From the far flung past of September 2012 comes… EPISODE 6 of MACROSS SPEAKERPODCAST!
After the craziness that was last episodes M.ALTcast, the crew takes things down a notch to discuss the first set of 30th Anniversary events.
Hear what Miyatake has to say about Macross on Bluray, Richard’s encounter with Aya Endo, why Chie shouldn’t wear pink, and Renato’s first hand account of Noboru Ishiguro’s Memorial Service.
Also debuting this episode is the very first MACROSS VOX POP. These are small, 5 minute interviews that members of the cast do with fellow Macross fans that they stumble across in Japan.
(download – right click & ‘save as’)
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Timestamps and more follow the jump…
00:02:25 – What we’ve been watching
00:17:06 – Otakon 2012 – Hidetaka Tenjin & Studio Satelight panels
00:26:33 – Chie Kajiura’s Birthday Live
00:41:15 Macross The Gengaten Exhibition
01:15:04 – Meeting Miyatake
01:20:35 – Richard gets spanked by Aya Endo
01:28:32 – Tomo Sakurai’s Lemon Angel Club Special Edition 1988
Renato’s two-part writeup on Ishiguro can be found here: PART 1 & PART 2
Got comments? Questions? Requests? As always, we appreciate any feedback you might have over at the FORUMS.