It’s been February 28 for all of 1hr 20mins here in Japan, meaning that Macross 30 has officially been released! Since Japan doesnt do midnight launches, most people will have to wait until tomorrow to get their hands on the game. In the meantime, let’s take a look at some unboxing pics. Many thanks to Save who not only took the pics, but also tramped around Akihabara today to get some photos from the release of Haruka Chisuga’s OP/ED single for the game.

Full gallery of pics after the jump!
Before the gallery however, is a pic of the first time ‘Pineapple Salad’ gets mentioned in the game…as a threat! lol!

Yesterday also saw the release of the Opening and Ending Single for the game – most anime-related stores featured displays for the single and, going by the number of autographed signs, Haruka Chisuga had been making quite a few in-store appearances earlier in the day.
Get your copy of Macross 30? Watching people live-stream it? Sound off in the FORUMS!