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  2. I didn't get the impression that Michelle Yeoh was in any way a victim here. Maybe I'm the victim of successful PR, but it always seemed to me like she'd been pushing for this series/movie to happen and enjoyed playing the mirror version of the character. I felt a little bit like I was watching a Stephen Segal film or a later Rock film.
  3. Today
  4. Indeed you did, but I was determined... and I managed to watch this dreck without giving Paramount one thin dime. If anything, the camera work in the bar scene screamed "parody". It's the kind of camera work you'd expect in a spy movie spoof like Austin Powers, Johnny English, etc. That's the thing... it doesn't. Mind you, this isn't something we can credit the writers of Section 31 with even a little as it was foreshadowed as far back as the original Mirror Universe episode "Mirror, Mirror" (TOS) in 2267 and established to have already happened by the time of "Crossover" (DS9) in 2370. The Terran Empire was a profoundly unstable and unsustainable government that was forever at risk of collapsing in on itself like a failed souffle. The "glue" that kept the Empire together at the societal level was a combination of militant xenophobia and an extreme form of Social Darwinism. The Terrans are products of an alternate history full of awfulness that left them societally paranoid, and the event that led to the Empire's formation was the ultimate paranoia fuel: the existence of aliens. First Contact in 2063 led the Terrans to form the Terran Empire for fear of being invaded and conquered by hostile aliens. They've basically been burning the universe down ever since, having channeled their xenophobia into a Humanity-first master race ideology. That paranoia-fueled initial violent expansion into the greater galaxy became a self-fulfilling doom spiral. The Empire could only be maintained by keeping the population focused on external threats, to the point that it became circular logic. The Empire needed more resources because it was expanding and conquering new territory, and it was expanding and conquering new territory because it needed more resources. Eventually they were going to run up against an enemy they couldn't beat or the pace of their expansion would exceed the rate of new resources coming in and the whole thing would fall apart. Mirror!Spock predicted in 2267 that the Terran Empire would last at most another 240 years unless its internal policies changed dramatically. We already knew from "Crossover" (DS9) that Mirror!Spock's prediction turned out to be excessively optimistic and the Terran Empire had long since been overthrown by the Klingon Cardassian Alliance as of 2370 (103 years later). As of 2324 in Section 31, the Terran Empire seems to be at death's door because it has run out of resources and can no longer sustain the expansionism that's keeping its populace united. Pre-Kurtzman materials suggested that Mirror!Spock became Emperor at some point after 2267 and tried to reform the Empire into a more peaceful democratic society like the Federation, only for it to be subsequently overrun and conquered by the vengeful Klingon Cardassian Alliance in 2295. The novels from the Relaunch series also suggested that, after the Terran rebellion overthrew the Klingon Cardassian Alliance in the 2370s, they had learned enough about the value of cooperation and compassion to form a Federation-like government of their own and had made peaceful first contact with the (much kinder and more benevolent) Mirror!Dominion. Kurtzman-era materials seem to be a lot more pessimistic. Unless that rift is doing some timey-wimey stuff, the Terran Empire seems to still be around (but actively falling apart under the weight of a resourse crisis) in 2324. We also know from Prodigy that they didn't learn anything and simply reformed the Empire by 2384 after defeating the Klingon Cardassian Alliance
  5. https://www.timeextension.com/news/2025/01/heres-your-best-look-yet-at-taki-udons-superstation-one-fpga-ps1-and-you-can-order-it-now
  6. Right there you have already put more thought into it then the writers did.
  7. @nightmareB4macross The engineering and thought behind that is phenominal! Love that you captured that 'toed-out' stance that is iconic for the Gerwalk.
  8. Thanks for the heads up! I think this will now be the fourth time I've bought "Bubblegum Crisis". One day I will learn to stop buying "Bubblegum Crisis"... πŸ˜…
  9. You should have posted the boxes in the β€œFor Sale” thread. I know for a fact many of us would have snatched them up.
  10. I had zero interest in watching this, and now that has somehow become minus. I will gladly let this reside in your braincase, living rent free as I whistle upon my merry way - way way from this! A salute your sacrifice! ...I do wonder how the Empire survives at all with so much back-stabbing and outright murder. If no one blinks at someone killing their entire family for power, then they are all basically psychopaths, which means there should be nothing stable enough for their entire society to stand on. Rulers gain (and sustain) power through power blocs, which seems to a certain extent you can trust that the Emperor will not betray you, because enough people will be around after to pull the old 'Julius Caeser pin-cushion' on them. This however, describes an Empire in a state of continual flux, paranoia and madness that, again, is unsustainable. Even the most ruthless of dictatorships can't survive without reaching its own level of stability. Yet all we have seen of the Terran Empire, is one that cannot sustain itself for as long as it susposed to have had.
  11. I decided I am not selling any of my Macross toys about a month ago. I doubled down by throwing the boxes out. I know that might upset some collectors. But if Im not selling, those boxes take up a lot of storage space.
  12. That looks so darned good it almost brings tears to my eyes! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜±
  13. I kind of feel that it had a bad ending that kinda ruined it for me. Sorta the it was just a dream sorta feel. And there really are a lot of lesbian witch shows lately, most in space though, so having these on the ground was slightly different.
  14. Now that it's the 26th, has anyone come across anyone who watched the remaster and what they thought of it?
  15. I tried to warn you Seto! Your 13 minute mark is where I decided this film has no hope at all of being good - or even watchable. The intro on the mirror universe was bad The info dump briefing was a badly hacked attempt at the Mission Impossible "this tape will self destruct" briefing (or the Star Wars opening scroll). THEN that bar scene starts and just the camera work alone screams out garbage coming up!
  16. Dunno, I say "doo".
  17. As a prototype, yes, it may be possible. As a mass production toy, that maybe highly unlikely. But until proven I just don’t see this sold as a standard production toy.
  18. Daaaaaaaang. As always, I salute your suffering.
  19. Robo-doo-doo-doo, push pineapple, shake the tree. 🍍😎
  20. NEVER trust my pronunciations! They're always the least researched part of the video.
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