AKB 0048! The dramatic saga of Howard’s hat! Valk Shortages!
……oh and something about a 1:1 Valkyrie too 😉
With the 30th Anniversary of Macross in full swing, it’s time for another episode of Macross SpeakerPODcast!

Official Macross World Podcast
‘New’ Macross Podcast (Ep. 3) is LIVE!
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And when I say ‘new’ I mean ‘its a few months old.’ There were some server/hosting issues that are now all worked out (thanks a bunch to EXO for all his help!) – so I should be able to get this thing posted a lot quicker in the future. Still, not only do we discuss some of the concerts that happened earlier on in the year, we also have a very special guest in the form of Tim Eldred from Starblazers.com!
As always, any feedback, suggestions or requests are greatly appreciated, so feel free to sound off over in the forums.
So sit back, pump the volume up, and remember, as Save says, ‘Who cares? Aya Endo!’
Episode 2 is back up! –Â Once again hearkening back to those primitive times of 2011 comes our original 2nd episode of Macross SpeakerPODcast – now with improved audio for your listening pleasure!
With this we have all episodes to date (1-3) hosted here on Macross World. Episode 4 was recorded yesterday and I hope to have it edited and encoded by the end of the week. Once again, from episode 4 onwards I will be providing descriptions and timestamps for ongoing episodes.
As always, any feedback or suggestions are welcome.
Download episode 2 here (right-click, save as)
Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to us on iTunes!
With Megaupload being gone, and given the generally positive reaction Episode 3 has received (thanks for the feedback guys!), I am re-encoding Episodes 1 & 2 of the podcast and posting them here in Macross World.
This is the first episode we attempted to record – the weekend after Wings of Farewell hit cinemas in Japan. This was long before any sort of English translations were available so we discuss general opinions about the film at the time, as well as report on the various events that were happening in Japan to commemorate both its opening and the final end of the Macross Frontier rollercoaster that had been going strong for the past 3 years.
Please keep in mind that there were several technical issues and the acoustics were far from great (this is something we have improved in subsequent episodes).
For anyone who missed it the first time around, I hope you have as much fun listen to it as we had recording it.
Download here (right-click, save as)
Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to us on iTunes!