- Also
attached is a a picture of the cover art of the Box Fire # 2 Macross
7 LD box set. Nice picture looks like Mikimoto's work.
- Studio
Half Eye is now advertising their Variable VA-3 Garage kit which will
be released in late October. I actually managed to see photos of the
prototype of this kit taken at the 1998 Jaf-Con. Unfortunately, I
wasn't able to get a copy of the photos to scan. I'm guessing release
was delayed for so long due to SHE's variable Getta Robo project taking
up so much time. Attached is a scan of the black and white VA-3 advertisement.
- As
I've mentioned in previous letters, garage kit manufacturer Yellow
Submarine is releasing a series of 1/144 scale VF Fighter mode kits
based on the VF-X game. The first three kits, the VF-4G, VF-17D and
VF-11B are now available. The VF-1, VF-19A VF-22 are to follow shortly.
Attached is a picture of the box art of the VF-11B and VF-17D kits.
If any body would like to see pictures of the painted kits please
let me know.
- The
plastic die-cast metal non-transforming Bandai Super Deformed VF-1
Battroid toys are out soon. Although I've mentioned these toys in
previous newsletters, I thought I would give you all a reminder as
they are due out in October. I have a couple of other toys in this
series (Combattler V and Mazinger Z) and if you like the SD format,
they are worth getting (picture attached).
- Lastly,
the English lyrics for the VF-X2 opening song, "Get Free"
taken from the CD single inlay.
Get Free
Get Free Get Free
Behold the everything too much is your fences
in the world.
Behave the talking, your crazy self defense
in your life.
If you can cry, if you can find,
But, I repeat the same offense,
What on the Earth, Why do you mean.
You know doing such a endless (sic) fight.