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Uraga Class Escort Battle Carrier
The Uraga Class Escort Battle Carrier is the next generation stealth carrier built to replace the Guantánamo Class Stealth Carriers. The Uraga Class, built with weaponry, armor and maneuverability comparable to a cruiser, is often used as the flagship of small fleets. At 550 meters long, the Uraga Class ships are much larger conventional spacecraft but still significantly smaller than the SDF-1 Macross or the later New Macross Class ships. The Uraga is built with a stealth composition and features a dual deck launching system for variable fighters; one deck running the latter dorsal two-thirds of the ship and an internal deck underneath with a launching deck in the forward third. This efficient deck design allows rapid deployment of multiple craft simultaneously and has become common on many UN Spacy carrier vessels. Sourc: Macross Mecha Manual
  • Album created by Chthonic
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Can you give me 3d model obj please


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