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Thurvel-Salan Class Battleship
The mainstay of the Zentradi fleets for at least 500 millennia, the Thurvel Salan Class Battleships remain the primary combat vessel of the Zentradi war machine. Built in the latter era of the Protoculture and used extensively during the Schism War, the Thurvel Salan's impressive design and functionality guaranteed a long service life. The ship features numerous beam and missile weapon emplacements all along the craft and the practical wedge-shaped hull enables the Thurvel Salan to bring to bear the maximum number of guns possible against a target vessel at nearly any angle. In addition to firepower, the Thurvel Salan also carries numerous Glaug mecha, Gnerl Fighter Pods and Re-Entry ships for transporting land-based mecha to the surface of a planet.
  • Album created by Chthonic
  • Updated
  • 9 images

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