1/32 Perfect Detail Legioss AFC-01H
#6 September 28th, 2001
do some catching up!
John's Legioss is really taking form! John was going to do a write up, but really-do the pictures need it? haha
Here you can see the full range of motion for the arm, and the incredible INDEPENDENTLY poseable fingers.
Shoulder details! One word-wow!
The 3 barrel Thunder Stick!
Uhmmm-this is the leg.
And the multi-poseable foot! It will be ball jointed for that wide stance cool posing our robots so desperately need!
Torso shots. Looking pretty tough!
The money shot! Check out the engine nacelle with removable turbine!
Here is a basic body assembly of all the pieces you see above.
Look at all the fine detail engraved into the canards and front fuselage!
Oh..did he mention
that the radome can be OPENED to show the radar assembly!!?
I think you need to take some deep breaths before you pass out!
Lets throw in a full motion landing gear strut shot, and oh...independently operated wing flaps and slats. ohhh mamma!
The plane boss!
The plane!
All the glorious pieces put together in fighter mode.
Well kids-that's
going to do it for this update. Much thanks to John for keeping us all up to
date on this incredible project!
Don't forget to go check out his incredible formula cars on his homepage!
Stay tuned for the next update?! Probably late October!
Regards, John
F. Moscato
Renaissance Art Models