Hasegawa’s other release announcement is the 1/48 scale version of the Max and Milia VF-1J Valkyries. Sold complete with Super Packs, these kits’ new features are the RMS-1 reaction missiles. These can either be built as Max, Milia or any 1J custom and are scheduled for release in June of this year.
Category: Models
Thanks to members jocasle and TMBounty_Hunter for the scoop. Looks like there’s no stopping Hasegawa’s series of 1/72 Macross Frontier Valkyries. This time it’s going to be Luca Angelloni’s radomed RVF-25 Messiah. This is scheduled for a July 2014 release.
“Macrosshare Radio” (more like a podcast) presents one more episode in an ongoing series of interviews with creative Macross fans !
In this 1 hour 3 minute episode, John Moscato also known as Captain America on the Macross World forum:
- Shares his experiences about his latest completed modeling work on the 1/48 “Pinky Space Crab” resin model kit
- Answers some questions from his “fans”
- Reveals his thoughts on the modeling design process for the legendary 1/32 Legioss resin model kit
- Discusses the pro’s and con’s on hobby modeling for the Wonderfest modeling conventions.
A production model diary .pdf file has been compiled to chronicle John’s recently completed and sold out 1/48 Inbit Gurab resin model kit.
A 1/32 Legioss production model diary is also available for reading, so you can see which parts of the Legioss model John is talking about.
(download – right click & ‘save as’)
You can also listen to the previous three John Moscato interview episodes on the Mixlr Macrosshare Show Reel by clicking here.
Hasegawa 1:72 VF-25F/S Messiah Released
A year ago we posted that Hasegawa was going to release a kit of the VF-25 from Macross Frontier even though it was thought that Bandai had a death grip on the license. This week, the 1/72 scale model was finally released in Japan. Hopefully, the very talented roster of master model builders from our forums will start posting their build ups soon. Meanwhile here’s the box art and some more images after the jump!
With under a month and a half to go until the upcoming release of the Zentran-mori Macross Frontier blu-ray boxset, a bunch of events and merch have been announced to help Macross fans empty their wallets in time for Xmas.
All the details follow the JUMP!

Saturday, November 2, 2013 at noon / 1200 hours Central Standard Time on the Macross World forum, a live interview will be held on the Macross World forum with John Moscato / Captain America, model maker extraordinaire!
The John Moscato online interview will be presented both as a forum interview with questions / comments / pictures posted on the Macross World forum and as a live podcast on the Macrosshare Radio Mixlr account.
Initially, I will be posting 28 interview questions on the forum from a recent email interview with John. One interview question / answer will be posted every 3-5 minutes, so that you can share comments, pictures and pose questions to John about his modeling projects during the interview. Every 15 minutes, a new segment of the ongoing live interview will be posted through the “Macrosshare Radio” Mixlr account. I will be posting weblinks to the interview segments on the forum as the podcasts become available. The live audio interview podcast will be presented as 3-4 parts of 10 minutes each. Next week, I will present a final edition of the John Moscato audio interview podcast.
For this afternoon, John will answer as many questions as he can before he heads out for a Halloween party.
There will also be made available on bittorrent the “Moscato Model Retrospective Collection”! It will include a a large collection of completed model pictures contributed by the many talented model builders from the Macross World forum as well as Model Production Diairies in PDF format that show John’s model work in progress.
Hasegawa has release images of their 1/48 VF-1J Anniversario valkyrie. They previously released the 1/72 version but this release will coincide with their 1/48 VF with Strike Packs as reported here.
After more than 3 years after the release of their first 1/48 VF-1 Valkyrie, Hasegawa finally announces their new kits that will include a strike pack. Model kit building Macross fans will be happy to finally give the classic VF-1 fighter some 0-G lovin’ sometime later this year. According to HLJ, they’ll be releasing the VF-1A/S kit.
Can’t wait to see the prototype…
Along side the Strke valkyrie, they’ll also be releasing the 30th Anniversario valkyrie designed by Tenjin in 1/48 (sans strike/super packs.)
Thanks to valkyriepm for posting.
Sorry I haven’t been able to update the toy and model news… long trips plus MWCon… less time. But here’s the new box art for the 1:72 VF-25F/S from Hasegawa as panted by Hidetaka Tenjin, of course! Goegeous as always. I can’t wait to see the build ups of these babies from our forum model masters!
Thanks to Vi-RS for posting the box art for the Hasegawa 1/72 scale 30th Anniversary VF-1A, scheme designed by Tenjin.