is there and try to redraw it. Just one month to go, give us some more teaser pics already.
  2. I am impatiently waiting for any sort of new trailer or new info on the release. For being the ultimate scan/restoration I thought they be hyping it up a bit more releasing more screenshots or something by now. In the back of mind I am dreading an AI restoration and all grain removal. I'm sure it's not that but give me something new to make my $150 purchase more comfortable to swallow.
  3. I see it says Marking Sticker on the product page
  4. Here is one you can buy! https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w1164532416 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1P73xc2xCZh5GcUA7Gid2LBxcENNXu3Qr
  5. Interesting, I think the source for this could have been the 2007 DVD release, as the previous blu-ray versions had some animation errors corrected (i.e. filling in the missing paint gap in the operators hand, or Focker's yellow chest during being captured), and the infamous milia head crush/sdf-1 head chop being blurred/censored. I don't think we've had the unfixed animation errors + uncensored head in any Blu-Ray release have we? 2007 DVD regular = unfixed animation + uncensored (what I think the source for the 4k upscale is) 2007 DVD Remastered = fixed animation + uncensored 2012 PS3 hybrid version = fixed animation + censored 2016 Blu-Ray = fixed animation + uncensored The source for this upscale seems to be the remastered DVD right?
  6. Latest news https://macross.jp/contents/843354 The region blocked video is just the trailer from a few months ago
  7. From one of the art books youtube compression is playing major havoc with that video as well, I am very very sure.
  8. Its neat, but my opinion they should have kept it 24fps and skipped all the interpolation to get it to 60fps The motion is just odd in almost every scene where there is panning or action. It was drawn at 24fps-just keep it there and work on picture quality. Again just my opinion, not bashing the project at all.
  9. I don't often bring a thread back from the depths, but this is a great video on the Remember Me game
  10. Found this pic, might get more info 12/5? https://x.com/macrossD/status/1859606752570069124/photo/1
  11. So the pics on the box are darker, but they actually looks lighter than the original, makes total sense. And now I know why no blister pics of the missiles...thrown into the bottom of the case to save some $ on a redesign. That is pretty funny
  12. In their tradition of displaying the toy like the art (Imai Box art, done by Suzuki, who was often inspired by Takani) So these can be called Suzuki hands!
  13. Doesn't one of these paint guides exist for the TV series? yes one does...anyone have this?
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